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Everything posted by buttscratcher

  1. We'd be blind to not see the way its going. But I'd sure like to see EA give EB one last shot. Not so much as they've earned it, but just in hopes they can get their SS utility in line w/ 2011. Without it, theres not alot of difference between the two choices. I'd like BF3 to be the best and last military fps I buy for a long time. My two main worries is a repeat of e/candy over Battlefield specific features, and VAC. Butt
  2. Same here. One of the guys at lpgs said the same thing to me yesterday. I've also experienced, not staying logged in, and read threads come back as unread on a later visit. All sorts of crazy stuff. I am sure they'll get it sorted as soon as they're able. Good luck guys :) Butt
  3. Now that 1.51 has gone live, has anyone else noticed a problem w/ AB? I am enjoying the new titan map, but have repeatedly seen AB not working durring the round. At rounds end / side swap, sides will be evened. But durring the round, number of players per side are not kept even. Butt
  4. That like being a little pregnant? Butt
  5. Assuming EA will not let the 2011 holiday sales window pass without having this game packaged and ready by Black Friday, thats at best a month worth of "beta testing". If so, sounds just like the Bc2 "beta", and three to four months (minium) of server fees - for a buggy ass game that was not properly tested prior to launch. Why on earth wont they actually do legitimate testing, that provides themself a realistic timetable to effect meaningful changes? Butt
  6. After Black Ops nets over a billion, I thought it was a valid observation to make. Wasn't going to point out the obvious with my post, but when "prone" is your #2 hook - in your first promo, your in troubble. I am sure DICE will find new and creative ways to f*ck up their golden goose. Features get traded for eye candy. Hope I am wrong, and will gladly eat my words should they actually deliver a working, worthwhile product on launch. Butt
  7. Will be interesting to see whos sales win out this holiday season - BF3 vs. CoD I bet CoD could be in troubble this year. Butt
  8. Friend sent me this. Thought I'd share it here. Enjoy! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marine Corps Rules: 1. Be courteous to everyone, friendly to no one. 2. Decide to be aggressive enough, quickly enough. 3. Have a plan. 4. Have a back-up plan, because the first one probably won't work. 5. Be polite. Be professional. But, have a plan to kill everyone you meet. 6. Do not attend a gunfight with a handgun whose caliber does not start with a '4.' 7. Anything worth shooting is worth shooting twice. Ammo is cheap. Life is expensive. 8. Move away from your attacker. Distance is your friend (Lateral & diagonal preferred.) 9. Use cover or concealment as much as possible. 10. Flank your adversary when possible. Protect yours. 11. Always cheat; always win. The only unfair fight is the one you lose. 12. In ten years nobody will remember the details of caliber, stance, or tactics. They will only remember who lived. 13. If you are not shooting, you should be communicating your intention to shoot. Navy SEAL Rules: 1. Look very cool in sunglasses. 2. Kill every living thing within view. 3. Adjust Speedo. 4. Check hair in mirror. US Army Rangers Rules: 1. Walk in 50 miles wearing 75 pound rucksack while starving. 2. Locate individuals requiring killing. 3. Request permission via radio from 'Higher' to perform killing. 4. Curse bitterly when mission is aborted. 5. Walk out 50 miles wearing a 75 pound rucksack while starving. US Army Rules: 1. Curse bitterly when receiving operational order. 2. Make sure there is extra ammo and extra coffee. 3. Curse bitterly. 4. Curse bitterly. 5. Do not listen to 2nd LTs.; it can get you killed. 6. Call in air strike on suspected targets. 7. Curse bitterly. US Air Force Rules: 1. Have a cocktail. 2. Adjust temperature on air-conditioner. 3. See what's on HBO. 4. Ask 'What is a gunfight?' 5. Request more funding from Congress with a 'killer' Power Point presentation. 6. Wine & dine ''key' Congressmen, invite DOD & defense industry executives. 7. Receive funding, set up new command and assemble assets. 8. Declare the assets 'strategic' and never deploy them operationally. 9. Hurry to make 13:45 tee-time. 10. Make sure the base is as far as possible from the conflict but close enough to have tax exemption. US Navy Rules: 1. Go to Sea. 2. Drink Coffee. 3. Deploy Marines Go Navy! And the next... (You've got to love the military, and God bless them all.) U.S. Navy Directive 16134 (Inappropriate T-Shirts) The following directive was issued by the commanding officer of all navalinstallations in the Middle East. (It was obviously directed at the Marines.) To: All Commands Subject: Inappropriate T-Shirts Ref: ComMidEast For Inst 16134//24 K All commanders promulgate upon receipt. The following T-shirts are no longer to be worn on or off base by any military or civilian personnel serving in the Middle East: 1. 'Eat Pork or Die.' [both English and Arabic versions] 2. 'Shrine Busters.' [Various. Show burning minarets or bomb/artillery shells impacting Islamic shrines. Some with unit logos.] 3. 'Napalm, Sticks Like Crazy.' [both English and Arabic versions] 4. 'Goat - it isn't just for breakfast anymore.' [both English and Arabic versions] 5. 'The road to Paradise begins with me.' [Mostly Arabic versions, but some in English. Some show sniper scope cross-hairs.] 6. 'Guns don't kill people. I kill people.' [both Arabic and English versions] 7. 'Pork. The other white meat.' [Arabic version] 8. 'Infidel.' [English, Arabic and other coalition force languages.] The above T-shirts are to be removed from Post Exchanges upon receipt of this directive. In addition, the following signs are to be removed upon receipt of this message: 1. 'Islamic Religious Services will be held at the Firing Range at 0800 Daily.' 2. 'Do we really need 'smart bombs' to drop on these dumb bastards?' All commands are instructed to implement sensitivity training upon receipt.
  9. wow. Developer shoves something out untested to catch the holiday sales window, then gets mad at negitive press?
  10. Local ban. Better than the BC2 Battle Recorder, yes? Butt
  11. Although its not a title I'll be getting (have enough fps atm) but did see a few nice things that I am sure will influence sales for some people sitting on the fence. "In terms of other gameplay changes - we introduced a Squad Management system for PC, with Squad based VOIP. *snip" Played Bc2 the other night, and the fuc*ing VOIP still does not work! "Will there be any kind of tournament support? Demo recording support will be available on dedicated and listen servers. Also, automated demo recording upload is possible with some simple scripting. Will there be Spectator mode? Yup, via the admin commands. Are there server admin tools? Yes, dedicated server tools and RCON" ^ hopefully more user friendly than the CoD-BO utility through Steam. Butt
  12. Reguardless of the content of the map pack, anyone paying Activision/Treyarch another nickel before the server crash issue gets resolved, needs their head examined. Butt
  13. +1 to you. Classic :lol:
  14. Silky smooth for me... Do wish some love could paid to the stock Rcon utility. But beyond that, after a GPU upgrade, I've not had any ingame problems, and have not noticed the client freeze I was experiencing. Butt
  15. Will be paying attention to what they have to say, but wont be pre-sale duped w/ EA/DICE promo trailers ever again. Hopefully BF3 will have a demo recorder, or I am out. (sorry for the broken record on that one) Butt PS, and truly wishful thinking on my part. But if EA is going to stay w/ EB for their anti-cheat, it would make many ppl happy if they would spend half a day and teach Even Ballance how to fix/re-work the pb_ss failure issue. Even if it meant using a different utility to make the screen capture.
  16. :D Good way to go about it. Think alot of us learned a lesson after that. As to VAC, its been no better or worse than PB, for our CoD-BO server. As w/ running any server the main thing is having experienced admins on the server to keep an eye on things. Another thing that has been a positive with Steam has been the ingame messaging system. I've been pleasantly supprised by the friend messages, letting me know if there was someone on the server that was "suspect" and deserved a closer look. Many times the player is simply a good player, but other times the player earned a local ban. I do understand the reluctance felt by many related to VAC. But if Home Front looks like something someone would enjoy, I would not let the anti cheat system used be the deal breaker. Butt
  17. Think VAC, if I read this from maydax correctly http://www.pbbans.com/forums/homefront-pc-t131206.html/page__view__findpost__p__347046
  18. d.p. tried to delete... got simular error :D
  19. Dear Santa: I've been exceptionally nice this year... Any chance I could get a fix on this for Christmas?
  20. Nice find. Let us know if there are any other pre-Xmas hit&run Steam sales. Butt
  21. Yep. Nothing to complain about here. My e8400 & 4850-512 still plugging along. No noticable change either way. I still die alot.:D Does look like they finally got the connect by IP added, and a few more server side options in place. Been waiting to try the other Rcon programs. Might give it a few more days and see what other features the RconMax guys can come up with. Not had the issues w/ the stock Rcon others have had, so not had motivation to change it up. Butt
  22. Thanks for the update, and the help. Butt
  23. buttscratcher


