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Everything posted by foxdie

  1. Hardware Ban is related to hardware as is mentioned in its name. Once you get HW ban , your computer is banned in every game that PB supports . NEVER BUY PC VIA eBay . There is no way to lift your ban . You have to buy new PC
  2. if you set up your firewall to block pb , its not able to operate correctly . This is violation to PB EULA so you're hw banned. I think it can be done by mistake or it can be intended to block pb for example from being caught by ss.
  3. Thats the question for EB. I guess that it is Wolfenstein. The best would be to read all manuals. If like messing in bytes , then look for pb_sv in pbsv.so(or dll)
  4. I found it in pbsv.so file(bad way).Hendrik from EB told me that some PB settings for ET are not in official manuals because of lack of time.But they can be found in manuals for other games.
  5. If ET Guid Auth Master is down , you can turn off authentication with /rcon PB_SV_GuidAuth 0. It should allow you to play while etmaster is down.
  6. As we could have seen those hacks are really l33t .
  7. Now everyone stop training. Go to some leet pages , download aimbots and lets see whose one is the best. You need no skill just a good aimbot.
  8. Either you were using cdkey that wasn't your or someone got your cdkey and was caught cheating. Try to re-enter your cdkey. You should fill in trouble ticket at Evenbalance.
  9. IMO If you hacked , you should be already banned . If not , it should be ok . Try and you will see :D
  10. foxdie


    try xchat www.xchat.org
  11. I think PAT and jPAT won't help you.
  12. There are several ways how to do this: 1. /rcon PB_SV_Update 2.if you have access via ssh to your server, in pb folder run pbweb.x86( or pbweb.exe ) 3.visit this link , download all necessary files and upload them to pb folder . You can find instructions on that link. 4.If your PB Server has enabled Web Interface, go to PB_SV_HttpAddr:PB_SV_HttpPort and there you should find update button
  13. If I click on quit , only GUI disappears but app is running . Maybe gtk_quit could solve this.
  14. And as Ace said , we have nothing to do with HW Bans. Those are maintained directly by Evenbalance.
  15. The only who can help you , is evenbalance.
  16. It seems that you have hacked in a PB-enabled game. PB caught you and gave you HW Ban. If someone gets HW Ban, he's banned in every game that pb supports. You can still play on PB disabled server.
  17. /rcon pb_sv_homepath go to displayed directory and look into pbbans.dat make sure that pb has r/w rights that file. make sure that pbbans.dat has correct syntax, look at pb logs.
  18. http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/n...ket.php?game=et :P
  19. try PB_SV_BanLoad /home/COD/pb/pbbans.dat
  20. www.punkbuster.com/index.php?page=md5tool.php
  21. sounds more and more like a cheat :D
  22. Feedback: pbsetup works fine on Linux. it even runs on FreeBSD after unpacking :) The only "problem" is this : Suggestion: Add console option eg pbsetup.run --do-update which would run update on background
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