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Everything posted by Lucky_Fr4gg3r

  1. PBSS stands for Punkbuster screenshots. There is nothing to update. You just have to make sure you enable them on your server, and that's pretty much it. PBSS Guide
  2. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...c=73461&hl= ;)
  3. Was just about to post it. Looks really promising, and that map looks pretty nice :)
  4. Thank you for sharing that with us, a year after the last post in this topic :P
  5. First off, chill. Secondly, Disallowed program/driver is not a gamehack. You haven't been banned and no one is accusing you of hacking. - Do you use any macros? - Do you have any tuning software for your mouse? Logitech's driver-program tends to cause PB kicks in my experience - Perhaps your using a keyboard with macros? G15 from Logitech is another example. - Do you have this issue on other games with PB? PBBans are not the creators of PB anticheat software (as you pointed out), evenbalance are. I suggest you take it up with them, as only they know exactly what triggers a violation. I wouldn't write a post to them the same way you did here, though. PS. Are you 100% sure this happens on every PB server?
  6. You are probably better off posting this on a tech-support forum somewhere. Google around and you will find plenty, who are probably more capable of helping you out with this :) OT: If it is an unrecoverable start-up failure, all you can do really, is connect the hard drive as a second hard drive on another PC, and simply drag 'n drop whatever files you need. That, or use recovery/backup software such as Acronis Disk Director or True Image.
  7. Your IP is linked to your internet connection, so it generally is 'specific to you'. Keep in mind that other PC's in your house share the same IP address to the outside (Internet). Most IP addresses are dynamic though, and get redistributed to other people that use the same Internet provider as you, every once in a while. Perhaps if you explain your problem in a bit more detail (What game? etc), it'd be easier for us to help you. PS. Google is your friend ;)
  8. Patience is a virtue. Your lucky you get a response so quickly :)
  9. He said other thread with the same question. You asked the same question in more then one place. One post with the question is enough :)
  10. Go ingame and push the tilde key: ~ That pops up a window. Type in pb_myguid and hit enter. The resulting 32 characters (letters & numbers) are your GUID.
  11. CREDIT CRUNCH Husband and wife are shopping in Tesco's when the man picks up a crate of Stella and sticks them into the trolley 'What do you think you're doing?' asks the wife 'They're on offer, only
  12. HOW TO GET A LIFE It's never easy to overcome innate nerdity, a serious Internet addiction, or a hard-core computer gaming habit, but trying usually isn't as painful as kidney stones. Difficulty Level: Hard Time Required: Years Here's How: Let go of the mouse. Turn off the computer. Play a game of solitaire with a real deck of cards. Eat something other than taco chips. Fart without recording it and putting it up your Web page. Get some sleep in bed rather than on your keyboard. Next time you wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, don't tell everyone on your ICQ list about it. Open a window without turning your computer back on (yes, it is possible). Very gradually expose your eyes to increasingly bright light so as to avoid damage or permanent sun blindness. When you feel prepared for a massive dose of non-CRT radiation, put on welding goggles and go outside. If you see someone, say "Hi" to them instead of trying to make the modem connect sound. Visit a friend that you haven't spoken to in years because they don't have an email address. Have ".com" officially removed from behind your name.
  13. I might be wrong, but I don't think clans/gaming communities can become affiliates. I believe they can only be listed under 'Site Sponsors' by donating. Wait for a response from PBBans staff though, of course.
  14. There's a simple way to run BF2 at whatever resolution you want, without 3rd party tools. Click me
  15. Strange yet funny bug. Had something similar happen to a clanmate on BF2142 once. He was absolutely immortal for an entire round :D
  16. I believe so. It's also possible to simply copy and paste from out of game, into your tag (at least with 2142).
  17. All the (old) post stated was that there was an issue which has already been resolved. Not sure if it's re-occurring at the moment though. It seems you are not an Streaming game admin btw, which is why you couldn't access the post.
  18. If it says it's streaming then the pbucon.use file is definitely there. Ignore the steps in the earlier post, no need to undertake them :)
  19. Do you have a pbucon.use file in your PB folder on the server? If not, create an empty text file, save it as pbucon.use and upload it. This should enable PBucon streaming. Does your GGC stream work at all? Because if it does, then this isn't the problem.
  20. I'll answer the questions as far as I can... 1) As far as I know, you need to update your pbsvuser.cfg file manually each time an update is made to the MD5 checklist (see MCI) 2) No. Each person's GUID get's 'live-checked' when they join the server, to see if it's on the MBI. As far as I know, there is no need to update the pbbans.dat file manually, unless you have ''Enforce/Accept bans'' disabled in the server manager. 3) If I understood your question correctly, then yes, the join greeting is indeed a system that can be used to for example, welcome people to your server. Not sure about the second part of your question. 4) If your server takes Punkbuster screenshots automatically, you can submit them to be added to the MBI if they show someone using a hack. (Again, I'm not sure I understood your question correctly). This is optional and aside from this, I don't believe there is anything you have to report back. 5) Check your PM. I'm sure another SGA or PBB staff member can fill in the blanks and correct me where needed. :)
  21. He must have a pretty impressive rig if he can run RA3 and CoD4 at the same time. Good luck with the appeal :)
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