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Clan doesn't like clean Aliases linked to banned GUIDs


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Hey folks,


I don't wanna type out the same message I sent out to PBBans and Even Balance for the 4th time (IE8 is being crashy :rolleyes: ), so here's what I sent to PBBans as a ban appeal. Tell me your thoughs about my situation, and if you think there might be a way out for me. The clan mentionned in this message will only reaccept me if I can get those GUIDs cleared off my BF2 Alias on PBBans. You can or cannot believe what I am saying, it is up to you. Though, I am not lying when I say that I am honest.


Here's the message:


Hi there,


I am not writting you to appeal this GUID from the PBBans database, but rather unlinking it from my BF2 Alias (AgentRevolution) along with the other banned GUID linked to my Alias (1ecb61d8220b3a33fa39a24d6095a7a9).


You see, I'd really like to see those 2 GUIDs to not show anymore when we search for my BF2 Alias (AgentRevolution), because I never used an aimbot on BF2. The 2 bans shows clearly that they were committed by different aliases, not by mine.


The only explanation I could have why they are appearing here is that I go a few times a year to a cybercafe with lots of games installed on, and when I play BF2 there, I use my AgentRevolution account. Many people do play at this cybercafe, and it's not rare to see a cybercafe's GUID to be marked as banned because some people just go at those cafes and use hacks without any consequence on their behalf. The cybercafe got tired of changing CD keys since a long time, and now they are changing it only each 1-2 years (my friend works there, he told me that).


So, most likely I had played on computers with a certain GUID, but never hacked. Still those GUIDs were banned before I played at cybercafe but since it shows that I've played with them on a server, I'm now marked as an hacker too, but for something I never did.


The reason why I'm writting to you about this is because that I recently joined the MIA clan, but they kicked me out because they said my Alias had GUIDs marked as banned registered on my Alias on PBBans.


If you can just unlink those 2 GUIDs (1ecb61d8220b3a33fa39a24d6095a7a9 & b48f739eb3f549cbe657d81417811086) from my AgentRevolution BF2 Alias, I'd be really, really thankful.


In the hope of a positive reply,


Edited by AgentRevolution
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Hey folks,


I don't wanna type out the same message I sent out to PBBans and Even Balance for the 4th time (IE8 is being crashy :rolleyes: ), so here's what I sent to PBBans as a ban appeal. Tell me your thoughs about my situation, and if you think there might be a way out for me. The clan mentionned in this message will only reaccept me if I can get those GUIDs cleared off my BF2 Alias on PBBans. You can or cannot believe what I am saying, it is up to you. Though, I am not lying when I say that I am honest.


Here's the message:


Ban will not be lifted and the MPI data will not be altered. I suggest you talk to your old clan more about the issue but in the end it is their choice how they interpret the MPI search.

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Namehacking in BF2 is so goddamn common, that it could happen to anyone. Having your "Account" on some banned guid means absolutely nothing.


As a bonus, those two guids have been used all over the world... meaning that they're very leaked...


// 5 mins later


Actually... on the b48f739eb3f549cbe657d81417811086 guid... the someone who used "AgentRevolution" has a very similar IP to yours... It was either you or someone using your ISP, maybe even living near you... Been playing with any leaked guids lately? :D

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As a side note, please don't send tickets to Evenbalance about this, they are in no way related to our MSI and cannot help you either.


If it is you who triggered the ban though, they will be able to state whether the violation was valid. If so, the ban will be lifted from our side.

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Actually... on the b48f739eb3f549cbe657d81417811086 guid... the someone who used "AgentRevolution" has a very similar IP to yours... It was either you or someone using your ISP, maybe even living near you... Been playing with any leaked guids lately? :D


I tell you, sometimes I go play at a local cybercafe, and I use my AgentRevolution BF2 account to play BF2 at the cybercafe. I wasn't namehacked or namespoofed. The AgentRevolution you see on the list was me, but I got added there just because I tried to play BF2 with a banned GUID, though I am not the one that triggered those bans.


This means that PBBans links anyone trying to play with a banned GUID to this GUID, even if it is not the name triggerer.


The fact that we can see arround 7 different countries on the 2 banned GUIDs' players lists can be explained by 2 things: a friend works at this cybercafe, and he told me they often use private proxies in orders to clear IP bans frequently. The other theory could be that someone was able to get their CD keys and leaked them. (about that point, some time ago, about 30 of their Steam accounts (at the time they didn't had Valve Cybercafe) mysteriously disappeared one time, so that's kinda frequent...)


The similarity with IPs is normal, I am using the most popular ISP of my province/state. Most of their IPs start with numbers arround 24, 66, 75, and 96.


Anyway I wrote a long message to the clan leader, it says he read it (about 15 hours ago, maybe), but he didn't replied. That must be because he doesn't want to get in trouble (he THINKS that he can get in trouble with PBBans streaming "because they would have a wrongful guy", when the clan has hundred of members), just because of another unknown recruit guy (that is me).


