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Wake me up when DICE invests in something different. Almost said this was a reskinned Bf3... This sh*t isnt even reskinned, its just a $60 entrance fee for new maps, with the option to buy more "new maps" at a later time.


Change the thread name to "BattleField 3.5"

Think Twiebie summed it up earlier: Same shit, different day.

Need one of Maydax funny pics. Sheep in queue w/ money in teeth, waiting to pre-order BF 3.5


For those buying because you 'really love BF' more power to ya, least you know exactly what your buying, lol. Those buying because 'there isnt a newer fps option' well, DICE thanks you for your lack of hobbies outside of PC gaming ;)

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Preorder BF4 at Gamestop and get a set of dogtags


Preorder BF4 at Gamestop and get a set of dogtags


How long do I have to pre-order in order to get a set of dog tags?


How long do I have to pre-order in order to get a set of dog tags?


I have it on preorder but only for the sole purpose of doing so, it will all depend on how the beta turns out and might not even be a day one purchase. If I do cancel my preorder, I'm keeping the dogtags

  • 1 month later...
A HUGE batch of screenshots from what looks to be the Alpha trial version of the multiplayer portion of EA’s upcoming FPS Battlefield 4 have hit the interwebs, and you can view them below. While the images seems to be from quite an early phase of the game’s development, they do reveal some interesting tidbits. First off, seems the four classes from Battlefield 3 – Assault, Support, Recon and Engineer – are back, with what appears to be similar loadouts consisting of a primary and secondary weapon, choice of two gadgets, grenades, specialisation/ability, and appearance/camo.


Ribbons, medals and assignments also make a comeback, while vehicle customisation seems to include vehicle gadgets like IRNV optics, Zuni rocket pods and guided missile, as well as vehicle weapons such as anti-air missiles and burst shells. The HUD appears mostly the same, while the map shown indicates a primarily urban environment in a port city with high-rise buildings.




It looks like a BF3 mod instead of a new game. :wacko:


you seem surprised


It looks like a BF3 mod instead of a new game. :wacko:


I'll agree there, but isn't that what the community has been asking for. BF gets flak for their buggy games, while COD gets flak for their small incremental updates to their ancient engine. If DICE takes a page out of the small incremental updates camp, maybe we'll see something near perfection come out of it. Can't hate on them for using a formula that works. I love BF3, and I love it more when I watch a video from COD.


Then they should have just made a mod to BF3 and not made a brand new, half-made game that will probably have the same issues, or more, as BF3 and BC2 did. When BC2 came out, I tried it, and it did not feel, nor play, anything like the old battlefield. And MoH and MoH:W were a waste of time and resources on the EA's part.

  • Upvote 2

Agreed SuperTaz.


I still think nothing compares to the ease and playability of the old Battlefield Vietnam. Anyone could jump into a jet, chopper or tank and use it without having to sit down for hours practicing how to look out of a 3 inch window. A lot less complex, heaps more fun and how much you spent on a 'gaming' machine didn't dictate who sat up the top of the leaderboard.


Given all the problems (still ongoing) with BC2 and BF3, as well as, my absolute hate of Origin, I don't think I'll waste my money on BF4. Sad, but that's how I feel at the moment.

  • Upvote 2

Then they should have just made a mod to BF3 and not made a brand new, half-made game that will probably have the same issues, or more, as BF3 and BC2 did. When BC2 came out, I tried it, and it did not feel, nor play, anything like the old battlefield. And MoH and MoH:W were a waste of time and resources on the EA's part.


Maybe there should be a dinosaur mod. Thank you Dice for the lovely Easter Eggs in Armored Kill and End Game. Hell, BF3 would be so awesome if there was zombies. Just imagine that on Caspian Border with vehicles on a 64 slot server... wave sizes of zombies coming are in the thousands.

Posted (edited)

I just watched the E3 EA Press Conference... Wow. Just simply wow. Commander mode is back. Seige of Shanghai... epic map. A skyscraper fell completely to the ground!!!

Edited by Chaos1907
  • "Huge eSports support"
  • Battlefield 3 was very "Competitive"
  • He worked personally on spectator mode
  • Jets Confirmed
  • Commander on Tablet Limited to iOS
  • Too Soon™ to talk about Battlerecorder
  • Too Soon™ to talk about hit detection
  • "I'm sure the sun is quite bright in China"
  • Naval Warfare will be big, trailer Soon™
  • "Taking measures to make sure the game plays more fluidly"
  • Counter-knife is a QTE
  • They're "working hard" to balance the classes out
  • Assault/Medic will be same class
  • Recon class has C4, not sure if that's permanent
  • Won't comment on Ghillie suits
  • "M16 is the best weapon ever, I am a whore for it".
  • Quicker patching process[?]
  • No Co-Op Mode
  • Suppression system is being re-worked from Battlefield 3.
  • Look for a lot of blog posts in the near future.
  • "I can't tell you anything"
  • "Seriously, I can't talk about anything we haven't shown"
  • Last Question! "I can't talk about that".
  • Lot's of game modes, that "I can't talk about".
  • "I'm so tired, please let me go home"
  • "Sorry, I can't talk about that"


Per Zh1nt0 @ DreamHack




IOS only? Seriously? The cheapest tablet is $500 dollars..

  • Upvote 2

Wow. What a bad move for DICE. Now you have to spend extra money for commander mode on your tablet.

  • Upvote 2

Wow. What a bad move for DICE. Now you have to spend extra money for commander mode on your tablet.


Huh, it's not limited to a tablet. The commander mode was set up on a PC at E3 too. The Big 30in monitor was the main commander pane, and they had the other monitors set up with squad views. Check out some of Daskro's interviews from his time there.


The game looks amazing, and yet again there's nothing else in the market that can deliver anything close. People will play what they enjoy. And I already know I'm going to thoroughly enjoy BF4.

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