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Everything posted by Duality

  1. You are incorrect. Call of Duty 4 keys cannot be generated thanks to Activision's authserver. Every "generated" key from a COD4 keygen is a stolen key, and yes they are stolen in their thousands. Activision left the key in plain text in the registry, making it easy to steal. Pretty much every hack out there will steal your key and add it to the "pool" that the cheat sites and keygens use. Anyway, this thread is now closed and shall remain so - I also suggest that if you wish to keep your privilege of posting here, that you post in a manner that is not derogatory to us or other members. Suggesting that we are untruthful is a pretty good way to have your posting privileges revoked... this entire organisation is based upon honesty and integrity. The next post I see from you that is essentially trolling, for example: and will result in a full forum ban. This is your first and only warning. We encourage discussion - but only when it is done in a considerate and polite manner.
  2. Preloading now. Very much looking forward to this. I would have played AA2 a lot more if it weren't for the dated engine.
  3. You talk about it as if that is ok. Ignorance of the consequences is no excuse. Thread Closed.
  4. Had my name reserved since beta :D
  5. If your server is now legit - post up the IP and it can be checked. Then, if it is all correct - we can re-instate you.
  6. If you did it on a credit card, initiate a charge-back.
  7. Duality

    Your phone

    I still love Symbian. Not failed me yet. Does everything I want it too, is rock solid stable, and lots of apps out there. Perhaps not as mainstream in the UK and US as WM, but Symbian is great. N95 8Gb ftw.
  8. Go for it :)
  9. The rep method of streaming is somewhat archaic and not in use here any more. Your servers are streaming as they should be via the UCON hub method :) *************************************************************** Team: Armored Gerbil Division (=[AGD]=) Account ID: 7942 Streaming Status: Streaming (1 / 1) *************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------- Server List --------------------------------------------------------------- CODWW - (Streaming)
  10. 150 people invited. Will be interesting to see how many people bother to accept. On the other hand, people are going to hate me for spamming the link at them :lol:
  11. http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php
  12. All we need to see are a couple of sections that you are comfortable with being public, that have a few threads in with recent replies. The reason being, is that when processing these applications we are looking for signs of longevity in a clan. If a clan has a fairly active forum, or one that has been used fairly recently - then it shows that the clan will be alive for some time, and the effort put in by myself and other accounts managers to create and maintain their account will not be wasted. Before you re-apply, the two things I am looking for are: * A full team roster - Anywhere on your site, even a locked forum thread will do. * A forum with a decent amount of activity (explained above). Anything else I am not concerned about - if someone has a clean history and can provide those two things with the website they submit on the application form, they will pass first time :) Hope this at least explains the background behind the website vetting we do - feel free to PM me yourself if you have any other questions.
  13. Joined, and added you :)
  14. Have the current account master add you to the team account via the AccCP - then, once you have been approved, you will have full forum access as long as the servers in your account are streaming.
  15. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=89615
  16. Your website advertises cracked servers, has a forum full of posts saying how to get around PB banning cracked servers, has posts about how to change your CD key in the event of a ban... the list goes on. Your clan, as a whole, will not be permitted to stream to this organisation now - or at any foreseeable point in the future.
  17. Based on what I have read from your public servers, your site and your forums - your team will not be permitted to stream to us. That decision is not up for discussion. I'm sure. Thread closed.
  18. I shall re-iterate. You will not be permitted to stream here.
  19. Ok, I usually keep my mouth shut - but seriously, are you taking the piss? http://www.nobsclan.com/ Some choice quotes from your site server info boxes: No. Just no. I don't care if they are not really cracked, (the one that I tested was not at the time), but any clan that advertises servers like that will not stream here. Also I found some great posts on your forums regarding how to bypass PB server bans, about downloading COD4 and keys from torrents etc etc etc. So, personally I think you just made the servers non-cracked before posting here. Your site and server names just give it all away.
  20. Both servers are set up to stream here. If they are not streaming and they are correctly added to our system (which they are) then the problem is always at the server admin's end. Please review our guide here: http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html Post back if you need more help.
  21. If there are no records found - it means that a player with that alias/guid/ip/whatever you are searching for has never played on a streaming server.
  22. OMGWTF ITS OUT IN 4 DAYS! :D I am excited about this game, can you tell?
  23. Welcome to the community :)
  24. You can have your account information changed rather than creating a new account. Just post here: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showforum=349
  25. I just got one of these: Antec 902 Gaming case Two of these to fill the optional fan slots: Antec Tri-cool 120mm fans One of these: Arctic Cooling Freezer Pro 7 and one of these: WD Caviar Black 1TB Also, cheers Earzz - I got it OC'd a while ago - hence the need for a new, cooler case ;)
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