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Everything posted by buttscratcher

  1. yay me! thx Yeah scrooge, urrm, I mean Taz, needs "an attitude of gratitude". But yeah, I always enjoy the holiday theme on the PBbans website. My winter is starting out as a repeat of last year, as in, no winter... Highs in the mid 70's, trees still holding their leaves, and grasshoppers still chewing up the roses. Need my yearly reminder that its actually holiday time :P
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mN7LW0Y00kE
  3. Checked in from lappy, and yeah the sig is displaying. :wacko: Just need to get PC sorted.
  4. Thanks Crotan. Least its displaying for someone :) Yeah, tried your suggestion and its the same as before :( So probably on my end, just need to figure out what the solution might be. EDIT: added view from IE = same result as ff (kinda)
  5. Heres what I see. Just as the SS posted in the first post of topic.
  6. bump. This may need to be moved to where he will see it. thx
  7. i lol'd at 0:20 on the video A tank w/ brake lights? Since when is a tank driver worried about traffic laws and safety? :P
  8. Was curious what was going on with PBbans sigs not displaying, either partially or not at all. tia
  9. We cant help you with a local ban... Figure out if the server has an associated website and appeal the ban there.
  10. ^good luck w/ all that.
  11. You numpty :) You should know better than that.
  12. Thats a key?
  13. Have a uber Crysis fan in the group that didnt get in on the giveaway on time. Could have used that :( If anyone else stumbles on a legit unused key, give me a shout. thx
  14. Yes http://www.pbbans.com/forums/trippy-screenshot-t164795.html But, be sure to ask for SS help in the proper area... Not the public area of forum :) EDIT. Not sure if lite admins have access to the SS review area. If thats the case, post pb_ss questions in the Lite Admin area :)
  15. Yeah, played a few rounds. Happy to get to try this game. Never played a Crysis multiplayer before and only very limited single player. Was afraid I'd get schooled by players that know how to work the suit. Did pretty good for first swim on a map I had no idea where I was, or was going. Funny thing is I kept spamming my "Q" key trying to spot things out for my team :)
  16. Yeah, the F2P model is screwing things up for clans as well. When developers are hosting/renting the servers (like Tribes Ascend) it kills it for me. No motivation to get involved in games that go that route. As to VAC, I have more faith in VAC than I do the idea of integrated anti-cheat from the developer.
  17. Nice work!
  18. Ahhh. Thats to bad. With the disappointing news w/ Blops 2 and MOH:WF being what it is, was really wanting to add a game to spice things up. Kinda down to seeds and stems when it comes to games this season. If what I read about a 16 player max on Crysis 3 multi is true, we may be stuck on Bf3 for a while. <_<
  19. No PB then? I forget... Wasn't Crysis 2 DOA due to being over run w/ cheats? Was thinking the same thing.
  20. cool thanks :) preloading now. Available Nov 2nd
  21. ^@7:12 "stop buying these games"... words to live by.
  22. Thanks for the review :) Appreciate it.
  23. The early user gameplay reviews are not compelling me to give EA more money. Someone list the "PC features" you got for your $60 purchace. Ingame VOIP? Demo/Spectate? Pings seen in Rcon? Adjustable FOV? Are fps capped?
  24. I like the pew pew guy :P
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