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Everything posted by Pisi-Deff

  1. Seems to have lost the streaming configuration for some reason. Re-run the webtool or follow the streaming guide. :) http://www.pbbans.com/automated-streaming-setup.html http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html ~ /*Pisi*/
  2. Read what HSMagnet linked you. It contains all the instructions and links you need. :) ~ /*Pisi*/
  3. Server ist mit dem rcon port hinzugef
  4. Anything that is changeable without 3rd party tools (not counting notepad to edit the ini lol), should be allowed imo. Besides... there's no way to check the user's graphical settings server-side. ~ /*Pisi*/
  5. PBBans staff is who needs to have access to the site, doesn't matter if everyone else does too or not ;) ~ /*Pisi*/
  6. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/finding-your-pb-guid-t113012.html Als alternative k
  7. Doubt it was an accident or plain stupidity tbh :P Showing impossible IPs is a good way to not potentially cause shit for random internet users :D
  8. What I said was that the key is in use by players from multiple countries. It was first used from the USA on Feb 27, 2008. Since you're in Italy... I doubt that the key was unused when you bought it. The ban is likely to be caused by one of those other players. Since it's a global ban by EvenBalance themselves, we do not have any control over it. Read: http://www.pbbans.com/globalban.php ~ /*Pisi*/
  9. The provided GUID is leaked. It has been used from Italy, the USA and Canada. It is not banned by us, nor any other streaming site. It is, however, globally banned by EvenBalance. Read: http://www.pbbans.com/globalban.php Solution: Buy a new game... not an used one... and not just a cd-key... a whole unused box. ~ /*Pisi*/
  10. You are not currently tied to a team account nor have you ever applied for one. Such signatures come from the person's team account. If you want to apply for a team account to get one (or more) of your servers streaming, go to http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php and read the instructions (or you will be denied). If your clan already has a team account, ask the master user to add you to the account, if you want to have access to the signatures amongst other stuff. ~ /*Pisi*/
  11. Nein, auch ein forum ist notwendig. mfg, /*Pisi*/
  12. Es lohnt sich auf seine bewerbung auf zu passen ;) http://www.pbbans.com/forums/ed-hardyde-dzt-t120993.html Surfy findete auf eurer seite keine clan-mitgliederliste, kein forum und keine serverinformationen. Das alles sind bedingungen f
  13. Sorry about that. Some admin must have accidentally deleted the thread :( Application pointed to: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=0 I have deleted the application, so you can re-apply :) ~ /*Pisi*/
  14. Team already has an account: You'll need to contact PRIME if you wish to be added to the account. :) ~ /*Pisi*/
  15. Auf unserer seite ist alles prima... Versuch den webtool: http://www.pbbans.com/automated-streaming-setup.html Wenn das nicht funzt... find mich auf'm irc. :D mfg, /*Pisi*/ PS: braucht keine 2 threads :) Hab den anderen gelöscht.
  16. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/announcement-do-not-test-cheats-a1-in-forum319.html If you are caught "testing" a cheat, your SGA status will be removed and your clan will not be able to continue streaming until you are removed from it == kicked out. Same goes for any other clans that want to stream while you're in them. This is the same as for any other caught cheater. "Testing" is no excuse. Getting caught with a hack means you're a hacker. The end. ~ /*Pisi*/ Edit:// I hate the guy above me... yet at the same time he's awesome...
  17. Nothing is wrong O.o Server is streaming fine. ~ /*Pisi*/
  18. Thou haveth been visited by the GSP-fairy :)

  19. The admin of that server banned you. :) The end. To get unbanned, you will need to contact the admins of that server. ~ /*Pisi*/

  21. Oh they goddamn better be publically availible dedi files... The opposite would nullify any chance of me getting the game...
  22. Server ist zum streamen nicht konfiguriert. :/ Versuch den webtool: http://www.pbbans.com/automated-streaming-setup.html oder lies: http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html&lang=de mfg, /*Pisi*/
  23. Mach dein eigenes thread. Vergiss nicht die neuen name & tag zu nennen ;) *geschlossen* mfg, /*Pisi*/
  24. Make your own thread when posting about your problem.... especially when the thread you want to post in is completely unrelated. Try: 1) PBSetup 2) Reinstalling PB services 3) Make sure nothing (firewalls, anti-viruses) is blocking the PB services nor other PB activity. ~ /*Pisi*/
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