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Soldier of Fortune II Authentication Server Disabled

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I'm sure some of you may have read the post on PsB that the Sof2 Auth server is now offline.


Response (Tommy Hooper) - 12/28/2006 06:12 AM Thank you for contacting Activision Customer Support. All old copies of Soldier of Fortune 2 do not use the same key. Some of the recent copies do. The cd key check has been turned off for the game but Punkbuster still searches for the cd key on punkbuster servers. If you have any further questions, please contact our

website: http://activision.custhelp.com/



Sorry man...not to sound like an idiot but confused... I have the same key since the day the game came out,,,are you saying someone else might have or get my key? I'm not worried about whomever getting banned...I know the protocal to ip\location towards a deff. ban,,I'm just wondering,,,my original key might be out now as a dup ? All these years of same key and only 3 ip's {cable co's changed}....just want to know if my info is safe. Cya


Your key is safe, it's only for brand new games. They are rumored to have a new single key.


Read from the bottom:


Response (Kirk McNesby) - 12/29/2006 01:35 PM



I'll make sure your concerns are noted, but beyond that there is nothing else I

can tell you about this issue at this time.


Customer - 12/29/2006 10:48 AM

i understand that you have no control over the servers or pb settings on them.

what you can do is issue a unique key to customers who prove they have this 1

key and proof of purchase. surley that is the only real solution here. along

ensuring any new copies do not have the same key in future.

sof2 is very much alive and well and is still in the top 12 on all game server

listings (amount of players and servers)

i know it is a old game and you guys have things more important to do than this

but people are still playing this game alot. i hope you can see that it really

is the image of your company that is suffering here. and hope you can set this


i personally would love nothing better than to be able to say to people on the

forums that yes you made a mistake but they will correct that mistake.


Response (Kirk McNesby) - 12/29/2006 10:30 AM



There is nothing further we can add to this conversation and I apologize I don't

have something more definitive for you, but we've adjusted everything we can

under our control to allow people to play without hinderance, the rest relies on

parties outside of our direct control.


Customer - 12/29/2006 12:59 AM

yes they are capable of joining non pb server but the point is 90% of server run

pb. out of that 90% i would say 90% of them do not have the guidrelax set to 4.

so they cannot join those servers. limiting there multiplayer side of the game.

which i will add that they purchased the game for the mp side.

hopefully you can understand why this is unacceptable to the whole of the sof2

comunity and threads are popping up in most forums.

how can the effected people get this resolved so they have no limitiations like

the rest of us.


Response (David Malka) - 12/28/2006 05:53 PM



Thank you for the update and your patience in this matter.


Are those six people capable of playing on non-Punkbuster servers?


I look forward to your response.


Customer - 12/28/2006 03:50 PM

how is it possible for these people to join a normal pb server. as it is the

server that checks the cd key/guid if 1 recieves a global ban then they all do.

how can we as a server provider and mod maker assist them in connecting to any

pb server if they have a genuine copy of the game and no cheats. what is stoping

them from taking legal action if they are banned through no fault of there own

because you do not provide a unique cd key/guid.


Customer - 12/28/2006 03:47 PM

no the question was not answered.


Response (Jon An) - 12/28/2006 01:44 PM



Thanks for contating customer support.


All new copies of the game have come out with the same CD-KEY. Punkbuster does

know this and the cd-key authentication has been turned off.


Thanks and contact us again.


Customer - 12/28/2006 06:56 AM

i have six clients who insist they have the same cd key. they are friends and

purchased new copies from diffrent outlets. ie dixons and free record shop.

can you confirm that new copies of sof2 have the same cd key. and what can be

done to allow them to play in the same pb enabled server. also does evenbalance

know about this.


i am the customer in that one up there. i did reply to them again asking them

"should i take this up with ravensoft or is there a governing body that deals with breaches of end user license agrements. "

as yet no reply and its been a few days now. like others on all forums i cannot understand why they have done this or why they are refusing to not issue unique keys with proof of purchase.

if i do recieve a reply i will let you know.


I think what is happening.....is this is the beginning of the end of SoF2. I would probably anticipate that PB support for the game will end sometime in the next few months (or sooner).


I see no reason why this should happen since there are still many of ppl with old cd-keys that are legit straight from the box that aren't part of these new cd-keys that are all the same so why would pb, PsB, or pbbans wana drop their support for the game since there are still many clean & dirty players out there still playing with 1 of a kind cd-keys that can be policed by the anti-cheat sites.


Just to bad that as far as I can see for the new ppl buying the game will be tuff cookies for them if the cd-key they are given is used to hack under by some1 thats an issue they need to take up with the manufacture of the game & let them know they are now selling cd-keys that are no good for multiplayer gaming which I asume they will tel them well guess you bought the game for the single player version tuff luck about the multiplayer version.


