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Everything posted by Lucky_Fr4gg3r

  1. Set up your servers to stream and you can submit SS from that point onward to be added to our MBI.
  2. Try shutting down all non-essential programs whilst playing the game, and booting them up again one by one; this will allow you to pinpoint the application causing this. If that doesn't work, all you can do is wait for EB's response.
  3. Try shutting down all non-essential programs whilst playing the game, and booting them up again one by one; this will allow you to pinpoint the application causing this. If that doesn't work, contact Evenbalance by creating a ticket here. For future issues, please create a new thread instead of reviving old ones ;)
  4. As it says on the website, it's only supported on servers running Linux. A lot of hosts run Windows servers, so your host might not be able to implement it until a Windows version is released. And as Big Guy said, don't expect it to be perfect, but it's a definite improvement ;)
  5. Your server already appears to have been approved by an admin. I recommend trying the Webtool and/or the Hub Streaming Guide. Are you sure you've added the correct IP to your server manager?
  6. Currently, I'm afraid the only thing that you can do is wait for patch 1.5 or ask your host to install BF2ahd. If your host refuses or it isn't possible for whatever reason, there are several GSP that already have it implemented, in case you are considering to change.
  7. IP:Port? And are you 100% sure PB is running on your server? I remember having that error message in the past when PB somehow magically got disabled on our server and wouldn't re-enable; it needed a complete reinstall. If you are, then I suggest reading the Hub Streaming Guide and following the manual steps.
  8. Once you have a working clan-website and meet all the other requirements, you may re-apply for a team account, not sooner. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=82214 Which also means you need to apply using a different email address, as explained in your original application here.
  9. That really sucks :(
  10. This is caused by running certain 3rd party programs/drivers. As Ice Man suggested, contact EB. What you can also try is turning off every program you have running except the game, then start booting them up again one by one to see if you get kicked; this way you can pinpoint the cause.
  11. This is taking teasing to a whole new level. I just hope MW2 will bring something refreshing/new to the game instead of being MW1-Remixed with more perks/guns.
  12. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...p;hl=raptor2009
  13. Then there isn't a problem as long as they all belong to the same clan ;)
  14. Your server can't be successfully streaming without pbucon.use, so it has to be present somewhere. Are you using some sort of webpanel provided by your host to access the files? Either way, I suggest you contact your host about this, they will most likely be able to help you further in this matter, as it sounds like something from their side.
  15. Visit your Team Account and select ''Manage Signatures''. For more info, read this How-To guide and these signature code examples. Edit: As Merlintime pointed out, this is for streaming admins only.
  16. As Ace said, keep in mind Evenbalance (developers of the Punkbuster software) and PBBans are two completely separate organisations. Did you mail it to [email protected]? If so, Evenbalance does not take action based on 3rd party-evidence in the form of screenshots and demos; they will however, research any cheats you might find and submit to them. As a side note, I suggest you contact whoever is in charge of your team account, so you can be added to it and receive additional access. This way you can submit demos and Punkbuster Screenshots in our review areas.
  17. IP:Port? Have you tried using the Webtool? Edit: Just checked, and your server is in the approval-queue. Once it's been reviewed by an admin, it should automatically start streaming, assuming you set it up correctly.
  18. :lol:
  19. Either way, he still appears to be the master user of your Team Account. He was last seen on March 8th, so he is still relatively active, too. If you're still in contact with him, I suggest you ask him to add you to the team account by following this link and adding your user. If your not on good terms with him, or if there are any other problems, reply again and we'll see what we can do. Edit: Was he actually a member of your clan at any point?
  20. A team account already exists under that name and tag. You will need to contact Giants2000, master user of the team account, and request to be added to it. If this isn't possible for whatever reason, or if you run into any other troubles, let us know.
  21. As you said, providers often reassign IP-addresses, and I'm afraid there is nothing we can do about any links that may be the effect of this. Always take results of IP-searches with a grain of salt;
  22. If it's the same server and all that changed is the IP, it should resume streaming automatically once it's been approved. In case it doesn't, I suggest trying the Automated Hub Setup or following the manual steps described in the Hub Streaming Guide.
  23. You are free to ask for opinions, but whether it is admissible evidence is an entirely different story ;) Does this concern a clan that streams to PBB?
  24. Ban has been lifted, please try re-adding the server. Edit: The server wasn't linked to a ban, it was blacklisted for appearing on the MPI (not MBI) which usually means that it is a server hosted at home. I ran the IP through the MPI, and it didn't show up, so it has been removed from the blacklist.
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