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Everything posted by Lucky_Fr4gg3r

  1. Servers yes, players no :( Steam still haven't released the update yet, meaning everyone is forced to tweak using regedit to get the normal patch to work on the steam-version of the game.
  2. Since both GGC/PBBans are no longer working, make sure pbucon.use is still present in the PB folder. I recommend you take a look at the trouble-shooting section of the Hub Streaming Guide. Edit: Are you entering the command pb_sv_ver manually each time or is it present in your pvsv.cfg?
  3. http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...ic=85685 Please read: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=82214
  4. Lucky_Fr4gg3r

    Help !

    It was denied because your server is hosted at home. We do not allow home-servers to stream. The IP address of the server was used to play a game, and there is no reason why a server should have this unless it's home-hosted.
  5. Since we're talking about BF2 (and I assume ranked) you probably won't have FTP access. You should have a web-based control panel provided by your host, which allows you to access some of your server's game files. In this control panel, you need to find the pb folder, and upload pbsvuser.cfg to it. If this is all too complicated or your not sure whether you have access to these files, contact your host and ask them how to do it, or get them to do it for you.
  6. Well, this isn't the F8 clan website, I can tell you that much ;) Perhaps this is the clan website you're looking for? Keep in mind there's probably more then one F8 clan though.
  7. There's currently 0 bans on your account. What you saw was either the 'Announce bans' option, which announces whenever any hacker is caught on another streaming server, or the 'Enforce bans' option, which means someone that was on our banlist tried to join your server and was 'blocked'.
  8. What do you mean? Using PBBans doesn't cost any money, if that's what your asking.
  9. Ah right, misunderstood you there, sorry :)
  10. That doesn't make any sense what so ever..ending the PB process doesn't cause freezes, and what does that have to do with the windows theme/style?
  11. As Ice Man said, record a demo next time and make sure it is taken on a streaming server. We do not accept evidence from 3rd party tools such as Fraps/Xfire video etc.
  12. Hello, and welcome to PBBans :)
  13. A GUID is a unique hash based on your CD-Key you installed the game with. As far as I know, there isn't any problem with Macs getting duplicate GUIDs. What's your GUID?
  14. Better then nothing I suppose :)
  15. Sandrock is correct about the mods; as long as the mod doesn't replace the existing files required for streaming, it shouldn't be a problem. As far as 'waiting for admin approval' goes; it's exactly that. One of our hub-managers will look at it, and if all is well, the server should be approved soon. PS. No need to write everything in capitals ;)
  16. IP:Port? It usually means PB is not enabled on your server.
  17. EA Link was discontinued and turned into EA Downloader, which was later also discontinued I believe. You are still able to download and access your games by downloading EA-Downloader, though.
  18. Have you tried what I suggested above?
  19. Then I suggest you also look into any differences in programs you may or may not be running on Vista/XP.
  20. nex_settings.src is part of a known Multihack for Enemy Territory.
  21. Remove your old server and add the new one in the Server manager. ;)
  22. My bad, should've read your post better. :)
  23. Try shutting down all non-essential programs and then boot them up again one by one. This will allow you to pinpoint the application causing this.
  24. I3D.net is one of quite many these days, albeit a bit expensive.
  25. Are you sure it gives you the exact same message? What's your GUID?
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