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Everything posted by AcE

  1. No, Both are just useless if you can do both with your fingers then go play mario lol.
  2. By all means post them, but they wont be added to the MBI as the server isn't streaming. Get it streaming B)
  3. Your appeal is being processed, Be patient.
  4. In order for any pbss to be added to the MBI the server that it was taken on has to be streaming.
  5. Next time take the chewingum off your caps lock.
  6. I see by your profile that you'd like to stream your server, Please see here for more info.
  7. Link for what ? & did you use the TT system ?
  8. If you've still got the demo/s can you post them ?
  9. Try asking the ppl that are doing it how they're doing it.
  10. It's a valid pb kick so the answer would be yes most likely. I see from your profile that you'd like to stream. Streaming will keep these tits off of your server and any other server streaming here. Please see here for info on streaming :) .
  11. Well for the thermal/nv issue i really have no idea. I checked out the roc forums (spambot central) hoping to find an answer, But nothing. Nothing on google either. I'd have to say the people doing this are either.. A: Cheating, B: Exploiting a bug. You could always disable the use of the goggles. Demos, I demoed myself for 5 mins using both thermal & night vision on a test roc 2.1c server. When playing it back i saw what i saw in game, I had to test it's been a while since i've used the goggles lol. Anyways, That's a new one on me or im just getting forgerfull. Im sorry i couldn't be more help. PS.. Added you to my msn.
  12. 1st question /follow ID# 2nd question let me see if i read that right. When using therms/NV googles you sacrifce having armour, So when the player picks up a pack it should only increase the health/ammo. What mod by the way ?
  13. I almost died with laughter http://simplythebest.net/sounds/WAV/WAV_fi...files/beans.wav
  14. AcE

    Patch greif

    UK v1.0 - Reatail. Im downloading fear_update_engb_100-107_108.exe if that doesn't work i'll kill myself lol, Cheers for that list m8 :) . EDIT: Success
  15. AcE

    Patch greif

    See http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f226/nath25/ffs.jpg explains all
  16. Calm down calm down lol.
  17. Pbss can only be added to the MBI if the server they were taken on streams it's logs. Without streamed logs there's no way to verify them. If you'd like to setup streaming please see here.
  18. Only evenbalance can help you this isn't a pbbans matter, You'll have to submit a trouble ticket with them click me
  19. First thing you should do is get your server streaming, See here. Doing so will ensure your server is proptected as possible agains't cheaters.
  20. #1 & #4 could be, But you need more than just one from each person to make any decision. #2 is the the AA bug (anti - analising) pbss captured at the beginng of the game i would think. #3 No idea.
  21. TEXAS battlegrounds, Do any of those servers stream ? If not send the admin over here :).
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