If you search for a players GUID and it doesn't give you a response, then the player is not on the MBI. Only server admin streaming to PBBans can access the players database.
Your Team Account will show you the status of your servers streaming. This server was setup and already streaming.
Team: Perfection ()
Account ID: 1286
Streaming Status: Streaming (2 / 2)
Server List
ET - (Streaming)
ET - (Streaming)
User List
mike12244 (112526)
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Best thing to do is get the server streaming to PBBans. As far as why EvenBalance can't do more to bring down websites that offer cheats. It is easy.....they are offering a service much like selling you a newspaper at a newstand.....because they can. There is no law against selling or giving away cheats for a game. The only defense you have is adding the extra measures to combat them...to include streaming your server to PBBans and getting the additional protection that we offer.
MaydaX would know about setting the rcon password.
What do you mean treated as a CoD2 server? By the commands, config, etc? Or for the streaming setup info?
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So, let me see if I get his correct....you found a clan mate in your sv_cheat.log file....you gave him a second chance......and then you sweep it all under the carpet and now don't have cheaters in your clan?