    Fair enough, and a helpful one at that. Well, then if thats the case, find yourself a good electric balnket and crank it up to 10. You'll be toasty in no time. Butt
  24. buttscratcher


    Awww, you sissy :) After 4 months of a TX summer, a little snow/cold is a welcome change. I am pretty lucky though. It does get cold for a bit, but in a few days its back to 70's in the day 50's at night. Other than the 4 months of hell in the summer central TX is a great place weather wise (minus the tornados) Looks very nice. People crap their pants over driving, when it snows/sleets here as well. Its so rare, that people don't know how to handle it. Whats really funny is the local TV stations coverage of even the threat of snow/ice. They show ppl flocking to the grocerie stores stocking up on can goods, and have several "on the scene" reporters doing live shots of traffic slowdowns. Kinda embarassing tbh. Butt
  25. Almost :) I'll keep it quick... I know where he found that particular video as well as the context of the discussion, and as I said there: "The video posted by the OP of a guy camped out, is not the best example for the benifit of a demo recorder, but its the best tool we have to maintain a cheat free enviroment (as best we can under the circumstances)" I wont extend a great deal of energy on this side of the discussion, but I am curious why a video of a player seeing/shooting through multiple walls gets ignored - While a stationary guy camped out - sniping people comming to a flag, is the "be all end all" - example of why the Theatre Review feature is a failure, and unusable? Each situation must be addressed on its own merrits. One poor example video posted by him, does not negate examples of blaintant cheats. Ten "questionable" videos could be dug up on Utube, and I would agree those should not be banned. But ignoring the obvious ingame demos? Would I join that group? No. I've given it thought, and I would not want to be in a collective of server owners I did not have a relationship with. I also would not want to have a "Master Ban List" I was tied to - without reviewing each ban/demo, on a case by case basis. Would I be open to something, on a 1 to 1 situation with another server owner(s) I've had ongoing interaction/history with? Yes. (with a few qualifiers) "If" the eventual Rcon improvments include a log of player information (Player Name & ID# - when joining/leaving the server) Plus the ability to manually add bans after the fact from Rcon. Yes I would add a player to my servers ban lists, after reviewing any demo I deemed as obvious for a cheat. With that said, I would want to see the server log (SS of, or the file) of the players information from the Rcon - of the server owner. All of which would be hypothetical and dependant on future improvments with either of the current CoD-BO Rcon utilities. On a semi related note, (not directed at the OP) nor the topic of - "shared information between server owners" Many of us have been bitching about no demo utility w/ BC2. I will not look a gift horse in the mouth - with the CoD-BO review utility... I am taking the glass is half full route here. ;) Butt
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