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Posted (edited)

Hi my friend PB kicked for 0 minutes for using violation multihack 79461 and i belive he is not a cheater so if anyone can tell mee what is that hack exactly he says that he had game hack on for some other game that he left turned on while he played cod4 is that possible?

Edited by Rottweiler

Only Evenbalance knows exactly what triggers their violations, and they won't give that information away.


Running two games at the same time however, does not cause a game hack or multihack violation.


What is your friend's GUID?

Posted (edited)

he has playing game (dekaron extreme) and he has playig with hax for it but not for cod4 and he left the game runnig while he had playing cod4


Edited by Rottweiler
he has playing game (dekaron extreme) and he has playig with hax for it but not for cod4 and he left the game runnig while he had playing cod4


Question well ignored :P


What is your friends pbguid.

Posted (edited)
a hack for a different game wont cause on for cod4. If you friend wants to appeal the ban he can do it here once he figures out his guid:




He is not banned he is kicked from server for 0 minutes is it possibile that admin of server do that pourposly by kicking him trugh rcon conzole pb kick named reason violation hack?


Edited by Rottweiler
Question well ignored :P


What is your friends pbguid.


I dont know his guid


:mellow: maybe he should come ask the questions himself might help


hes not banned. If you want to ask if the kick was valid you need to open a ticket with evenbalance.



Posted (edited)

i just find out that it isnt admin kick because when admin kick it write pb kicks and in the end it writes admin decision so here is his guid so if you can chech it f4db6159 how is it possible that pb kick him for 0min shouldnt he be banned?

Edited by Rottweiler

yes again. if you server isn't streaming then he isnt banned here...


As far as the kick if you want more information you will have to go to evenbalance as we do not make punkbuster software.. if you want to ask:



On a non streaming server the kick will stop when he removes the hack. While on a streaming server if that violation is raised he will be banned by us.


if the server is streemed the ban will be automatic ? or kick for 0 min ?


the player will still be kicked for 0 but they will be immediately banned on every streaming server 2 seconds later.


ok, but he isnt on ban list. u can check guid....so that means?

im confused, as my team is

hes not banned. If you want to ask if the kick was valid you need to open a ticket with evenbalance.

The GUID you provided ( f4db6159 ) is not currently on the PBBans MBi nor has a Global GUID ban issued by Evenbalance.


If your friend had been on a server streaming to PBBans, the GUID would have been added to the PBBans MBi within seconds of the violation.


Please have your friend follow the previous advice given of opening an Evenbalance Troubleticket to request their assistance to determine the cause of the violation. Provide as much information as possible in the ticket to assist Evenbalance with their efforts to determine the cause.

Posted (edited)

here is link for our ticket, no answer


Edited by Rottweiler
Please don't post links to EB tickets in a public section, as anyone will be able to edit it; just post the outcome when they've replied ;)

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