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Everything posted by =BLACKWOLF=

  1. What game is this? It sounds as if your server's PB is outdated? Do [/rcon] pb_sv_ver to obtain information on the server's current PunkBuster version. Then, go to EvenBalance.com and check that your server's current version matches that of the EvenBalance homepage I.e. the current server version for Enemy Territory is v1.640. Your server should also reflect that if you are running Enemy Territory.
  2. PBBans bans off GUID only. The server also needs to be streaming to PBBans for catches to be added to the MBi (Master Ban Index).
  3. You could also forward them to a staff member here, in order for them to have the appropriate checks added to the Master Config Index (MCi). I recommend you send them to Benway, since he's the MCi manager. //Edit RodeoBob beat me to it.
  4. Forward the hacks to [email protected]. Also, demos can only be submitted by streaming game admins, from servers which are streaming to PBBans. If the server is streaming here, contact the server admin and get them to submit the demos ;)
  5. Remember though, that any MD5 tool mismatches resulting in placement on the MBi are cheat related.
  6. From crossfire.nu: I doubt many server admins here will ditch PunkBuster (indeed, I doubt any will at all), but it's certainly put the minds of a fair few community members at unease.
  7. Ban him via his IP address. According to Fozzer, it is static, so you can successfully ban him without affecting others.
  8. Click here. Then, click 'Add Server' ;)
  9. Health is server side, and can't be modified by a client hook. Players can toggle certain settings, however, which make them very hard to hit. Decent cvar checks in place will help to reduce this problem. Glad to be able to help.
  10. 99 kills and 13 deaths isn't (on it's own) reason to say someone is cheating. It's not uncommon for this to occur on public servers, particularly when the opposition is unskilled. The basic demo recording process is simple: - /record <optional name> - /stoprecord When you start to record, you can simply type '/record' into the console and the recording will begin. The resulting demo file will be named 'demo0000.dm_84'. Additional recordings will be named 'demo0001.dm_84', 'demo0002.dm_84' etc. Alternatively, you can specify a name. I.e. '/record blackwolf' would record the demo to the file 'blackwolf.dm_84'. These demos will be saved into your /etpub/demos folder. To submit the demos to PBBans, you must be a streaming game admin and must post the evidence in the appropriate section.
  11. If the violation is on the MBi, then the kick is for a cheat related file. The PBBans configs (see here) check for the existance of certain cheat related files. Some servers also check the stock game files to ensure they haven't become corrupted. These are not cheat related. If you have an example to post, then it can be clarified whether the kick is cheat related or not.
  12. IP or GUID banning is generally the most effective. GUID banning: pb_sv_banguid xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx IP banning: pb_sv_banmask
  13. Damn this is terrible. The graphics are good but the cars drive like they're made of cardboard.
  14. Downloading now.
  15. Also be sure to visit the MCi to download the configs to give your servers additional protection: Link.
  16. See here: Link. If it's the same as that, I'm afraid you're going to struggle to do much about the attacks.
  17. A streaming game admin has already posted this screenshot in the screenshot review section.
  18. X-Fire upload: Manufacturer: MSI Processor: Intel
  19. Shrubmod has it's roots in RtCW, but the shrubbot admin system wasn't implemented until ET. Shrub's admin system in RtCW wasn't as advanced and I seem to remember it only having one "admin level" known as "Rcon lite".
  20. He also calls it a script. Whilst is uses a config as a means of storing data, it's coded into the mod itself. So unless he also plans on reporting the developers of Jaymod, NoQuarter, ETPub and similar mods he isn't going to get very far at all. TBH I'd say he's just "blowing smoke" as you said.
  21. I'd hazard a guess that the person making that statement has no knowledge of what shrubbot is? Pretty sure Even Balance never released a statement on shrubbot and don't have any reason to criticize it anyway. It's been a part of many Enemy Territory mods for a while now and there's no way it's a cheat.
  22. Forum status is automatically upgraded in due-time ;)
  23. There's a brute force password guesser about which will simply try all passwords. I.e. aa, ab, ac....ba, bb, bc etc until it guesses it correctly. Change your rcon password to one which has both upper and lower case characters, and preferably a number or two aswell. This means it'll take days for the program to obtain the password, and it's unlikely the hacker will wait for so long.
  24. Got a message running every few mins: "This server is protected by the PsB Auto-MBL and the PBBans HUB"
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