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Someone threatened to spoof my guids yesterday and get me banned. I called him out on it and low and behold here I am, on a ban list. Though my regular name is 'prophet', I usually pub as Xmg a you will see in the screenshots and ban information below.


pbbans ban link: http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-ed1918e5-vb124831.html


It contains my pb guid alright, but the IP address is from some country in Europe (I am from Newfoundland, Canada) and it's from a server which I have never played on.


My ip:


Here are some screenshots I took yesterday of the guy threatening myself and some other players on the server:





The fact that I'm on a ban list worries me but not nearly as much as how is someone able to get my guid there with such ease?


Also discovered this:




Those are the latest bans for ET. As you will see, you have a lot of them of "supposed" North American players banned from the same overseas CYBERGAMES server. All of them have a *very* similar IP address and all say the players are all from VENEZUELA, which they are not. - NEB!Dominator - Cachucha - Xmg (me) - hello - lelaw


There have been many more bans added for supposed North American players. All have a similar IP and come from the CYBERGAMES server:



MULTIHACK #70534 Zicario [Venezuela] [CYBERGAMES] Apr 29, 2009

8:42 pm


MULTIHACK #70534 evilzombie [Venezuela] [CYBERGAMES] Apr 29, 2009

8:38 pm


MULTIHACK #70534 .fa.Corey [Venezuela] [CYBERGAMES] Apr 29, 2009

8:31 pm


MULTIHACK #70534 Bliss [Venezuela] [CYBERGAMES] Apr 29, 2009

8:27 pm


MULTIHACK #70534 NuMLocK [Venezuela] [CYBERGAMES] Apr 29, 2009

8:22 pm


All I had to do to get around it was simply delete my guid. I'd appreciate it if you removed my guid from the list. I have had it for many years and do not want my name/guid connected to a ban list in anyway, shape or form. Here is the info regarding my banned guid:


Violation information from PBBans.com:

Ban Date: Apr 29, 2009 at 1:41:52 pm EDT

PBBans BanID: 124831

PBBans Ban Link: http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-ed1918e5-vb124831.html

Game: Enemy Territory

Violation: VIOLATION (MULTIHACK) 70682


I know there is a proper appeal process but a lot of this information came into light after I had already submitted the appeal. As well, I figured I'd bring it to everyone's attention in case you were not already aware of it.


Well, it is actually weird that all the IPs on MPI are from Canada, and that ban is from Venezuela... but if I am right it's quite impossible to spoof a PB Guid unless you know the CDkey...

If your GUID really got spoofed, anyway, you've found by yourself the solution to this matter:

All I had to do to get around it was simply delete my guid.
  AmCorp said:
Well, it is actually weird that all the IPs on MPI are from Canada, and that ban is from Venezuela... but if I am right it's quite impossible to spoof a PB Guid unless you know the CDkey...

If your GUID really got spoofed, anyway, you've found by yourself the solution to this matter:


There are no CD keys in enemy-territory

  EvilJohn said:
There are no CD keys in enemy-territory


What is this, then?



Not going to bother explaining it on here - but suffice to say if you want/need to know what is going on, then google is your friend. I'm not giving the pillock responsible any more hits on his site.

  AmCorp said:
What is this, then?




Ok you got me. LOL. What I meant was no key to manually type in like a paid game.

  EvilJohn said:
Ok you got me. LOL. What I meant was no key to manually type in like a paid game.


XD! Well I've been playing ET for many years, so I know enough about it :P

Anyway yes, what you are saying it's correct... there is no CD-Key (like for BF etc) to type manually :P

  AmCorp said:
Well, it is actually weird that all the IPs on MPI are from Canada, and that ban is from Venezuela... but if I am right it's quite impossible to spoof a PB Guid unless you know the CDkey...

If your GUID really got spoofed, anyway, you've found by yourself the solution to this matter:


Good night, im from Venezuela and i used to play ET, my IP got banned in pb but I DONT HACK....please, if someone can help me, i would be gratefull...




We added a subnet mask on a spoofing player late last night while I coded the changes to suspend ET banning.


I have removed the ban masks and you should be able to play again.

  MaydaX said:
We added a subnet mask on a spoofing player late last night while I coded the changes to suspend ET banning.


I have removed the ban masks and you should be able to play again.


Good Morning, i tryed to connect today, and i couldnt.....


For other server says: "Server disconnected for unknown reason" or the counter of "Awaiting Chalenge" never ends...(like 1,2,3,4,5,6,7....)


My punkbuster is active and working perfectly...can you do something?


Thanks in advance for your attention.

  gw3nzon said:
Good Morning, i tryed to connect today, and i couldnt.....


For other server says: "Server disconnected for unknown reason" or the counter of "Awaiting Chalenge" never ends...(like 1,2,3,4,5,6,7....)


My punkbuster is active and working perfectly...can you do something?


Thanks in advance for your attention.


This sounds more like you or the server is having connection issues. Are you getting this with every server? Are you sure your game isn't being blocked by your antivirus or firewall?


Make sure that etmaster.idsoftware.com is reachable from your machine.

  Lucky_Fr4gg3r said:
This sounds more like you or the server is having connection issues. Are you getting this with every server? Are you sure your game isn't being blocked by your antivirus or firewall?


Well the server that i used to play is prefect, all the players are playing fine...no connection issues...


And my game isnt being blocked by an firewall, all the restrictions for the game are fine.


  foxdie said:
Make sure that etmaster.idsoftware.com is reachable from your machine.


How i can verify that?

  MaydaX said:
We added a subnet mask on a spoofing player late last night while I coded the changes to suspend ET banning.


I have removed the ban masks and you should be able to play again.



I had to remove the ban masks on 190, so one of my regulars could join. Which was no big deal. But that could be what the problem is for some not being able to join.


yes you do have to remove the ban from your pbbans.dat file


PB has not developed a command to lift a banmask and when the bans started coming through from that ip we issued a ban mask while maydax finished the coding. The only way to remove the ban is to open up the pbbans.dat file and removed the line, then upload to your server and issue a

/rcon pb_sv_restart command


Good night all, i could solve the problem, now i can connect to the servers...


Thanks a lot guys...!!!


Keep on touch!!




I sent a mass unban command for the mask today (pb_sv_unbanguid MASK190. for those who want to know how)


Since this is a public forum could I please have my full 32 character guid removed from the original post please. Thank You.


Also thanks for clearing this issue up & removing the spoofed bans :)

  ETL-zOMBie said:
Since this is a public forum could I please have my full 32 character guid removed from the original post please. Thank You.


Also thanks for clearing this issue up & removing the spoofed bans :)


Removed all of the GUIDs from the original post. :)

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