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Everything posted by AcE

  1. The 1st one is simple items cg_simpleItems "1" this makes pickups/dropped weapons white like what you see. The 2nd is just blood.
  2. Without the ss it's a guessing game, Plase post the ss unedited if you want to get an opinion.
  3. See the streaming section.
  4. Xfire copy/paste jobby. Manufacturer: MICRO-STAR INTERNATIONAL Operating System: Windows XP Home Edition, Service Pack 2 Processor: Intel Core Duo 2, CPU 6300 @ 1.86GHz (2 CPUs) Memory: 1GB Hard Drive: 200 GB Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GT 256mb Monitor: Octigen 19" TFT LCD Sound Card: Realtek HD Audio Speakers/Headphones: MOS Power tower Keyboard: Microsoft Wireless Laser 6000 v2 Mouse: Standard wired optical
  5. http://www.evenbalance.com/publications/bf2-ad/index.htm
  6. I've read your reply to the other topic and i highly reccomend you set your server up for streaming to keep your server/s a clean a possible, See here.
  7. 5k is the max you will get and redirect isn't possible in sof2, It's been attempted many times in various mods with 0% success. I'll pm you a few streaming server ip's ;)
  8. http://www.evenbalance.com/publications/bf2-ad/index.htm
  9. If the player was behind the wall you'd see the rest of his body & backpack through the window/doorframe that the other player is sticking his gun out of. It's not enough evidence for a cheat. Clean for me.
  10. There's no ] in that pro GUID.
  11. Get all the logs from your server from each time the server was crashed, Also if you have any, Chat logs of these people posssibly discussing it. Use google to search for an ip trace tool, The results of the ip trace should give you the isp for the ip, Eg (xx.xx.xxx.x.whatever.com) find whatever.com and look for an [email protected] link or complaints. Remeber dont go off your trolley be calm and polite.
  12. Forgot to add, In order to stream the sof2 servers need to be v1.03 GOLD.
  13. You can report them to their isp's, but you'll need to go prepared with logs etc if you decide to do that. You can also try this, But doing so you will also ban innocents so it's up to you. You can also point your friends in the direction of pbbans so they can set up streaming.
  14. #1 As a player you cant take pbss of other players even if you could you'd still need FTP access to the server to see them, So yeah your wasting your time. #2 You can complain to the server admin, You can also report the player/s here or to EA. As the player you cant proove anything. If bf2 had clientside demo features it would make what you want to do 10x easier.
  15. Plase dont name people as cheats if you have no proof. As for your screenshot question you cant unless you're the server admin http://www.evenbalance.com/publications/bf...htm#screenshots
  16. Rent one. You could alway look around here click this subject has been covered many times in 100s of topics you'll just have to search.
  17. The runner is an easy server setup utility for home servers mainly, But if you've never used it it can cause you a mass brainfart hense why i said reasd the documentation.
  18. Make sure your games exe has internet access through your firewall & forward the ports for your router http://www.portforward.com. If you router isn't listed, On the underside of the router should be a URL link to login to your router and change it's settings. You might if not already want to use this Sof2 runner to setup your server, But make sure you read ALL the documentaion.
  19. It's a script, See attachment. You cant. g_punishRecon default: 0 desc: If set, players will be unable to get out of punishment by reconnecting. 0 = No player data is saved through a reconnect 1 = Punishments are remembered and reapplied after a reconnect 2 = Both punishments and player score/stats are remembered and reapplied after a reconnect You cant mute/dummy for ever, If they guy is that annoying just local ban him from your server. demo.zip
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