Which sucks but hey as I see there are still many ppl with 1 of a kind cd-keys that need to be kept track of to keep the game clean for as long as we can rather then giving up cuz of a set back which only effects these new ppl buying the game sucks for them but no reason other should suffer cuz they came late in the game even though I will strongly support them in their fight against this being done to them since it's wrong for companies to sell the consumers the same cd-keys.


First of all.....PBBans provideds support for all PunkBuster enabled games. SoF2 is currently covered in this support. If EvenBalance decides to stop updating PB for SoF2, then we will follow suit.


the grimace thats just rubbish saying tuff if they bought it for mp. they paid there money the same as you or i. this is my whole grip on all forums. no one has the right to say they cannot play because of activisions mistake.

the only desent thing to do is to relaxguid 4. as this leaves not only activision open to reprisals but evenbalance and pb bans.

if activision have done this then they have effectivly made eula nun and void meaning pb has no right to ban them under that eula.


from what I can gather a huge administrative cock up has been made by Activision and their enquiry "can your players still play on non pb servers" speaks volumes.

I guess this is the quick fix for their mistake rather than do the decent thing.

As Bob has stated, as long as PB support sof2 then so shall we, but I think Activision have effectively neutered PB and how long that support remains will be answered sooner rather than later.


I think the best thing we all can do as a community is hit their customer support with tons of emails, if we can get enough to complain we might get something resolved. Highly doubtful but who knows. One quick question if any PB Staff are reading this, if Activision isnt contracted with Evenbalance will those servers running PB now have to run them without it? I really want my serverlogs, MD5 scans, and cvar checks, and pbss'.... :(


I see no reason why this should happen since there are still many of ppl with old cd-keys that are legit straight from the box that aren't part of these new cd-keys that are all the same so why would pb, PsB, or pbbans wana drop their support for the game since there are still many clean & dirty players out there still playing with 1 of a kind cd-keys that can be policed by the anti-cheat sites.


Just to bad that as far as I can see for the new ppl buying the game will be tuff cookies for them if the cd-key they are given is used to hack under by some1 thats an issue they need to take up with the manufacture of the game & let them know they are now selling cd-keys that are no good for multiplayer gaming which I asume they will tel them well guess you bought the game for the single player version tuff luck about the multiplayer version.


Which sucks but hey as I see there are still many ppl with 1 of a kind cd-keys that need to be kept track of to keep the game clean for as long as we can rather then giving up cuz of a set back which only effects these new ppl buying the game sucks for them but no reason other should suffer cuz they came late in the game even though I will strongly support them in their fight against this being done to them since it's wrong for companies to sell the consumers the same cd-keys.


The issue is not the one cd key being a cheaters key its the fact that none of them can play on MP @ the same time it boots them for duplicate guid.unless guidrelax is set to 4 or higher.As said if pb stops supporting the game we will have no other choice then to stop supporting it also.


i think all server admins should relax the guid. as activision have decided that as far as there concerned it should be then it makes sense to follow suit.

your servers will still be protected from cheats but people with new copies will be able to play.


i think all server admins should relax the guid. as activision have decided that as far as there concerned it should be then it makes sense to follow suit.

your servers will still be protected from cheats but people with new copies will be able to play.

like I said earlier Activision have effectively neutered PB :)

What do you suggest we do when the mass issued cd key/guid is caught with a cheat, which it invariably will.

We do our utmost to keep innocent players off our MBI as do all reputable anti cheat sites, the one constant all anti cheat sites operate with is that the players pbguid is unique.

Once that constant is compromised PB becomes useless with a capital U.

Integrity is one of our main concerns at PBBans, it seems that it's not one of Activision's.

Posted (edited)

thats a good point fozzer.

the whole situation is a mess no doubt about that. but this is a catch 22 situation, pb relies on unique guids and activision are mass distributing games with the same guid. this is not pb's fault but activisions. they have broken there contract with evenbalance and the terms of there own eula. and as always its the customers that suffer.

a few people seem to be running with the idea that its not there problem. i say it is. most here and on other forums are conisdered senior members of the sof2 comunity, activision has abandoned new players does this mean the senior members should as well.

i am not argueing that pb is a good thing as thats a fact. not argueing that some where down the line a player with the 1 key will cheat again thats inevitable.

what i am argueing over is do we the senior members abandon new players or do we simply lay out fresh guidelines for server admins and let them make the choice. i think it is more a question of damage limitation atm. you guys are the experts and your opinion and advice is uppermost.

