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you have been BANNED from this server by Server Admin

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you have been BANNED from this server by Server Admin


this is the message that appears when I want to join a cod2 punkbuster enabled server :S


does anyone knows what I can do about it ?


Plz help me





I don't know, where can i find it ??


someone said: typ /pb_myguid in the console, but it doesn't work (at least i can't find it anywhere)


I went in a server and I tried /pb_myguid again and finely it appeard.


my guid is: d84a5225cb3fba537fe6a5be4915dd29


your banned on every PB enabled server?

Posted (edited)

Yes i think so, the message appears on every private server :S

yesterday the clanleader deleted the banlist and i could join our (punkbuster enabled) server

but today i wanted to join our war server (the same as yesterday) and the message appeared again :S


I have checked my guid on a site and it said: GUID is not present on the Master Ban Index (MBI)

maybe this says something ...

Edited by DesKia

I can join cracked servers with pb enabled btw.


a friend of mine said it was the newest and best pb atm, so this is really getting strange :(

Posted (edited)

No, i have tested wh one, on a public without pb.

I deleted wh and i haven't cheat after that

maybe my brother cheated after that, but we don't have wh on our pc for 5 months or so :(

Edited by DesKia

I asked my brother and he said he hasn't cheat after wh was deleted


You sure thats your guid? cause i did a ip search on you and i get another guid thats banned on another anticheat site for a pb hack

Posted (edited)

Yes i made a screenshot..... I can add it if you like ...


I had a key-code from internet before that (so I had to play on cracked servers)

Edited by DesKia
Posted (edited)

don't you have xfire or msn ? otherwise i have to make a profile etc.


it's mutch easier when i can send it


if you can add me: xfire: deskia

msn: stefan_hannyboy@hotmail.com

Edited by DesKia

[GVB:1000 E10002928]17efe24f0cbb50d505cd4eedd239853b ""Youk Zuigt Piemels :)"" "" "PB-Viol: pb-hack"

As you can see your IP is an exact match.

Posted (edited)

Posted Image


this is the screenshot and my ip is indeed :S

but the guid doesn't match ...

Edited by DesKia

I think what you meant to say was "it's not my guid now".

You have the reason why a lot of servers prohibit you from joining, I suggest you use the trouble ticket system if you think this is an error .. you can open a TT here click me

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