The clan's Security dept. told me before they kicked me that they could lose PBBans streaming (for my case, I don't believe that) and then that hundreds of millions of hackers and aimbotters could come in their server. (Remove the "hundreds of millions" and it gives out what they exactly said to me)


Now from all those explanations and facts, I can tell 2 things:


- The MIA clan kicks are based off a sometimes misunderstood research of PBBans players' file

- The fact that PBBans records and logs people using banned GUIDs even if the ban was triggered a long time ago is not a very good idea, because from my point of view I think it can be an erronous source for determining if a player is an hacker.


If we search my Alias in the Master Ban index, it returns nothing, and that's from this that MIA should base it's clan kicks more than the Master Player index.



As a side note, please don't send tickets to Evenbalance about this, they are in no way related to our MSI and cannot help you either.


If it is you who triggered the ban though, they will be able to state whether the violation was valid. If so, the ban will be lifted from our side.


I don't really care about wheither the ban is valid or not, though I'm sure it is valid, I'd just whish that my name could be removed from those GUID's Alias list, because I am, with all the evidence I provided, not the guy that triggered this ban.

Edited by AgentRevolution
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The bans issued for the pbguid's concerned are indeed valid.

The fact that you have a member forum account and have not had your forum access limited to the "restricted user" section means that we can not with 100% certainty say that it was you who triggered said bans.

Bottom line = dont use leaked keys off the internet if you do not want to be associated with the inevitable bother that accompanies that type of cd key.

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The fact that you have a member forum account and have not had your forum access limited to the "restricted user" section means that we can not with 100% certainty say that it was you who triggered said bans.

I'm not sure what is supposed to mean this statement, was it ironic? I mean I created a forum account yesterday to be able to post in this section, but what is the link with the bans?



Bottom line = dont use leaked keys off the internet if you do not want to be associated with the inevitable bother that accompanies that type of cd key.

Well, I told you, I was playing at a cybercafe. I don't know which keys are leaked off the internet or not, I'm not a fortune teller.


I'm just a victim of the system in the end, and I don't feel anyone is willing to help. I mean it's normal you don't trust some unknown guy that comes here, because it's probably not the first time it happens, but having just a bit ampathy toward me could help realize that it just sucks for me all the way.

Edited by AgentRevolution
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I'm not sure what is supposed to mean this statement, was it ironic? I mean I created a forum account yesterday to be able to post in this section, but what is the link with the bans?


It means that we have not moved you to the restricted user section because we can not prove with 100% certainty that you triggered a ban.

Is that hard to understand ?

Our policy is to give cheaters nothing, and that also includes a member forum account.

Believe it or not we are not fortune tellers either, so lets stick to factual information shall we.

Cybercafe or not, its a fact that you have used a banned cd key to connect to a server, hence the connection between a banned key and you.

Like iceman stated earlier, mpi data can not be altered in any shape or form and maybe a chat with your old clan would yield a more positive result than a whine on here.

Feel free to link them to this thread.

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It means that we have not moved you to the restricted user section because we can not prove with 100% certainty that you triggered a ban.

Is that hard to understand ?

Our policy is to give cheaters nothing, and that also includes a member forum account.

Without knowing that last bit of statement, yes, it was kinda hard to understand.



mpi data can not be altered in any shape or form

An editor that allows to do that should have been thinked when PBBans first opened. :lol:



Cybercafe or not, its a fact that you have used a banned cd key to connect to a server, hence the connection between a banned key and you.

Even if I would have did it on purpose or not, why would that be an offence? :blink: I mean yay, a banned GUID, okay, just kick the player from the server. But just don't add it on the GUID's Alias list, penalizing more correct people than wrong people because that some other people can't make the difference between the MPi and the MBi is just strange. Anyway...


a chat with your old clan would yield a more positive result

That seems a good idea. It's the reason why I came here first was to make sure I would never encounter this problem again if I had to join another clan, but it's okay then.



than a whine on here.

I'm not whining, consider that I write my posts in a neutral/friendly fashion. If I need to use emotes to show that, then I'll start using them, lol. :lol:



Just a last question: With my current situation and Alias status, would joining the clan give them trouble with PBBans Streaming on their servers? They told me that having a member in the clan with my current MPi status would prevent them to have PBBans streaming (in other words, they say PBBans would disallow them to stream because they would have a member with an MPi satus like mine). I'm just not sure if that is true, and it's the main reason why I got kicked. If you guys (PBBans staff) tell me that it's wrong, it would probably give me another chance to join them again. :)

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An editor that allows to do that should have been thinked when PBBans first opened. :lol:


It was discussed but I decided that MPi data should not be altered in anyway. Just invites the possibility of tampered data. Also editing a massive db (currently player tracking table is 173 million records) is not practical.

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Let me be completely honest and upfront with you.

First of all you register with an IP address that is completely unrelated to the IP you have made your post's from.

That in itself is not a crime but it does raise the warning flags (for me at least)

MPI data is factual streamed data, nothing more, nothing less and is specifically designed to be tamperproof.


