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Everything posted by Duality

  1. Was the server streaming at the time the screenshot was taken?
  2. Well, sorry guys, but it turns out that we suck afterall: http://forums.electronicarts.co.uk/battlef...pbbans-pos.html I don't know why I still stay here when I have to deal with stuff like this. I give up countless hours of my life to help people out and yet we still get that. Its amazing what people will say, even when they are still streaming to us. Happy to leech from the community and give nothing back, yet will also turn on a dime and flame us to kingdom come.
  3. Couple of ways around this, if my memory serves me correctly. Either use the COD4 built in banlist ban.txt for your local bans (using the COD4 rcon ban command, which escapes my memory at this time) - or you could use pbbans.dat to store your local bans, then upload the cod4_pbbans.dat file as it is (without renaming it) and then use pb_sv_banload to load the bans in that list into memory. For the second method you would have to ensure that the pb_sv_banload cod4_pbbans.dat command is placed in your pbsv.cfg file to ensure it is loaded along with your personal bans on a server restart. Hope this helps out at least a little, post back if you need help :)
  4. I lold. :lol: EDIT: 2500 posts. Go me.
  5. In that order, eh? :lol:
  6. Mhmm, and from what I can tell the GUID is not stolen either. Only a single alias listed, and IPs check out just fine. I suggest that the clan member in question purchases a new copy - the ban is valid and will not be lifted. Also, considering the GUID is not stolen - I believe that the member is indeed a hacker. The demo evidence is pretty damn conclusive... UrGonnaDie's admins did do a damn good job ;) They keep our demo reviewers busy at least :lol:
  7. Your "senior member" is incorrect on many, many levels. I will paraphrase though: Your members GUID is banned because the GUID was used to hack. We do not ban aliases or IPs, neither do we use them to ban additional GUIDs. GUIDs are banned based upon evidence streamed to us via the PBBans Hub. Please ensure that you have researched and completely understand how we work here - before throwing out accusations of us not doing our job properly. It does not concern us who is using your team-member's GUID - but it was used by someone, to hack - thus it ends up banned and will stay banned.
  8. Punkbuster is not enabled on the server.
  9. No, not as of the moment. We do have means of updating the banlist - but a streaming account is required to be able to use the software. So, at the moment you will have to download manually and upload to your server as required.
  10. I heard we needed a moderator, so I came as fast as I could. False alarm?
  11. People do not get banned for disallowed program/driver errors.
  12. Social engineering. Its stupid, but, it works.
  13. The server IP appears on the MPI, so it was blacklisted as per our policy on server IP's appearing on the MPI.
  14. If a GUID is used to hack, it gets banned - it is as simple as that really. There is not much we can do except recommend that your friend contacts Activision or the shop he got it from and demands a new key. His key was obviously stolen - but we cannot lift the ban.
  15. Punkbuster cannot kick for such things. All you can do is use an admin program as you suggested, (of which there are several) or run a modded server with perks and weapons restricted.
  16. Whats up with your server? :( Not streaming :o
  17. Stow the attitude. *************************************************************** Team: Unknown Gaming (Unknown) Account ID: 1217 Streaming Status: Not Streaming (0 / 0) *************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------- Server List --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- User List --------------------------------------------------------------- Frantic (112217) You have no servers streaming to us.
  18. One hell of a milestone - and damn proud to be part of it :) 7000 configured servers, with no less than 6200 streaming at any one time is an amazing feat - especially when you start thinking about the hardware and software supporting it. May we last for many more years to come :)
  19. I cannot read that image, it is too small.
  20. My bad, should be fixed now. A particularly nasty clan got the boot and had their servers blacklisted - I blacklisted just the IP rather than IP:Port. Apologies!
  21. Meh... Xbox and PS3 only for the moment.
  22. Until about 4am... :unsure:
  23. I am a strong goliath that likes to corrupt hot bitches...
  24. Fixed. Welcome back :)
  25. Good necropost there but oh well :lol: What do you mean by submissions? Nobody submits GUIDs for the MPI database - it is built from streamed data from servers.
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