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Everything posted by buttscratcher

  1. I'd hack too if I was stuck in Midland.
  2. We saw what taking care of the "community" got us last time around. One provider and VAC... Unfortunatly, that word has become a catch phrase, instead of actually meaning anything other than a marketing term/tool. Every time I hear someone from a developing team use it, I stop taking them serious or belive anything that follows the "C" word.
  3. ^ Reminds me of Villa on BlackOps. I am passing on any DICE dlc. They already got more of my money than they deserved... Were not 6 months out, and I am already thinking about alternate games to host, other than Bf3. :banghead:
  4. Thank you.
  5. Maydax, you seem to have good info on actual gamers online at a given time per game. Is there anything showing b3 player count over the past month? 3 months?
  6. ^at least they are starting to put out some clips now (for what thats worth). My bar is awful low on this one, based on the marketing to date. Two promo videos before this one, based on an optics and suppressor companies photo shoots. I was like, if this is all you got, this games in big troubble. If they want to impress a disenfranchised PC market, tell us what features their game will ship with, that will set their product apart from the field. Not the "maybe, maybe not" pre-launch lip service we've got from DICE on their last two titles. just my $.02
  7. If he likes anything other than cod4, you should take notice :P
  8. Great read taz. +1 for you. Makes you wonder about people defending games that blaintly deserved to be ripped... Also saw the part about disk locked content. Something Maydax was griping about a year ago. Guess he was on to something afterall. After reading this, makes me disapointed a company like tripwire did not spend their energy in a modern fps vs a ww2 redo. The market was in need of someone to finally do it right.
  9. On the flip side of your coin, if developers would release products when they are ready, instead of meeting artificial deadlines, people may not feel as justified in expressing their disapointment in their purchace. Then look at the 20%-30% bump in price per unit we are paying, for buggy, reduced feature and reduced server control, (see EA's dedicated server "tax"). There should be no confusion as to the genuine anger directed at a particular company, many of us have supported financially for quite some time. I get your point of view. I am just sayin theres nothing wrong with calling a spade a spade. :)
  10. This one made me laugh a little. A early unlocked sniper rifle, and a 40 hour head start on the game Not much of an enticement to pre-order. But, perhaps thats a good thing? "Maybe" their game will be good enough on its own w/out needing to dangle loads of chum to get us to dig out the credit card. maybe. Navy SEAL Sniper Operator - Pre-Order the Limited Edition and unlock the U.S. Navy SEAL Sniper and the McMillan Tac-300 sniper rifle, available after approximately 40 hours of multiplayer gameplay. Dotted Line to Real World Events - Medal of Honor Warfighter is the only game that gives players a view into these real world events and lets them experience the action as it might have unfolded. The Power of Frostbite 2 – Medal of Honor Warfighter delivers incredible video and audio fidelity by leveraging the power of the ground-breaking Frostbite 2 engine. National Pride Online with Global Tier 1 – For the first time, the Medal of Honor brand introduces multi-national Tier 1 blue-vs-blue team play where the world’s best of the best warriors go head-to-head in combat. http://www.medalofhonor.com/pre-order-medal-of-honor-warfighter?sourceid=header_preorder_button_us
  11. Yep. Once the remaining lemmings buy up the upgrade kit unlocks, expect to see the price begin to head for the 'buy one get one free' sales. They've milked it for about all they're going to get ( I predect woeful dlc sales) Pretty disapointing for this DICE fan... But, not really when I think about it, after how we were treated w/ Bc2. Guess as a loyal gamer, I wanted to give them the chance to rebound strongly. It really stinks. Guess we'll muddle along w/ it till someone makes a CoD title worth the asking price. Maybe w/ the new studio, the new MoH will have the features PC gamers have come to expect. But not going to hold my breath there either.
  12. Yepper. This line says all one needs to hear: "A lot of the development has been done ad-hoc by me and some of my colleagues, and that model is not sustainable from here on." PS... WHo edited post #903 w/out the courtesy of posting a reason?
  13. ^ It gets even better. So much for adding missing functionality for server renters/admins:
  14. Wow. I thought our traffic sucked. 7 lanes each direction? Know where that is taz?
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUpXJ2PHsqg&feature=player_embedded
  16. Somethings up. If its a hack, EB wont figure it out... If its a glitch, DICE will (urm, may) fix it in the following patch. Maybe see a fix in the fall DLC schedulle. Still waiting on the MAV fix??? Anyone else notice how quiet the previously helpful MK has been on B3 compared to past DICE titles? Still waiting on answers to questions posted in this thread months ago.
  17. Good link, video answers the direction of PC gaming. Nickle and dime, here we come. :money_mouth:
  18. No answer to original question from on high? So,in conclusion: Monthly PBbans site donation ---> good. Answer to PBbans site question ---> bad.
  19. Hey Duality. Nice to see you too :P Not seen you in a while. Thought you'd gone the way of everson, and all the rest of the 'former satff'. But not to worry, I wont ignore ya.
  20. Happily found the "ignore user" function to avoid wasting time reading posts from specified users. While I think its a great option, it looks like its an incomplete utility. Can the function be added/enabled to include, not seeing any post information from users added to the list? For example, I've added the latest PBbans spammer - to my list of posters I dont need to waste time reading. It does partially work, in that the users primary posts are excluded from view in individual threads, yet the users posts still show up on the index page. :scratchchin: Sure would be great if the 'ignore user' function, would exclude all content from users added to my ignore list. Thanks.
  21. If I felt compelled to add to a troll thread, I'd post here : http://forums.electronicarts.co.uk/battlefield-3-pc/ or here http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/#!/bf3/forum/ or perhaps here http://www.fpsadmin.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=108
  22. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/battlefield-3-t135903.html ^ theres the place for Bf3 discussion. No need to create a new topic for each sub-discussion on a game. Theres a reason for a lack of such topics in this area... 1 primary topic, realted conversation belongs in that thread. But generally, you'll notice a lack of such "this weapon is my favorite - whats yours" fluff on this site. Hence the zero replies to your same topic that was deleted. There are plenty of other websites (and trolls) that enjoy seeing their name on topics like those. Just as digging up old posts is pointless, other than boosting ones post count. quality > quantity
  23. Me too... I call foul on the thread title :) Heres the original Tracy Chapman http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKYWOwWAguk"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKYWOwWAguk
  24. Actually, the more I think about this, the more I am open to the idea. I think DICE has gotten too full of themselves, and they only remember the word "community" when its convenient for marketing or pre-sales purposes. Perhaps Danger Close will not hold the same perspective that the 'community' is too stupid to use a new set of mod tools? And while I am dreaming, perhaps the new studio will develop/test/fix their games 'back end' prior to release? And heck, while giddy dreaming, how about the possibility of true admin tools (demo/spectate) --- instead of charging clans a tarriff to run dedicated servers? Seems the overall DICE egotrip has out done even themselves this time around (said reluctantly by a true DICE homer). I think it would be really funny if another studio took the DICE engine, and did something really cool with it...
  25. Not in a big hurry to run out and drop $60+ for yet another modern day fps, but am curious as to what Danger Close can do w/ Frostbite 2
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