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Everything posted by Maester

  1. [removed]. The beta does have punkbuster in it.
  2. Dude the rules are simple to follow. They follow these guidelines because there were clans/cheater who would harbor themselves into getting access to PBBans and then making there hacks undetectable. These guidelines are there for security reasons. There are plenty of other AC sites you can stream to other then PBBans if you cant get access here then go there. Or just simply setup something that will let you meet requirements. Requirements can be found here http://www.pbbans.com/forums/streaming-application-requirements-t82423.html *Edit* And what Maydax said.
  3. IP's are just logged. Basically if you get banned your banned by your guid which is generated by your cd key. In order to play again you would need a new cd key which bascally means a new game as you really cant by a cd key alone that I know of. You can play on the same acount with a new key but its not recommended due to the name is linked to a ban and people are gonna start accusing you of being a cheater etc.
  4. Manufacturer: HP-Pavilion Processor: AMD Phenom™ 9150e Quad-Core Processor (4 CPUs), ~1.8GHz Memory: 7168MB RAM Hard Drive: 750 GB Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 9400 GT Monitor: HP w2338h HD Screen Sound Card: Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio) Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (6.1, Build 7600) (7600.win7_rtm.090713-1255) Motherboard: MSI MS-7548 (Aspen)
  5. You have to wait for all the players to load in GT before it will close the console itself otherwise closing it yourself will also work. The program works fine with cod4 and Windows 7 64 bit. Im using the exact same version you are. I understand what your saying but what he is saying is that the players have to fully load into the GT before it will close the console otherwise you can close it yourself and it ill stll have the same effect.
  6. glad to hear its a wonderful asset. My only wish for future development is to have access to search via website like you could do with AliasFinder. Only downfall with Aliasfinder is it only keeps up with what you have on your harddrive. Dunno if its possible for you do include something like that with future releases of whats just imported by the user or having a way to search via your website. Atm im using yours and Aliasfinder along with it just for the simple fact of this option so it allows my clan the ability to keep up with trouble makers in our servers lol
  7. I would also like to point out V3 works for Windows Vista (64 bit) and Windows 7 (64 Bit) so im sure v4 will work. I know he hasnt been able to test these operating systems so I have been fiddling with it on these systems and giving him feedback. They currently work perfect.
  8. www.teamfxgaming.com

  9. So there really isnt an option to search the guids correct? it just picks up who is in the server you are playing on? or am I missing something *EDIT* Nvm figured it out lol
  10. Technically yes but then if your site ever goes down then it would have been pointless for all these people to do this is what im stating. With Aliasfinder you can create your own stats page thus what I was asking. maybe you can make it possible to have it track to your site and the other person using it can have it on there site also with just there stats. Hope that makes more sense. I like your idea but not sure how it would work out in the log run.
  11. The question is can it be integrated into another website for clan purposes
  12. Prone Deviation At least it got rid of the stupid dolphin diving issue. So far I've played on 6 diff servers and not seen any of the issues your stating but hey thats me and im running windows vista lol
  13. Its a great game you should get it duality. Patch fixed alot of issues and actually seems the graphics look better.
  14. Over four years since Battlefield 2 launched comes the latest update, version 1.50 which is available to download NOW! The 2Gb download includes one of the biggest list of changes since Battlefield 2 launched as well as new map by Bjorn Sundell, Operation Blue Pearl, both Armored Fury and Euro Force booster packs for FREE and Highway Tampa becoming a requirement giving EIGHT new maps that everyone will have and be able to play on ranked servers without worry of dropping out. To see the full list of changes check out the changelog here: http://blogs.battlefield.ea.com/bf2_2142/a...lmost-here.aspx Grab the download from one of our ranked server hosts and mirror sites, You will need Battlefield 2 updated to v1.41 before you can install this update (get the full 1.41 update from http://www.fileplay.net/file/249/battlefie...ll-client-patch): Australia iiNET Australia - http://ftp.iinet.net.au/games/bf2/patches/BF2_Patch_1.50.exe Internode - http://games.on.net/file/29153/Battlefield_2_Patch_v1.5 Mammoth - http://www.ausgamers.com/files/details/html/46763 Europe & UK BSN Gaming - http://dl2.bsngaming.eu/BF2_Patch_1.50.exe and http://dl2.bsngaming.eu/BF2_Patch_1.50.exe Gaming.fi - http://www.gaming.fi/keskustelu.php?kat_id...amp;tyyppi_id=7 i3D - http://forum.i3d.net/downloads.php?do=file&id=2436 Killercreation - http://files.killercreation.co.uk/win/game..._Patch_1.50.exe Fileplay - http://www.fileplay.net/features/52-bf2-patch-v1-5 NextGenTel - http://broadparkgames.no/downloads139.html - User registration required Pelikaista.net - http://forum.pelikaista.net/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=327 TV2 Battle.no -http://www.battle.no/?section=download&get=129 USA BSN Gaming - http://www.bsngaming.com/bf2/BF2_Patch_1.50.exe and http://dl1.bsngaming.com/BF2_Patch_1.50.exe Fileplanet - http://www.fileplanet.com/files/200000/204626.shtml GamersLifeLine - http://www.gamerslifeline.com/downloads.ph...file&id=602 Hypernia - https://support.hypernia.com/index.php?_m=d...av=0,2,56,61,62 WOLF Servers - http://redirect.wolfservers.com/wolfservers/BF2/sks71z59w/ Total Gaming http://filehouse.totalgamingnetwork.com/lo...tid=4&id=74
  15. I feel your pain (I bought them also) but at the same time if its going to keep the game going and alive then they gotta do what they gotta do I mean the game has been out for how long now?
