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Everything posted by buttscratcher

  1. AWESOME indeed. +1 for you. Smooth jam as well.
  2. Good plan - for those w/ premium... Now what about the rest of us? dont answer that.
  3. full story here: http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-19982440
  4. If some of the nub garbage can be turned off in HC mode it might be ok. Not great. Not ground breaking. But ok. Possibly. :P
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ra5ykzHo2vw&feature=player_embedded
  6. Thinking out loud here, and (wishful thinking no doubt) - but... I wonder if the lack of PC feature announcments is by design, as to not upset their console meal ticket? I mean, what if it does have some actual 'PC first' features?
  7. ^Thank you. EDIT: I enjoyed the 11th post by supremo. Direct and to the point. http://forum.ea.com/eaforum/posts/list/8216992.page;jsessionid=B9D867D77C2BEC66498938634E6BF6CB Now I'll sift thru pages, to not find an answer :P I could almost get the cockyness in not revealing details if this was one of the two franchises that didnt need the pub... But its MOH, and the first swim of danger close? baffling. Its almost like they signed a non-compete w/ Bf3, in exchange for use of the engine, lol.
  8. Thanks Taz. Yeah the slot size is something clans should think about. We did rather good on Blops as far as keeping it busy @ 18 slots (if memory serves). It does require an active clan to re-pop when they peter out, if too many ppl leave at the end of a round. As maydax said, this lack of info 3 weeks out? wacky... This is all I found as far as reading goes: http://www.medalofhonor.com/ No official MOH forum?
  9. Have any actual details been posted? I cant find anything other than it will use PB servers? player counts? ect... tia
  10. When one thought it could not get much worse than the ''one provider" system that we had in Black Ops, how about a no provider system for Black Ops 2. On one hand, I just saved at least $60, so I should be happy, but I am not... Must admit a fair bit of disapointment.
  11. I stoped it at 0:14. Beat that!
  12. i lol'd While I despise the blops dogs, that was pretty cute. +1 for something that will make the guys laugh.
  13. But wasn't TWs solution an "either or"? Not both. Think it was anyway... Gave up on the game pretty quick. Didnt bother to learn the details.
  14. I'd bet a beer its not. Prolly VAC and some "inhouse" bullsh*t. EDIT: lol... their inhouse is probably like DICE's. "Press here to report player". (insert Colors pic of a monkey sitting at a typewriter)
  15. I lol'd @ Trearch Warfare League. Wonder if team warfare will appreciate coincidence. EDIT: Damn. Dogs again... Wonder if the "my chanel" is for the theatre?
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isr3LohGxR0&feature=player_embedded
  17. Just so I am clear. I am supposta drag my PC into the living room, so I can sit in the lazyboy? Then when I am done I can drag it back and hook everything up again? joy :P
  18. Because EA makes equal money per sale - on cheaters and clean players alike. Cheaters need the game, just like clean players. Its $60 a pop either way. With EA's stock situation, they cannot afford (literaly) to turn their back on that group. Any outward bravado against cheats from most devs/studios is disingenuous, and all bark w/ no bite.
  19. ok. Thanks
  20. I googled fxaa, and it came back w/ several download options/sites. Is there an 'official' d/l site for it? Sure wouldn't want to download anything extra :)
  21. Picked up a new monitor yesterday, and got first experience w/ what everyones been complaining about w/ the Bf3 "blue tint". Is this what people are adding the fxaa injector for? Or can the blue be removed in the ATI utility? tia
  22. What a tool. Guessing the stock price is still in the tank?
  23. More on the story today http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-19475202
  24. Some cat named kiwidog seems smarter that DICE thought possible. Not sure where the mod tools came from, but somethings up. Perhaps the same guy Maydax posted on last week that made mod tools for bc2? dunno. ANyway, if you like night maps, you'll like this! From PCgamer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LH0qxRraTeE&feature=player_embedded Another vid, (wont embed - mod fix pls) http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Kx6w51kXCmI full story here: http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/09/03/battlefield-3-night-time-mod-is-a-tense-stab-in-the-dark/
  25. lol... just lol. Go get em Surfy
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