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Everything posted by Duality

  1. For goodness sake... nothing has changed at our end. Your team is not suspended, nor is your server being stopped from streaming. It is not streaming because of a problem at your end. I really hate pointing out the obvious, but please look into the situation a little before wailing on our account requirements (which have nothing to do with your server not streaming). You met our requirements and were given an account. Your server stopped streaming because somebody did something at your end to stop it streaming. Everything is fine here.
  2. Nobody wants a guest pass? :o
  3. One of these days I will build up the courage to play my placement matches :unsure:
  4. Anyone else playing this utter classic of an RTS? I never played a starcraft game before this one - but I am now totally and utterly addicted. Anyone fancy getting together for some games? On that note, I have two Starcraft 2 guest passes. They are good for 7 hours of game time or until 14 days from activation of the code, whichever comes first. If you ask me nicely and I like you, I may furnish you with one of these lovely freebies.
  5. I don't mind DLC at all as long as it adds a decent enough amount of content to the game to justify it's price. Take the new ArmA2 DLC for example - an entirely new playable faction, new vehicles, weapons etc, for a reasonable price. And the clincher? All the engine updates that are released with the DLC will be made available to everyone via a patch, regardless of whether they purchase. That's how to do DLC :)
  6. I think you are looking for cheats in that screenshot where there are none. That screenshot is at the very best inconclusive.
  7. Haha, that was fantastic :D
  8. I told you not to post pictures from my Facebook :( Also: Awesome.
  9. Awesome, I can troll on my iPod Touch now :D
  10. I blame the parents. I seriously do. Too much cuddling and "my child can do no wrong" attitudes. Especially here in the UK.
  11. modelka :worthlesswithoutpics:
  12. Everson :ph34r:
  13. More! :D
  14. The original UT2004 mod was fantastic, though ludicrously hard. Really looking forward to getting this :D
  15. I'll stick with my Android phone thanks :D
  16. I simply won't be getting it either. I just ordered a copy of the new ArmA 2 expansion - complete with more mod tools than you can shake a MoH branded stick at. *counts the days until it arrives*
  17. Streaming does not cause lag. Your host is making excuses for their own poor infrastructure. Unfortunately this is something we see a lot of.
  18. Duality


    I don't play an awful lot at the moment. I usually only play when I can squad up with some friends.
  19. Going to have to dig up my old copy of RvS :D
  20. Holy crap, why didn't I see this thread before? :o
  21. No locational damage, so a shot to the toe does the same as a shot to the head. That really ruined APB for me :(
  22. Nowt wrong with a pay per play game if it is a decent MMO - I love my Eve Online :D As for APB - it is a bit rubbish. :(
  23. That is pretty awful Just to point out, BP is not owned by Britain - so flame on!
  24. Loved COD1 and UO, as well as COD4 and WAW. Anyone else find it amusing that MW2 isn't even classed as part of the Call of Duty collection? :P Thats right, because it was just a dead shell of a Call of Duty game ;)
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