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Everything posted by AcE

  1. AcE

    pb_sv logs

    Only cheats like MULTIHACK will be recored in the sv_cheat.log. Cvar kicks will be in your sv_vio.log and prior kick/ban kicks will be in your svlogs folder.
  2. I dont play the game but most experienced players know that rather than spraying bullets (holding the trigger) it's better to fire in short bursts decreasing recoil and improving accuracy.
  3. Quoted from the link above...
  4. Have a little patience :angry:
  5. No it does feel like that but you dont, Makes me feel pissed when trying it on 100 lol.
  6. A little wider yeah i dunno if if it's used with a widescreen or not. I've got a 17"er aswel :P i find just having it on defaut 80 suits me fine. Other people mess with the setting to find what they like so i say it's up to you m8. Had a great time m8 little to hot at times but other than that thumbsup :)
  7. The deafault fov is 80 the allowable range is 80-100. Fov = field of view, See the ss to see the differences. I personally think anything above default looks retarded lol.
  8. Why not stream ? it'll take you 5-10 mins if that to setup, See here :)
  9. And read this http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=7782
  10. 'Testing' hacks is not your job it's evenbalance's. Cheaters always claim they didn't do it, it wasn't them we've heard it all before. Use a cheat pay the price.
  11. Change it from -4000 to -70
  12. From our server..And all good for us :)
  13. We will only accept demo's if the server was streaming at the time they were taken that also goes for pbss. I see that you want to stream so have a read over this section of the forum http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showforum=346
  14. AcE

    Punk Bust Ban

    The 'admin decision' means the admin of the server thinks you were cheating and banned you from his/her server. This is just a local ban meaning you're banned only from that server. If you want to play on that server again contact the admin, This is not a pbbans issue.
  15. Because the image has been changed the GUID has been blanked out. On that note berserker you dont need to blank out GUID's for pbbans.
  16. For future reference when you submit either a demo or pbss dont hotlink to either use the file attach option. With demos zip them before attaching :).
  17. See here for info on streaming via the hub (best option) or here for streaming via the rep. :)
  18. What are you doing or what have you done so far ?
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