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Everything posted by buttscratcher

  1. This one should probably get locked down, and any discussion between GGC & PBBans staffs be had in private. This is headed in a counter productive direction. Just my $.02 butt
  2. Thanks. Added one to the list. Got a good deal on our servers and had a little more in the monthly server budget as a result. Should make for a nice change of pace from conquest. Could double as a possible scrim/ladder server later down the road. butt
  3. Has anything been said on TDM player count? I am guessing 32, but not seen anything official. thx butt
  4. I hear that. That podcast was alot of work and hated to see it go. As to people quiting, you've been threatening to quit and shut down PBbans for a long time now. Been going on for a few years now? People move on to new things. So yeah. those things happen. Very true. But whats also true is, when its the same guy/gal parroting the same tired lines, game after game after game - potentiallly decent points get lost in the white noise... Quanity drowns out quality. But hey, your right. Its exactly what its for :) butt PS. Crap news about the demo deal. If they can figure out a killcam, I hope they can come up w/ something post launch. As I said before, if the idiots at Treyarch can give me at least a theatre mode, the nerdboys in Sweden can cobble up a 3rd person BattleRecorder. ala2142 I can hope right?
  5. +1 for admin tools. Talk about people (here at PBbans who seem to be in a position to know better) wasting keystrokes about unlock progression? funny. As I said three pages earlier, some ppl just want to bitch - for various reasons. If hes said hes going to save his $60, then good for him. Just wish those making such prideful proclamations about not supporting this game or that game, would stop posting here and fill their HOS (or other personal favorite) game thread, on how much better their game is. For some, pointing out the obvious is easy, but whats the point? Thing is, while some "experienced gamers" are whining about unlocks, not a peep about what we server admins need to properly run our servers, which is why we are here, right? butt
  6. lol. yep. "as usual" What else is new, right? Think of it as job security On the positive side, should the promise of a fixed pb_ss be true, twits dumb enough to use such hacks will no longer be able to hide behind black/unreturned screenshots. ;) butt.
  7. Slow news week I suppose. Least we'll have plenty to talk about by this time next week. :)
  8. If at first you don't succeed, try try again?
  9. metro again? So much for testing the 64 slot servers. :unsure: butt
  10. Did some looking around for prices on slot servers and came up with this list of providers. I've used a handful of them over the years, others I've not tried. Without going into meaningless detail, I wont be ordering from MYis or AOW. Forget why we dumped Hypernia, think it was support related. http://artofwarcentral.com/ http://www.branzone.com/index.php http://www.gameservers.com/ http://www.hypernia.com/game_servers-gaming.php http://myinternetservices.com/servers.php http://www.leetservers.com/order.php http://billing.lowpinggameservers.com/aff.php?aff=083 http://www.nfoservers.com/order.php http://vskgamingservers.com/game-servers/ http://wolfservers.com/ http://www.xfactorservers.com/game_servers.php Few of them dont have their B3 prices up yet (but they host other ranked BF games, so I expect them to) ... Hope the list may help some ppl make an informed decision on who to go with. Anyway, couldn't find an official current list so put this one together. Enjoy butt
  11. Pen @ FPS posted this news about Portal. Thought it would be worth adding to the portal2 thread. Check your Steam library, and download it from there. Portal Free until the 20th! If for some reason you don't already own Portal you can download/install and play for free! But only until the 20th of this month. So if you miss it you miss it! but if you get it then it's yours forever!
  12. You guys go ahead and save your money - stay w/ cod4. Then everyone will be happy... You can play your 'ol faithful' till the cows come home. While we are saved from months and months of "woe is me" buyers remorse posts - when things are not absolutly perfect (or your perscpetion of how things "should" be) on Oct. 26th. :D Its no secret that some are haters waiting to pounce, just to show how ahead of the curve they are on all things gaming. I was lucky enough to play the b3 alpha, and loved it. Looking forward to the beta, so I can see if they fixed the few alpha issues I noticed. Give me a few 64 slot servers, a "hopefully" woking pb_ss system, and( w/ a little help from above) some sort of a demo/theatre utility and I am good to go! For those of us that prefer a "team play" gaming experience, with the e/candy a 2011 PC release deserves, theres only one true option. butt
  13. ^ Probably the beta, if I were to guess. Hope so anyway. Running out of time for a "beta/trial". Almost a month till launch... They better get on the ball, as to not have a repeat of the post launch Bc2 issues. Need to see how those 64 slot servers can handle the load. butt
  14. butt
  15. Ok. Ill bite. What alternative would you propose? Dated tech of MW3, or a nitch WW2 redo? Compare this issue to the current mainstream alternative, CoD-Blops. Those that paid for the game and the following mappacks are up to $120 w/ another dlc on the way. Or - those playing WOW, how much they got tied up into their entertainment? Think 'sheelple' is a bit harsh... Exploited? perhaps - but what else is new. Might save "sheeple" for the next time you pull up to the pump to fill up your car. Or a week later when you do it again. :) For me, I'll look at it in the "half full" perspective. Its not ideal - nor "the way things were". At least its not an exclusive - one provider contract, as blops was. There is freedom of choice here, and competition between providers .Which in the end will be good for everyone.The additional cost to me is negligible. If were going to cry about this server side change, lets save a few tears for those gamers that must upgrade from XP to play. butt
  16. A crafty customer could order a minium slot TS server for a month, then use the code ;) butt
  17. Been getting a few pre-order offers on B3 servers. Latest one is from curent provider lpgs http://billing.lowpinggameservers.com/aff.php?aff=083 10% off savings from our current pre order prices. To take advantage of the offer all you need to do is add the coupon code "clients" when you order. butt
  18. Cant completly disagree. Theres some hokie things for sure, starting w/ the magic defib bullet fixer. Another thing we can agree on is, my arcade is going to look a hell of alot better than your arcade :P butt
  19. Just wish at the end of all the running, the twit would have been killed by a balistic knife, from a guy toteing a silenced 12 ga. shotgun. Wont miss the arcade one bit ;) butt
  20. So much for EA/DICE in finding a way to "throw us a bone" for hosting their buggy Bc2 for months on end... Instead they're finding new and creative ways to give us the bone for B3? We paid good money for Bc2 servers, for a game that obviously was not properly tested proir to launch. I guess "sorry, and thank you" for staying brand loyal, means something different in Sweden. butt
  21. That is not good one bit. I suppose if it were limited to hardware/driver oversight for the sole reason of patches or troubble shooting, I could understand some need for a partial intrusion. But to shoehorn monitoring/selling a paying customers surfing patterns under the umbrella of a EULA is bulsh. About the time I am ready to heap praise on EA/DICE, I am reminded why I am naturally suspicious. butt
  22. Funny thing about the pb_ss deal, is even w/ the probelms ppl had, mine would always come through on Bc2. Most all others would not, but even w/ my hardware and settings, I'd get mine. Thx for the new sigs. Will swap mine out now :) butt EDIT: Got it figured out. Thx surfy
  23. Best AC news in years!!! And as a side bar bonus, no more nooblet "why are my pb_ss black" threads!!! Wahoo! butt PS, now Kalms, lets get the demo recorder issue ironed out, and I'll vote for you for President in '12 :)
  24. ^If true, I am happy they are finding this stuff out now, rather than Oct. 26 butt
  25. Just a heads up. I had issues w/ MYis. Heck, I am still getting random invoices for a canceled service. Buyer beware. butt
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