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Is this really possible, may another player got assigned with my pb guid if master server goes down?


This is the answer from my discussion with a clanbaseadmin, Couldn’t it be so that when the master server is down anyone can use any cd-key because the function to check if a cd-key is already used is offline?




As far as I know if the master server is down and it stops assgning GUIDs to people the server ends up giving everyone a 0 GUID so pbss and logs come up as "*?"


I quite sure of this because last time the server went down it assgned everyone a 0 GUID and they were getting kicked for have a 0 GUID.


Thus your client will assign its self a GUID but the server will not use this.


So as GUID stands for, it is unique to everyone elses. The only way for it to be the same is using the same CD KEY.


To do this they would have to have your cd key which they could use anytime when you are not online if the server was down they might be able to use it at the same time but they would still need your cd key.


Maybe if you could check the logs on the servers you were on you could prove what servers you were on.


If someone can tell me other wise then fair enough but I am sure it happens this way.


=S.A.S= Firestorm

  Firestorm said:



As far as I know if the master server is down and it stops assgning GUIDs to people the server ends up giving everyone a 0 GUID so pbss and logs come up as "*?"


I quite sure of this because last time the server went down it assgned everyone a 0 GUID and they were getting kicked for have a 0 GUID.

The kicks weren't for the "0" though. Since everyone was given a GUID of "0", they were kicked for "Duplicate GUIDs".


If a master server goes down for any PB supported game, it's quite easy for a server admin to apply a quick fix;



PB_SV_GUIDRelax [0-7]

Defaults to 0; Controls PunkBuster's kicking behavior related to GUIDS; A Value of 1 means PB will not kick for UNKN (Unknown) GUIDs; A Value of 2 means PB will not kick for WRONGIP GUIDs (these are GUIDS which are valid but not from the IP Address the player is connecting from); A Value of 4 means PB will not kick for DUPLICATE GUIDs; These values (1, 2 and 4) can be combined to achieve the desired behavior

So pb_sv_guidrelax 4 will ensure no one is kicked for dup guid during the master server downtime.

As always, the PBBans recommended guidrelax setting is 0 :) so when the master server comes back online pb_sv_guidrelax 0


A point to note is that if the commands are sent to the server via rcon, unless followed by the command pb_sv_writecfg the setting will stick for that gaming session only, a server or PB restart will enforce the original guidrelax setting as per the server pbsv.cfg



Thanks for your answer, now to the whole story about this.


A player in Sweden get caught for cheating on a server in UK.

She appeal the ban at punksbusted and they removed it.

Ban on pbbans http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php?action=5&ban_id=30229


She claim it was a german hacker that got assigned her guid.


Admin on the server that caught her say this ("I`ll keep as simple as poss ...on 12th july master server crashed and this somehow let guids be assigned to other players and

unfortunatley it looks like a hacker in germany got assigned her guid while server was down and she also recieves ban....")


This thing is a big issue among cod2 players in sweden, is she a cheater or not?

I have tried to find a explanation for this because if she is innocent other players can get into the same thing!

Any thought about this issue?


It realy does not mather where or by who the guid was used.The guid was used with a cheat and thats all we need to place it on the banlist.Who can realy prove that some one was asigned with her guid or if she had a vacation in germany.Iam sorry but i dont belive that

what i do know is that she should be more care full with showing ppl her key she showed us a picture of the key when she appealed the ban mabye she trust us that much but should still be more carefull :)


... LAN party comes to mind :P

Just another point to add, in case the guid was used by another person to cheat, the GUID is leaked, i.e. unbanning was the worst 'solution' possible.

In general, note: we ban guids, not persons.

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