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SOS Projects/ClanRcon

Vin Diesel

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Welcome to SOS Projects,


We're a collection of experienced gaming individuals who've come together to provide a platform of knowledge to aide fellow gamers and administrators. We initially started as simply a Call of Duty mapping community but we're growing to encompass advice on software/hardware, multi game mapping projects and utilities to make server administration easier.


Our most recent project is finally coming to fruition. An Rcon tool designed from the ground up specifically aimed and medium/large Call of Duty Clans.


SOS Projects 'ClanRcon' is a highly flexible admin tool which allows those responsible for game server administration create different levels of access for their members without ever having to give away to Rcon password with all issued commands being logged in order to prevent power abuse.


So if you'd like to try the Rcon tool as it goes through its final beta testing or you're interested in joining our mapping team then head on over to the SOS Projects website for more information.




Here is the currect feature list for Clan Rcon:


-Support for CoD1,CoD2 and CoD4 (other games will come later)

-Map Restart/Fast Restart

-Map Rotate

-Kick/Ban/Temp Ban

-Change Map/Gametype

-Cmd Box to Send Commands to the Server

-Console Box to send Console messages to the server

-Permisions page, ie You can create a profile and call it, say, Map Rotate Only and assign any of your members to this profile so that the only thing they can do is a map rotate.

-Weapons - Turn certain Weapons ON/OFF (if server is running mod)

-Attachments - Turn certain Attachments ON / OFF (if server is running mod)

-Gametype settings - Able to Change Gametype Settings for all Gametypes

-Punkbuster Support - Able to PB Screenshot/Kick/Ban and many more PB Features

-Rotation Builder- Make your own Rotations and Send them to the Game Server

-Commands Log File - Will log which commands was used and by what player



Because were a new comunity just starting we will need some help with things. If your interested please visit HERE


If this tool is something that your clan is in need of, then please read the F.A.Q on how to register HERE


Thanx for your time and hope to see you over at SOS Projects soon :)


Website: www.sosprojects.co.uk


View screenshots: Here

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

An old post, but something I thought I would dig up and sticky - as I get a lot of questions about how to limit RCON capability in COD4, and I also recently stickied a thread for another good RCON program.


These two threads should be a good resource for PBBans members and SGA's looking for a way to admin their servers - developed by a PBBans SGA :)


My clan uses this - and it does a fantastic job. :)

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
Anyone till using this went to the site dont see much of any update since the cod4 1.7 patch

Yep we are still using this - am advised update due this week to add COD5.

Great tool without the need for a programme download.

It's not perfect but I think the guys have done a pretty good job so far - here's to more

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We made it so you have to login to view any part of the forum due to the mass spam that got posted on the forum, now it has calmed down we may remove it :)


Also we have a new website in the works which will have tutorials screnshots etc..


The COD:WaW support is a little bit late due to RL commitments.


What is also taking its time is were rewriting the tool to make it much easier for us to support more games, also the tool is having a nice fresh new design.


We have a lot of new features to add to ClanRcon in the future but with the big update on the tool to make it easier for us to add support for other games has set us back a bit.




Vin Diesel

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  • 4 months later...

Old post i know but the staff have not been on the site for 2 or 3 months now and theres a lot of people requesting the rcon but nobody can get it without an admins approval so at the moment its unuseable.

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