Edited by goody

IMHO I can foresee a large increase in the use of working keygens so new players with recently bought CDs won't have to use the supplied key.


Well goody liek I stated I support these new players & them getting the screw from Ravensoft/Actvision & will back them 100% in the matter cuz it's bs that they are having this done to them where essential the mp/sp version will eventually become sp version only for them unless on servers that aren't policed by pb, evenbalance, pbbans or PsB.


But on the other hand I for 1 would not relax my server for them as it would let cheats in that I wouldn't want on my server & thats just part of the tuff cookies about it they came way late in the game & have gotten the screw & yes I thought the same thing -=Garbage Dingo=- about the keygens but don't approve of it but looks to be the only way these new players will be able to play on certain servers when this single key is eventaully caught by some1 cheating with it.


So far as I'm concerned sucks for all those new ppl purchasing the game but it's no reason to have it effect those who wont have any problem over that matter that bought the game long ago it's to bad that might be the way it will have to be unless the matter at hand is fixed.


IMO Every1 should send emails to them about this matter to get on their case to see if they will fix it if any1 knows the site or email to direct our issues to plz let us know here since I'm pretty sure many ppl here will back the new players up & how what is being done to them is wrong.


Everything revolves around $$$


If you go a purchase a brand new car in 2001.....by 2006 your already looking to trade it in for a new one.


I don't forsee Ravensoft, Activision, nor EvenBalance fighting to save a used car. There are only so many tune-ups a car can get before it is time to put her in the scrapyard.


I take it back to my earlier post. PBBans follows EvenBalance.....if EvenBalance pulls the plug on PB support for SoF2....then so does PBBans.


We will support SOF2 as long as our services are needed by Raven/Activision. It is ultimately up to them to decide when PB support will end.

Posted (edited)

well as i said before the long quote up there is from a email discussion between activion and me. this is the latest reply form them.



Discussion Thread


Response (Kirk McNesby) - 01/02/2007 09:34 AM



Ravensoft developed the game Activision Publishing published the game so the end

user license agreement is ours. If you would like to talk to someone with

Activision regarding it you would need to contact our legal department (call our

main number 310-255-2000, press 0 to talk to the receptionist and ask to be

transferred to someone in legal).


You should be aware, however, that everything punkbuster related would likely

fall under the evenbalance's (developer of punkbuster) EULA.


Customer - 12/29/2006 03:20 PM

thank you.

should i take this up with ravensoft or is there a governing body that deals

with breaches of end user license agrements.



read from the bottom.

basicly there saying they have nothing to do with pb wich means they probably never gave it a seconds thought when they issued the 1 key for all. and it sounds like there also blaming evenbalance for the pb issue which is bs.

ah well it its all dependent on evenbalance now. i will forward the whole email to them and see what they say.

Edited by goody

I think the crux of the matter is dependent on getting an honest answer to one simple question.


Did Activision deliberately issue, worldwide, a new release of sof2 all with the same cd key,or was it an administrative foul up ?


Either way it looks like Activision are passing the buck to PB, which is akin to stripping a soldier naked and asking him to disable a tank :blink:

I guess as long as Activision are prepared to pay the retainer then PB will carry on supporting sof2 in some form or another but any guidrelax setting other than 0 kind of defeats the object of what PB is all about, and that is narrowing the playing field drastically for anyone who has cheated.

Posted (edited)

they have deliberatly distributed it with one key. hopefully pb support will not be dropped for a long time yet.

btw i have replied asking how activisions choice to use 1 key is part of evenbalances eula. evenbalance are not at fault here and inplying that its there responsability is out of order.

Edited by goody
Posted (edited)

Either way it looks like Activision are passing the buck to PB, which is akin to stripping a soldier naked and asking him to disable a tank :blink:

Sorry, i know its off topic, but i gotta say that, Fozzer, that was good man, right there man. U hit the target with that one,damn ;)

Edited by BoS Gringo

they have deliberatly distributed it with one key. hopefully pb support will not be dropped for a long time yet.

btw i have replied asking how activisions choice to use 1 key is part of evenbalances eula. evenbalance are not at fault here and inplying that its there responsability is out of order.

hey goody :)

Thanks for keeping us updated m8, appreciated. :)

The point I was trying to get across was, any game dev with the slightest idea of how PB works would never issue a game release that used the same cd key.

All past issues of sof2 have had a unique cd key and I lean towards an administrative cock up as to why this latest issue has the same cd key.

The decision to turn off the auth master server was probably made by Activision as a form of damage limitation and whoever made that decision was probably unaware of how PB works and how important it is that each genuine game cd has its own unique cd key.

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