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Posted (edited)


Now please don't flame me but I cannot find how to retrieve my GUID short of going online. Can anyone help cos the search facility SUCKS!



Edited by jjjtuohy

Which search facility sucks?





Just venting some steam. Could not find any postings even when the topic keyword was 'GUID'

Thanks for reply. However /cl_guid seems to work but /pb_myguid elicits the response: `

Punkbuster Client: GUID=?


All of this stems from the fact that, since I joined the 360Share music file sharing network, I cannot get a list of COD servers to play on.

(1) My game files are not flagged for sharing

(2) I am not on the GUID ban list.

I would be grateful for any ideas because it's getting frustrating.



  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

Is it possible to kick/ban people by guid ?? How ??


When going online in a multiplay, the game logs onto a central master server to obtain a list of servers running the game. Your GUID contains highly encrypted fragments of your product code and is presented as the identity of YOUR GAME. B)


At regular intervals, the master server checks with the PB ban-list-server. :blink:


If you are blacklisted then you are kicked from PB-enabled games. :unsure:

Server master admins can present screenshot evidence to PB to generate a ban. The main catcher is a scan on known PAK/driver hacks.


You can still play on non PB-enabled sites although they are a waste of time, they're full of idiots getting off on wall / skin / aim hacks and thinking they're good . :rolleyes:


I believe that the new standard is a conglomerate GUID containing the MAC id's of crucial components eg graphics card, mobo and CPU. This enables a ban on the entire PC... a better kick in the pocket to cheats. :lol:


Check out the EvenBalance site for further info.


John T

Edited by jjjtuohy
  • 8 months later...

I have tried every way I have foun on these forums to retreive my guid and i keep getting this message


error: Wrong Syntax!


I am entering this in the ingame console \pb_myguid

is there aprefix or just the before mentioned and I have tried forward and back slash


need some help please been banned from a server and the reason was that I am on a PB master list

dont think I am but want to know for sure before I blast the admin of the server


this is the message I get when I try and log on

You have been banned from the server by a server admin or because of excessive teamkilling


I was in the game and they put a message up saying I was beeing banned for being on a master ban list

I think it is a disgruntal MON in the game


any help would be greatly appreciated. THX


You have been banned from the server by a server admin or because of excessive teamkilling


I was in the game and they put a message up saying I was beeing banned for being on a master ban list

if banned for excessive teamkilling

the admin of the server has applied a local ban and you need to contact him for a ban query .. as always go armed with your guid .. the following is what i give out to anyone querying a ban with me:


1. Load up RTCW multiplayer

2. Bring down the console (should be the tilde key - above tab)

3. Type /pb_myguid and hit return

4. Type /condump guid.txt and hit return

This will create a text file in your Return To Castle Wolfenstein/Main folder named guid.txt containing the text from the console. Copy and paste the GUID from there and include it in any communication about a ban. Don't copy and paste your CD key.


are you sure pb is enabled :P

Guest IcheBAN

3. Type /pb_myguid and hit return

4. Type /condump guid.txt and hit return

No the / in front will make it not work just type in pb_myguid or pb_plist, I think thats why he got the syntax error.


I am entering this in the ingame console \pb_myguid

is there aprefix or just the before mentioned and I have tried forward and back slash


No the / in front will make it not work just type in pb_myguid or pb_plist, I think thats why he got the syntax error.

it works both ways and if you just type pb_myguid the \ is added auto (rtcw/et).... not sure about other games
Guest IcheBAN
Posted (edited)

Well the topic is

How to retrieve the COD GUID

And he wouldnt be getting a syntax error if the "/" worked.

Edited by IcheBAN

Well the topic is


And he wouldnt be getting a syntax error if the "/" worked.

and it works both ways for cod too
Posted (edited)

ok got my guid thianks guys here it is



and after the pb_plist i got this

414a1f2a(-)OK 3.30 [HOD]E5USN "not sure what this means"


so that is what i get I am pretty sure I am not on any ban list and it is just one of the moitors being a sry butt because my clan has a few members who like to talk smack to another clan that he has friends on well anyway I thankyou for your help and hopefully I can get this worked out.

Is there anyone in here that is a MON for the game spy 5 server that can help??


oyeah I got my guid with this pb_myguid

Edited by (I.C.E) AcE
Posted (edited)

"You have been banned from the server by a server admin or because of excessive teamkilling"


Your guid is clean...you stated why you got banned, {team kills piss other players off} ...any other info you might like ?

Edited by Tim
Guest IcheBAN

oyeah I got my guid with this pb_myguid

Glad it worked for ya :)

Posted (edited)

ok got a message from them saying I am on aban list is there anyone who can tell me how I find this list?

The only problem I have had is this at the beggining of FEB and after contacting PB they helped me get it resolved and this is the only way I can think that I might be on a ban list.


ON FEB 1st I was kicked 3 times and then I was able to play the rest of the night and some of last night FEB 2nd, and then i got this message when I loggeg in:


Punkbuster error message

has been kicked via PunkBuster (for 0 minutes) Restriction Blocked o/s privileges :508:430


I don't know what happened I heard that the there was a faulty hack kick on the FEB 1st and was wondering was this appart of it? I need help I am a loyal player and do not cheat and play fair. Please give me some help with this problem


here is the link to where game spy found the ban dont know where it is tho




ok just saw that its punksbusted is this the same affilation with this site or a different one?

can anyone help with this

Edited by jbone

Punkbusted is not in any affiliation with PBBans ...sry friend, you need to contact them for more help...I am amazed though,,,I know many SoF2 servers running punkbusted,,,,from what I've personally witnessed they can't capture a wallhack holding up a sign admitting to the wallhack....you must have really done something obvious for them to bust you...

Guest IcheBAN

Punkbusted is not in any affiliation with PBBans ...sry friend, you need to contact them for more help...I am amazed though,,,I know many SoF2 servers running punkbusted,,,,from what I've personally witnessed they can't capture a wallhack holding up a sign admitting to the wallhack....you must have really done something obvious for them to bust you...


.... PB configs are PB configs PsB does a very well job at catching cheaters no need to bash other AC sites.


[PsB:4656 V004EFE39] 8f1185baf49903aa4f51286714a1f21a "[HOD] E5USN" "" GAMEHACK #80045


as far as i'm aware on the 1/02/06 non-cheat software caused some of the kicks for Violation #80121 and not #80045 this will have to be appealed on the PsB site click me and maybe a trouble ticket raised if there is a further problem click me


.... PB configs are PB configs PsB does a very well job at catching cheaters no need to bash other AC sites.

I'm going by my own personal experience with them

If they used half of the things PBBans used they might be good but in the meen time I'll stick with my statement. I appreciate your opinion on the matter though

Guest IcheBAN

I'm going by my own personal experience with them

If they used half of the things PBBans used they might be good but in the meen time I'll stick with my statement. I appreciate your opinion on the matter though


PB tools are universal dont be thick headed :)

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