  16. Running & Maintaining the auth server is harder then what you think :rolleyes:
  17. Official Release Notes http://blogs.battlefield.ea.com/Default.aspx After nearly a year of development and three public beta tests Battlefield 2 v1.50 is ready for release! The update will be released on Tuesday 1st September at 5pm UK, 6pm Europe. As part of Update 1.50 we are glad to announce that not only is Highway Tampa now a required install included in the update but Euro Forces (Great Wall, Taraba Quarry and Operation Smoke Screen) and Armored Fury (Midnight Sun, Operation Harvest and Operation Road Rage) is now FREE for all Battlefield 2 players. Including the brand new map, Operation Blue Pearl this brings EIGHT new maps that everyone can play and will be added to ranked Battlefield 2 servers world wide. The Booster Pack content is included in the update and has made the file just over 2Gb in size. Server providers around the world will have access to the client file so find your closest host for best download speeds. To install Battlefield 2 Update v1.50 you must have Battlefield 2 updated to version 1.41 or Battlefield 2 Complete Collection from EA Store installed. Thank you to all of the EAUK Forums (http://forums.electronicarts.co.uk/battlefield-2/) members who have given feedback and requests during the development of this update. The full change log for Update 1.50 is as follows: FEATURES - Additional support for Windows Vista. - Added Highway Tampa as a required map. - Added a new map called Operation Blue Pearl. - Added Euro Force and Armored Fury as free to play content for all Battlefield 2 players - Added Widescreen support - Allowed BF2.exe to use more than 2Gb RAM - Added support for the Novint Falcon controller (http://www.novint.com). GAMEPLAY TWEAKS - Changes made to both the J10 and F35B to make them more balanced - AA targeting tweaked to make it more effective - Added checks to prevent "runway grieving". - Various changes made to prevent cheating. - Tweaked the hit detection, hits will be more accurate to the model. - Occasional connection drops after being on a server a couple of minutes - Prevented use of mouse wheel to provide speed boost to vehicles - Prevented use of mouse wheel to exploit parachutes - Players can now pass claymores by going prone - Update the HUD on TV Guided missiles to increase visibility on maps like Dragon Valley - Added Battlefield 2142 style prone deviation (going prone will now cause reduced accuracy for a brief period) BUG FIXES - Fixed the issue where picking up a players kit would cause CTD - Updated BF2OpenAL.dll from version to version - Updated ch_gas_station collision mesh on Dragon Valley to be consistent with other gas station buildings - Fixed the issue where MEC artillery piece on Operation Clean Sweep changes to the USMC's control when they capture the Airfield flag - Updated the Challenger2 HUD to show the correct icon instead of the M1A2 HUD icon - Changed a PLA FAV to MEC FAV on Road to Jalalabad - Tweaked the artillery respawn time on Dragon Valley for to 360 seconds as other artillery uses - Included a delay after weapon switch for the Bizon (PP-19) to 0.666 - Updated the F35B's lock delay to 1 second instead of 1.5 seconds to match other aircraft - Changed the Humvee camo on Taraba Quarry to be the correct design - Increased the splash damage of the UH-60 (Black Hawk) guns from 0.25 to 1.5 - Updated the G36E HUD to react the same as other weapons during sprint
  18. From All of TeamFX Welcome back and glad to have you guys up and running again. Hopefully the issues will stop now tat you have moved.
  19. The Aliasfinder pulls information directly from your server or from the .log file that your server creates when people are playing. It then will store all your information into a .dat file. So you can set it when someone connects that it announces there aliases and if they are on the banlist it will announce that they are cheater.
  20. Ahh ok Got ya
  21. Im just curious its past March 30th and they are still up?
  22. Good luck with your family and job. You will be missed and Congrats on a job well done here at PBBans.
  23. congrats pbbans
  24. Rodeobob,Maydax and the staff here have always tried to keep up the most Quality on the bans here. If the ban/bans in question arent really cheats then PBBans Staff would gladly remove them with no questions asked. Pbbans goes on what they hear from Evenbalance not a no name website who was just recently added to the Evenbalance Links page. IMO you cant ask for better people to work for or work with. You won't find any other staff more loyal to there SGA's,Staff,or Members. When a ban is in question they always investigated the issue. Yeah everyone may say I have a biased decision because I was staff here but thats the point I am retired staff from here. I have no obligation to these people or this site. I am speaking from experience. If you have a problem with the staff here you have a problem with every member here. Im sure I can speak for 99% of the people registered here in saying we support you in everything you do. Rodeo your personal life is not anyones buisness and something that may or may not have happened 5 years ago is pointless especially coming from people who have no idea what they are talking about. My posts may not be worth anything but this is my opinion. Congrats and Good Luck. Thanx for everything Maester
  25. Strange works fine on my AMD processors dunno hope everyone got it working
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