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Everything posted by Duality

  1. Got myself a key. No I didn't pre-order. The game is... well... bad. Didn't enjoy it. Felt uninspired, generic, bland. MW2 actually was more fun the first time I started it up. Graphics seem a step down from BFBC2 for some reason. No recoil at all - I was moving around, firing an AK on full auto and every single shot landed right where I pointed. I'm sorry DICE - I enjoy BFBC2 despite its issues, but I am disappointed with the MOH beta. I know it is a beta, but it just doesn't stand up to even the BFBC2 beta.
  2. gunclub.ea.com - when it comes back up, people who own BFBC2 get into the beta there, I hear.
  3. MW2 in a different engine? Did I see killstreaks? Please tell me I didn't see any killstreaks.
  4. Goddamn it DICE. Seriously.
  5. Apparently console commands can be executed via chat natively without an external app - so I have heard anyway.
  6. Duality

    Get told.

  7. Saw this on another forum yesterday. Scary stuff.
  8. I am not a fan of non-native application themes - but that is a damn good theme.
  9. Duality


    This is funny, because my housemate came bounding into my room yesterday having done this :lol:
  10. You do realise I will just pester you on twitter until you return, right?
  11. To put it bluntly - owned.
  12. I wish Treyarch all the luck in the world - but I will not be buying this until it is a known fact that it is not shit.
  13. Your post has about as much credibility as my current government. Begone, troll. I removed your terribly biased poll.
  14. Please don't spam. Closed.
  15. This is fantastic :lol: Installing on my HTC Hero :D
  16. I think you are under some misconceptions as to what this guy can do to you. Your PC has not been hacked at all, and this guy does not have friends here or anywhere else. He is trolling you, so just don't feed the troll and he will go away.
  17. Please edit it to include paragraphs and some punctuation. This will enable us to better help you.
  18. I smoke them - kills their frame-rate too :lol:
  19. Without knowing your name or PB GUID I have no way to help you.
  20. Benefit of the doubt does occur when an appeal is raised through the proper channels. Occam's Razor does not always apply in the world of anti-cheat. If you have streamed before, especially to this community, then you would understand that.
  21. Click the PBBans appeal link - all the instructions you need are there. As for mistakes, we ban for violations issued by Punkbuster software - developed by Evenbalance. If there is a false positive for a PB violation, then it is up to them to declare it in the troubleticket your clan member makes. Make sure it is your clan member appealing and not you. Appeals made by people other than the banned person themselves, are just deleted.
  22. He will need to follow the appeals process as specified by HSMagnet above.
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