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Everything posted by xX_Renegade_Xx

  1. Great frontman, sadly missed too! :( His best performance for me, absolutely superb. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ynL2y0Z3So
  2. Big difference with cable which I've had installed today :D http://www.speedtest.net/result/2176770921.png
  3. One for the oldies :P http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3SL6HoaDs8 If you remember the original then this might appeal to you, it went straight on my wishlist :D
  4. Welcome Back! :woot:
  5. Yes and I bought two games already and it's only the first day, I wait so long for these sales then my wallet just suffers :(
  6. Got my invite today so meh :P
  7. Why does that not surprise me, EA give a huge discount, highly unlikely and I know where my money will be going, bring it on Valve! :D
  8. Have I read this right, any individual can stream a server here as a lite admin but it's only short term with the hope of that admin becoming full admin when he/she starts/joins a clan? I'm asking because as an individual who's no longer part of a clan if a game I play uses PB then I would like to stream here. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
  9. Wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot barge pole. After MW (COD4) they lost any support from me.
  10. I uninstalled it some time ago, it used to play fine but they released a patch and I had no end of problems with it after that, I went back to Killing Floor soon after. The recent free weekend increased the numbers a little but they are slowly starting to drop again.
  11. I can't see them doing a sale at the moment as it's still the top seller on Steam but the summer sales are here soon so maybe they'll reduce the price a little then.
  12. Rather than start a new thread I'll add it here: I have 3 guest passes available if anyone wants to try it out and didn't manage to try it on the recent free weekend.
  13. In a way yes, you won't be giving squad commands unless you happen to team up with other survivors or bandits. You start the game as a lone survivor with a few supplies, from there it's up to you how you play. I had a guy in-game last night asking if anyone wanted to team up, some players do but you have to be careful too as bandits can use that as bait and lure you in for a kill or straight into a trap with other bandits, at the moment I'm solo and just looking for supplies/weapons. I seen one survivor last night and tracked him for about 20 minutes to see what he was up to, looked like he was trying to get the parts for a vehicle as he stayed with this vehicle for a while so I presume he was making a mental list of what he needed.
  14. Hey, you're a dev, you're not allowed to stalk me outside the game :P Good to see you here Dwarden :D
  15. Lots of views but no replies so you're either all in-game playing or haven't heard about it so let me fill you in. It's a mod for ARMA II and you need Combined Ops to play it (that's ARMA II and Operation Arrowhead), this is currently number 3 on the Steam top seller list and the player count last night for steam was just under 6,400. You start with a few supplies, bandages, pistol, a little food and water, the object is to survive, you can go into some buildings which have loot, this could be new weapons, food, bigger backpack, etc. You don't have to worry about zombies only, other players are also a threat, bandits especially, a player becomes a bandit if they kill another player in self defence or just to steal their equipment, you can sometimes meet another survivor but that can also cause problems, can you trust them? Will they shoot you in the back the first chance they get? etc. This is why the game is so great, you can play how you want, team up with other survivors and go hunting bandits, team up with other bandits and go hunting survivors or go lonewolf and see how long you can survive, according to the devs not many people have survived over 4 hours. The mod is currently in alpha and is a little buggy but once you're on a server it is fantastic, the atmosphere alone is what makes the game for me, imagine S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and ARMA II rolled into one and that's Day Z.
  16. Just curious if anyone is playing this? It's spreading like wildfire and it's very good too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7Q8c8jnL3s You play as a survivor but kill another player and you become a bandit, it's up to you how you play, team up or become a bandit and stalk other survivors, loot their body for food/water/weapons, etc.
  17. I've signed up for the beta, not sure when it starts but the game looks very good I must admit.
  18. I bought an extra copy in my inventory if you want it, cost to you, 1 million pound :lol:
  19. I know we all like deals and Nation Red is on a whopper at the moment, 80% off, the biggest it's ever been. http://store.steampowered.com/app/39800/ One of the best supported indie games on Steam, free updates, lots of weapons/perks/achievements and if you think you can come up with a new weapon/achievement or whatever mention it to the dev and it might be added to the game :D I'm still having trouble getting onto this site too, I did try to post this yesterday.
  20. A Winner! The prize, lifetime membership to stay off all streaming servers! He'll be pleased :lol:
  21. Very nice! It's great to see so many bans but it does show just how bad cheating has become and the need for sites like this to keep the servers clean.
  22. Mine sucks too :lol:
  23. Thanks Fozzer. I was loading the main page fine but as soon as I selected the forums it was loading the page as a white screen with everything on the left side, clicking a specific forum section would give me an error telling me the connection had timed out or the website was unavailable.
  24. I've been trying to connect here for a few days but have just been getting a white screen, have the forums been offline?
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