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Everything posted by buttscratcher

  1. Snazzy. +1 for the effort The only feedback I'd throw in would be, change the word games to game. No need to pluralize (sp?) the word 'games', for a sig denoting an individual. The PBbans term "SGA" stands for, streaming game admin. Or at least thats what I thought :P. Or, at least it was before someone thought it too tough to type SGA, and change it from SGA to SA (which was another bad PBbans change IMO) but thats for a different topic.
  2. And still not one penny from me :P (Although I do miss the zombies)
  3. DICE found a way to boost sagging stock prices?
  4. Surfy, you've always been way too nice/patient. :) Dont know how you do it. Going to guess HMS reminded someone (that should know better), of the "read this before posting" sticky. If so, good job HMS! lol Ethical? Just have to love illiterate rants. who cares.
  5. Wake me up when DICE invests in something different. Almost said this was a reskinned Bf3... This sh*t isnt even reskinned, its just a $60 entrance fee for new maps, with the option to buy more "new maps" at a later time. Change the thread name to "BattleField 3.5" Think Twiebie summed it up earlier: Same shit, different day. Need one of Maydax funny pics. Sheep in queue w/ money in teeth, waiting to pre-order BF 3.5 For those buying because you 'really love BF' more power to ya, least you know exactly what your buying, lol. Those buying because 'there isnt a newer fps option' well, DICE thanks you for your lack of hobbies outside of PC gaming ;)
  6. Thats depressing.
  7. Might have made more money if they would have let ppl buy the iphone versions of their old games al la carte... Always pissed me off that they forced ppl to bundle 4 stinker games in with one good game.
  8. Thanks Maydax. +1 Have it downloaded, but getting the "cant verify publisher" warning.
  9. Fireworks for nye! Nice touch.
  10. Maydax. Where did you find those numbers? tia
  11. huh? Thats got to be the lamest (or most confusing) argument you've ever floated. Either that or I need a Dick Tracy decoder ring to decypher the rest of that post. :P By your logic, why dont you go dig up the widly accecpted number of 30,000,000 men, women and children credited to hitler and stalin and ask them for thier perspective. @ Surfy. Contrary to what is generally floated, our 2nd amendment is as much as a right of protection against "deterring tyrannical government" (or, our right to protect ourselves from Uncle Sam). I guess looking from the outside looking in, the United States gun culture is the exception around the world. At least until your country is the victim of the Blitz and need us to come over and save those unable or unwilling to protect themselves... Thank goodness for the forsight of our founding fathers, and the greatest generation that saved England, France, and the rest of the "civilized world" - who had limited access firearms they could have used to protect themselves with. ;)
  12. Got to wonder about the parenting, and and the pratice of "problem solving" through medication... Kid has a problem? Give him/her a pill. Have another issue? Give them another pill. What ever happened to actually talking to a kid as a form of thearpy? Guess its easier (less expensive) to medicate... I'd also like to see paddeling brought back in the home, and at school. The "time out" punishment does not instill a healthy fear to not do something wrong. Things have been headed in the wrong direction for a long time now. Gun control as a meaningful solution to the many larger problems facing todays youth, is a pipe dream.
  13. ho ho ho! Thanks Maydax :)
  14. Dad told me a long time ago, that there is no greater pain a parent can endure than having to bury one of his kids. But this? What a mind *uck. Just cant get over it. Children... Incomprehensable. Everyone remember to hug your kids a little tighter tonight. If you think your confused, just imagine what youngsters must be thinking/feeling when trying to make sence of this.
  15. Generally I'd probably try and skip this, but man. 27 dead. 18 of those were not much older than tikes. Please keep a good thought or prayer for the parents and families. Few weeks before Christmas. urrgh. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-20730717
  16. If I were going to use it, I'd load it on a secondary PC or laptop - and review demos from there. Be it age or other causes, the short term memory can be a bit choppy at times. I wouldnt want to forget to restart a gaming PC and get popped, in an anti-cheat effort.
  17. Guess it must be related to the issue I am having w/ the site sigs & the site in general, but I finally have some extra snow :) Thank you. I always enjoy how you set up the site for the holidays.
  18. Yepper :) Santa and the presents are not up yet... Think he also had snow in the margins as well? I forget.
  19. Dorothy probably felt the same way. Just before she figured out the mighty Oz was nothing more than a retiree, hiding behind fire, smoke, pullies and levers... Thank goodness we have people like Toto. Unafraid to pull back the curtain, to show us what is on the other side. Long live FarCry 3! :D
  20. Might check the Bf3 topic in this section :) That things been driven off in the ditch (derailed, as you put it) more times than one can count, yet we start removing posts now? Its ok. I am not blind. Its pretty clear what went down here. As to your point. Ubisoft has contracted EB as their anti-cheat for Fc3. The question I posed was related to a problem related to that service... An example of the problem currently seen in another Even Balance supported game was used, as to identify the issue, to aid in a focused discussion of the question raised. Had the discussion been allowed to go forward, any questionable verbage could have been adjusted to lend to a potentially worthwhile addition. A thoughtful site moderator could have quietly/easily made such changes. No thanks. I'll let Pisi repost my question in a way he will find "suitable" to his taste.
  21. How is a question 100% of SGA's would like a direct answer to, derailing? Would PBbans staff prefer the question asked in one of the "hey look at us, we're actually doing what were being paid to do @ EB - ban wave" posts - in the other section? Or, would a polite question posed from a long time, monthly contributing member, be deleted by PBbans staff there as well? If I cant ask someone that - (by his own activity on this forum), opens himself up to interaction with fellow members, a respectfully worded question in open forum because were not allowed to ask , then we might ask those individuals to stop posting on this forum. Or, add it to the forum rules before the next 'donations delima' bump comes around: 1 ) dont post links to cheat sites. 2 ) dont ask legitimate questions to someone from DICE or EB (because they will probably ignore your question anyway)
  22. I think it was a fair question, (respectfully asked for that matter...) Sorry man, but thats a bit of some nazi / heavyhanded admining there. I've probably said some shit over the years, that deserved to be pruned. That post sure as heck was not anything that deserved PBbans staff interaction. So - evenbalance is not responsible for their own software or utilities?
  23. Guess this is what is being downloaded to my hard drive right now? Must be a large file, as it 1/2 done and I am 80 minutes into the 'update'. Sure wish there was a way to save my time downloading crap I am not buying, nor will never need.
  24. You know why your getting the lump 'o coal this year :fryingpan:
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