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Everything posted by AcE

  1. Dead player waiting to spawn speccing a live player, clean.
  2. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=29934
  3. Did you download and install the 'service installer' as linked to in post #2 ?
  4. Cheers m8 i wait untill it's released as those are only estimates.
  5. Anyone know what the system requirements are for this game ?
  6. What was the exact kick/ban message ?
  7. Your application was approved, You should have got an email about it (check junk/spam). For streaming information see here http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showforum=346
  8. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=29555
  9. You will have to take this up with evenbalance via trouble ticket, It's not a pbbans issue http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/n...et.php?game=aao
  10. Idd, But it doesn't look to smart lol.
  11. Submit a trouble ticket if you've not already done so http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/n...t.php?game=fear
  12. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=28851
  13. I see by your profile you'd like to stream, Good start. If you've not already done have a read of this thread for instructions how to set that up, Dont worry it's not hard. If you've not got FTP access to the server scroll down to (bf2cc & 2142cc setup), Can also done via rcon if you prefer. Bf2 for server admins Commands, Settings etc. The dll you're being kicked is a stock dll, Have you done what was suggested to you here?
  14. #9001 = Cvar violation. #9002 = MD5 violation.
  15. AcE

    need help

    What were you intending to do in the first place ?
  16. AcE

    need help

    The GUID was banned, But has been removed.
  17. Happy 5th july :D
  18. That goes for all games, If one is better than the other the other has to bitch n whine about it. Ban them from your servers via guid & ip, Forget about them and move on.
  19. Probably, Turn off you auto-downloads especially in sof2 and delete the file.
  20. There's a chance the file is completely innocent, But there also isn't. Go to your base folder find it and delete it.
  21. Dont be suprised if this turns out to be complete bollox. Last time and the time before that over 2yrs ago this was 'announced' the same thing as this, All these sites having it on pre-order just because somone said this somone said that. Now, diddly dee here we go again lol.
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