If I was a security officer of a clan, tasked with checking new applicants for my clan and you applied, I would give you the "thanks but no thanks" response.


I see 4 pbguid's related to you;


1ecb61d8220b3a33fa39a24d6095a7a9 - aimbot ban/leaked cd key


b48f739eb3f549cbe657d81417811086 - aimbot ban/leaked cd key


99f3d333ab79e14530bc17e95e228852 - leaked cd key/globally banned by evenbalance


************************4beef351 - leaked cd key


I do not see a single pbguid that is unique to you.

That would be my personal take on the information at hand.

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It was discussed but I decided that MPi data should not be altered in anyway. Just invites the possibility of tampered data. Also editing a massive db (currently player tracking table is 173 million records) is not practical.

Ah okay, I see. Thanks for the info. I though it was possible but that admins were categoric and wouldn't do changes, except for tiny exceptions. So, that means the database is locked down and not editable by people not having access directly to the computer where it is stored.


Still, can anyone answer my previous question?


Just a last question: With my current situation and Alias status, would joining the clan give them trouble with PBBans Streaming on their servers? They told me that having a member in the clan with my current MPi status would prevent them to have PBBans streaming (in other words, they say PBBans would disallow them to stream because they would have a member with an MPi satus like mine). I'm just not sure if that is true, and it's the main reason why I got kicked. If you guys (PBBans staff) tell me that it's wrong, it would probably give me another chance to join them again. :)
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First of all you register with an IP address that is completely unrelated to the IP you have made your post's from.

Yes, I know, I resetted my network yesterday, and I have a dynamic IP. Whenever I change my WAN address in my router's settings, my IP changes. But if you take all my IPs, they will always lead to the same location.


I see 4 pbguid's related to you;


1ecb61d8220b3a33fa39a24d6095a7a9 - aimbot ban/leaked cd key


b48f739eb3f549cbe657d81417811086 - aimbot ban/leaked cd key


99f3d333ab79e14530bc17e95e228852 - leaked cd key/globally banned by evenbalance


************************4beef351 - leaked cd key

1st and 2nd are the ones I talked about in this thread. Never heard of the 3rd one, but might have been another case at the cybercafe. It is not found anywhere in neither the MPi or the MBi that I can access, so I don't have information on it.


The 4th is the one I have always used at home. BF2 was given to me by a friend, and the game was used. I know that he had played it for some time, though I'm not sure what did he do with the CD key after he gave me the game, if the search to returns that it is leaked. Knowing him, he might have selled it on eBay or something. I'll ask him next time I see him.

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Just a last question: With my current situation and Alias status, would joining the clan give them trouble with PBBans Streaming on their servers? They told me that having a member in the clan with my current MPi status would prevent them to have PBBans streaming (in other words, they say PBBans would disallow them to stream because they would have a member with an MPi satus like mine). I'm just not sure if that is true, and it's the main reason why I got kicked. If you guys (PBBans staff) tell me that it's wrong, it would probably give me another chance to join them again. :)


If you are banned or linked to a ban and a staff member has enough evidence that proves that the ban is actually you who triggered it then yes their clan could be "in trouble" and just have to remove you in the long run (or have their account suspended, meaning they lose all streaming rights).

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Well, thanks for all the replies and infos everyone. I conclude the best for me would be to get a new retail CD key, a new BF2 Alias, and a new IP (and stop playing with my own account at this cybercafe) so my new GUID and new Alias would be cristal clear, and it wouldn't stop me from joining a clan.

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Don't forget your bans in BF2142


[PsB:9354 V00D91423] 688e928b7ad4dd236686dc14c27baa36 "Agent.Rev" "" GAMEHACK #80282


[PsB:7586 V00D79EF8] a571ccf8fae55d641283427bb6ca4a96 "Agent.Rev" "" GAMEHACK #80283

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Don't forget your bans in BF2142


[PsB:9354 V00D91423] 688e928b7ad4dd236686dc14c27baa36 "Agent.Rev" "" GAMEHACK #80282


[PsB:7586 V00D79EF8] a571ccf8fae55d641283427bb6ca4a96 "Agent.Rev" "" GAMEHACK #80283


Those are from another anti cheat organization...

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yeah true, but you can't fault a clan for streaming some other anticheat site.. they probably aren't aware how much psb sucks.. But the bust is still valid :D

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yeah true, but you can't fault a clan for streaming some other anticheat site.. they probably aren't aware how much psb sucks.. But the bust is still valid :D

:lol: Lol, that was such a long time ago. It was almost a year before I even started playing BF2. It was some force-commander and teamswitch hack I got on some freebie hacks website that allowed me to resign the commander of each team :D . I think it was at the cybercafe also, lol. Been such a long time since I really played 2142.

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:lol: Lol, that was such a long time ago. It was almost a year before I even started playing BF2. It was some force-commander and teamswitch hack I got on some freebie hacks website that allowed me to resign the commander of each team :D . I think it was at the cybercafe also, lol. Been such a long time since I really played 2142.


You talk about it as if that is ok. Ignorance of the consequences is no excuse.


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