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Everything posted by buttscratcher

  1. Yeah. The blops stock server control program is the worst one I've ever had to deal with. No high ping kick. Cant read the ingame chat. It borders on worthless. Adding insult to injury gameservers.com exclusive. MW3 fanboys beware... Bf3 ftw! butt
  2. lol +1 for your curage :D I'll keep an eye out for the rainbow font for ya. hehehe jk butt
  3. How so? Talking about the text @ 0:37? Seems about as forthcomming as humanly possible imo. Personally I loved it. Needed a smoke and a nap afterwards. butt ps. pink huh? lol
  4. Black Ops Rezurrection- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yN8ORvskhbE
  5. Thanks, but no thanks... butt
  6. On one hand you have to tip your cap to them for pushing back the release to get things sorted. On the other hand, they seem to continue to shoot themself in the foot for not getting this out much sooner (few months ago)... much less the lack of marketing that some point to. They had a chance to carve out a little bit larger player base had they got this out much earlier. Now going to go almost head to head against Bf3/MW3? I bet gamers that were going to give RO2 a try as a "fill in" game will cancel a fair amount of pre-orders, which is too bad. Hate to say it, but they missed their window of oppertunity bigtime. Reguardless of how good their final product is, they are about to get burried by two mega games. butt
  7. Yeah. Read this over at FPS, was bummed. I really enjoyed his work. Was kinda like NPR for the fps junkie. I'll miss it, but understand his feelings. lol... No need for a podcast, you can get a nightly simulcast on our TS B) I'll bitch about A-Z in under an hour and a half :P butt
  8. Friend turned me onto this sale. Picked up Vietnam to check it out. So for all you fellow cheap bastards out there, have a look! http://store.origin.com/store/ea/html/pbpage.summersale The only thing I did notice that was odd, I was charged sales tax on the purchace?!?!? Enjoy! butt
  9. +1 Fantastic. Next gen como!
  10. Maydex- SO... is this a possible 2142esque 3rd person demo utility? please please please... :o butt PS - agreed Jay, anyone that got MOH for that reason (knowing the ongoing issues w/ Bc2 at the time) got what they deserved.
  11. Yeah, someone mentioned something about that this morning when we were populating. Treyarch gives each server renter one free token, so have not had to pay for them. We still run a mix of the initial map list, as to keep a full server. Will eventually have to check out the new zombie map though :) Sorry for getting off topic butt
  12. People paid for Spectat for Bc2, so why wouldn't EA come up w/ something else for the lemmings to spend their money on? :) Think Blops is up to $120 now w/ this last "map pack" butt
  13. Boxed all the way! Not sure about this DeusEx though :) Made me laugh, thx! butt
  14. +1
  15. Thats how I am reading it. Diablo I & II were guilty pleasures of mine. Not a chance in the world I'll shell out the purchace price if I am forced into an online arena. butt
  16. Post your favorite faceplam pic here. butt
  17. Ahhh. Agree 100% :) I suppose theres still time. Maybe someone w/ a little pull will come to thier sences and get their ducks in a row at DICE. butt
  18. Niether choice works. EA/DICE has their "trusted providers"...Acti/Treyarch went with one provider route, yet there are still people running hacks in Blops. Its been said 10,000 times, but fix the pb_ss and see the above argument go away. And while I continue to dream, give us a demo, and we will clean up what pb_ss cant see. butt
  19. I do like that they have been doing the last few patches in the evenings... really blows to populate in the morning, just to have it reboot and sit empty by lunch. butt
  20. Yeah, that would have been a bit longer a timeframe. But was worth a laugh, so all the better. cheers If it makes you guys feel any better, High yesterday was 107, the low was 85! Sucks now, but get back to me come Nov-Feb. Then all this summer garbage does not seem so bad B) butt
  21. Thanks for the advice, but will proceed as we have - untill a time we find ourselves in need of a change. Changing providers is a PITA, and the next one is usually as bad as the last. Andy earned many ppls business through his actions and word of mouth from many happy customers. Should the shit hit the fan at lpgs, it wont take long for the word to get out, and the customers will bail en masse. I'll keep my eyes open, and proceed w/ caution. butt
  22. :D butt
  23. Thanks for the heads up. Appreciate your patience and help w/ our services. butt
  24. I'll be the happiest of campers if that turns out to be the case. I'll give everyone a +1 out of sheer joy! Wish they would just spell it all out in plain, easy to understand, english. "The game will have A, B, & C" butt
  25. For us old farts that dont follow the twitter @ this and @ that, what does this mean? Is the zinto mouthpiece saying there will be a battle recorder? butt
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