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Everything posted by HSMagnet

  1. too bad someone doesn't remove obvious abuse bans from some of these places. local bans are one thing, adding bogus bans to 3rd party lists is criminal
  2. it is on the MBi http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-3020ce4f-vb95975.html
  3. no name and shame here without evidence streamed to PBBansHub, we cannot accept submissions
  4. locally if you add them to 3rd party ban-lists without proof. you are wrong. which is why we only ban by streamed evidence ... the steam id presented as proof is bogus. no way to connect to OP
  5. hopfenextrakt http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-dfbbc2a4-vb279802.html still "aktiv" on your website
  6. i would buy titanfall first and i passed when it was on sale recently
  7. it is best to make your own thread for these issues http://www.pbbans.com/forums/streaming-questions-and-troubleshooting-f395.html
  8. yeah, anyone that bought the spin on AA series was for internal training ...
  9. fragmenting your player base is always a mistake
  10. no PB command is !xx syntax sounds like B3 or an interface your server provider uses see this http://www.evenbalance.com/publications/generic-ad/index.htm#screenshots
  11. have you checked your email? still waiting for your response to query about your application
  12. Joining PBBans Joining PBBans as a Streaming Game Admin can be achieved in 3 easy steps: Create a forums account. (If you have one goto step 2) Setup your servers to stream using the PBBans Hub Guide. Signup for a Team Account. Check for updates on your aplication by visiting here.
  13. mad_haris ( 206753 ) needs to request reactivation
  14. too much hassle for EA/DICE from llamas complaining they are discriminated against for being skill-less griefers
  15. season pass free on origin atm http://www.pcgamer.com/all-titanfall-map-packs-are-now-free-on-origin/
  16. appears you need to run setup on both of your servers
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