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Everything posted by AcE

  1. Better late than never, But happy birthday
  2. AcE


  3. Yes it's a cheat, But details will not be given.
  4. Thge only way to know that is keep an eye on this page.. http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=announce.php
  5. AcE


    Better late than never, Happy birthday :D
  6. AcE

    pb hack

    See here for more info on streaming your server. If you decide you'd like to stream first please update your profile info. Clan/Group Tag: No Information Clan/Group/League Name: No Information Clan/Group/League Website: No Information Game Server IP Address and Port: No Information Game Played: No Information Are you a Server Admin?: No Want to Stream to PBBans?: No
  7. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showforum=346
  8. AcE


    That's mad amount of snow lol :blink:
  9. AcE


    Eye's are these clickme
  10. The most snow we've had in 3-4yrs, So i built me a snowman :D
  11. What's the exact kick message ?
  12. AcE


    Ok i've just started playing cod2. So i want to add all the server IP's that stream here to my favorites, but i cant because when i enter the IP it tells me the server name is blank. How can i add the server IP as a favorite without having to enter the servers name ??
  13. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showforum=346
  14. Link only likes to eb's main page...
  15. The PB GUID in (v1.03) is 32 digit hexdecimal lowercase letters. The client GUID (v1.00) is the same but with uppercase letters, Otherwise known as the raven GUID ;)
  16. AcE

    please help

    You still need to update the following.. Clan/Group Tag: Clan/Group/League Name: Clan/Group/League Website:
  17. Np, Remeber when you use that, ALWAYS restart sof2 before you join a server.
  18. Use ReFrag to play back your demos clickme
  19. Give them time m8 they will reply eventually.
  20. 100% cheat, Get your server streaming to pbbans clickme and ban these fools.
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