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Everything posted by Kolor

  1. Reminds me of this: http://torrentfreak.com/pirated-copy-of-the-hurt-locker-airs-on-national-tv-110306/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Torrentfreak+%28Torrentfreak%29 So much fail in the world.
  2. Tell him to delete his mods/promodlive206 folder before connecting. OR you have different iwd files on your server and your http redirect (even 1 byte off will start this looping), try copying the files directly off your server back to your redirect server.
  3. A cheat name/website was mentioned here ^^
  4. TL;DR --E2A I think the 200,000+ PB or PB assisted bans on the PBBans MBi would dispute this statement somewhat. Punkbuster is not perfect, far from it, but compared the alternatives (VAC or Sweet FA) I know it's the one I'd choose every time. Look forward to seeing you join the other 200K punks soon
  5. As with any overlay there will always be a risk, but I've been using PlayClaw for well over a year now and never had any issues.
  6. Pretty sure from that he doesn't have a wallhack / ESP. As for the high rate of fire check the output in your logs after running pb_sv_bindsrch attack and pb_sv_bindsrch vstr, he either has scroll wheel or a script bound for attack.
  7. Can't polish a turd.
  8. This is what we do to people in our clan caught cheating. Get their GUID banned, lock their website account and ban them from TS. If you want a cheat free environment to play in then start with your in-house first.
  9. Yeah. While I admire your conviction in getting this sorted I don't have the patience.
  10. I'll be honest, 7 weeks fighting just isn't worth
  11. Please explain the steps you went through to get a credit issued. How many hours had you played?
  12. Nice one!
  13. Kolor


    Been waiting for this. Figure at that price it's definitely worth a punt and our clan will still probably get more hours out of it that we did MoH / BO.
  14. This has been around since the IW guys were fired. Also apparently a new dev? They have seen MMO and they want a $lice of the action, what better way than use an already established brand.
  15. Kolor

    BC2 FTW

    Each day that passes I loose more and more respect for EvenBalance. If this was something complex I could understand, but it's not ... this could be fixed by any competent C programmer in a matter of a day or two. If they are not capable of doing so they should outsource it to someone that is.
  16. Nice one. Any plans for adding lightbox or something?
  17. Cheers all, have a good one. from my neck of the woods:
  18. There are more ... but not a great deal more : http://www.battlefieldheroes.com/en/rsp
  19. I still cannot understand how it's possible they have not fixed the screenshots yet. Frame is rendered, buffer is written to disk. How can this f*ck up? Compress the png (using either JPEG, LZMA, aplib, zlib etc) and upload to server. Maybe EvenBalance need to hire a new coder ... shit you could outsource this few less than
  20. "Back in the day" we didn't have the range of consoles we do today. That is the primary market, regardless of whether we buy the game or not the crap will still get released, with a new big release every 6 months. PC gamers will struggle to have their voice heard over the roar of the console market. Such a small percentage are we now that if we stop buying the games they will simply stop porting them over, not change the way things are developed.
  21. We decided to give this game a shot but after just 5 days we stopped playing and by week 2 had uninstalled our servers. Game was a mess from a players side, from an admin side and I'd imagine a far bigger shambles from the side of groups like PBBans who had to try and actively support something while not being privy to the files required to effectively do so.
  22. Confusing PBBans and (the short comings of) PunkBuster itself perhaps?
  23. Kolor


    The sea by me froze ... never a good sign. No snow, just sunshine and constant sub zero temps. Won't complain, could be raining.
  24. Yeah not a fan of these witch hunt type lists. Evidence or GTFO.
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