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Punkbuster has gone mad.


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Since the last PB update there have been alot of bans in ET 2.55 that are for MD5tool mismatch on actual game files for the game. Some of which are as follows. I am posting this with the understanding that its a pb glitch and alot of people are getting kicked for it. These are game files I wonder if they are scanning the 2.60b files and not the 2.55 in which case these files would be different in md5 sum. The files are different in size from the 2 versions of ET. Let me know your thoughts as they almost have to be a false positive. My research has shown the following sizes for the two versions of ET. Is punkbuster no longer supporting 2.55 ?


The 2.60 version is 1.56mb size on disk 1.56

The 2.55 version is 0.99mb size on disk 1.00



[06.09.2007 12:20:31] VIOLATION (MD5TOOL) #9002:username (slot#2 )MD5Tool Mismatch: etmain/mp_bin.pk3

Edited by bpcZoD
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I do it to give back to the community. The community has been so good to me. So I give back.

I take 2.55 players new to the game. Get them involed in a well established clan. Teach them how to play the game. Its an OBJ game with team work. Teach them how to update to 2.60b. Teach them how to play etpro and scrim. Maybe you can understand that.

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If you started having your server spam that "this server will be updating to version 2.60b next Friday and that the players needed to do the same thing" they'd look for the update and learn all by themselves at that point.


There are actually a lot of RTCW servers out there that run a modded version of 1.0 which didn't come with Punkbuster and they refuse to update. How retarded is that? There's half a community of backwards thinking RTCW players who play that crap and the other fragmented half who play 1.41b. If RTCW had come with a built in autoupdate button then I would have hoped that would not have happened but, to have ET players doing the same thing seperated by one version is ridiculous.


Why ever update anything? Because it's usually better.

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I've seen many a server killed off by upgrading to 2.6b, but then again, I've seen many succeed. My server runs perfect in 2.55 now and I've never had it hacked or had rcon passwords stolen by means of ensuring it's fully protected. As such, I won't be upgrading it since it runs fine for me as it is.


I play RtCW 1.0 and 1.4. 1.4 has better players and PunkBuster, but there always seems to be less players in 1.4 whenever I check :( If the servers I play on are emtpy in 1.4, I play 1.0.


S4NDMoD in 1.0 is basically a copy of Shrubmod with bits from Bani implemented, yes, but I do like the hitsounds in S4NDMoD (ET style - different hitsound for headshots) and the featured spree sounds.


The debate will go on forever and I doubt there will ever be an end to it. Personally I'll play any version of the game as long as I enjoy doing so.

Edited by =BLACKWOLF=
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You didn't understand. Its not my fault the game maker creates the problem. Your in a dream world if you think the avg new player will update on his own. LOL I see posts here about can't get my server to stream. To you and I it was a simple 5min process to stream. I have posts on my forums how to update. But we still have to walk people though it. Just like they walk admins of servers though the simple process of streaming


We have 2.60b servers and 2.55 servers. When someone new gets the game they get 2.55 version. They don't even know anything about an update. Why not teach them how to play the game right. Show them how to update. If they started in 2.60b anyway they would drop the game. The mentality there is ..... Better left unsaid.

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If all of a sudden one day the servers were all updated and the people who hadn't updated their client would not be able to play on those servers. How long do you think it would take for all of those ignorant noobs to figure out how to update their game? Not very long.

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If all of a sudden one day the servers were all updated and the people who hadn't updated their client would not be able to play on those servers. How long do you think it would take for all of those ignorant noobs to figure out how to update their game? Not very long.

They'd figure out how to upgrade eventually, but if a new player were to download ET, install it, and go to the server list, they'd most likely be confused as to what the problem is.


Luckily with new games there's an auto-update feature eliminating the problem, and the age old discussion over players staying in older versions.


I still personally don't see a problem with players staying in an older version of Enemy Territory if they enjoy doing so. I play 2.55 and 2.6b Enemy Territory. As long as I enjoy playing it, I'm happy.


I do understand you point with RtCW, however. The lack of PunkBuster in 1.0 is a major downside and hacking there is, obviously, going to be much worse than in a version which has anti-cheat software included in it.

Edited by =BLACKWOLF=
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It has nothing to do with 2.60b mentality. This should be common sense for any game out there. There are security holes among other things that have been fixed with the "b" patch. Just like 1.41b in RTCW and other games. Until the "b" patch a hacker using a little program could easily download the server's entire config including the rcon password if the rcon password was included in the config. Before the "b" patch and I was admin of a RTCW server I had to set the rcon password in the command line of the start script. Otherwise anyone who had that program could download the rcon password.


If older versions of games offered anything that was better it would be one thing but, I see no benefit for running an outdated version of a game. Other than fragmenting a community of players and it's not an ET specific problem. Spock would have a difficult time in understanding your logic.

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"I see no benefit for running an outdated version of a game. Other than fragmenting a community of players and it's not an ET specific problem. Spock would have a difficult time in understanding your logic".


I gave you a simple reason. I am adding to the 2.60b etpro community. Its great to see these 2.55 guys and gals become good guns and members of the etpro 2.60b community with class, wearing my game name.

You don't want to accept that. Even Spock would understand good recruiting grounds. Who am I going to recruit in 2.60b? Some guy or gal who has been in 5 clans. Thinks they are L33t, and does not even know what team work is.


security holes: You adept. If they find a hole. I plug it



My friend I am done arguing with you.

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