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Everything posted by buttscratcher
Dallas had a white christmas last year, so anything is possible. Hope you guys in the UK are enjoying the weather. Enjoy it while you can. It will melt soon enough. Butt
I would politly disagree. My first hand experience w/ the tool has been positive. If as you say half the people "look like you are cheating", what about the other half that obviously are? Would you ignore those as well, if given the oppertunity? A person can quickly and unknowingly backs themself into a corner when speaking with such absolutes. For example, would you want this player on your server? Its all good, but especially @ 1:30 and beyond. I would agree w/ the witchhunt aspect here, but if there were a way to gather video clips with player name/ID, post them for review and let each server owner decide for him/her self, that would be their right to choose. Does it fly in the face of established practices? Yes, most certanly... But, keeping in mind the growing trend of VAC>PB use by developers, this may in time be the lessor of two evils. We can bitch till we are blue in the face, but those complaints are generally hot air, and self serving. As it stands now, BF3 "MAY" use PB. But the EA/PB homers will have to wait for a calendar year to find out. (*off topic warning - Personally, I have a perverse hope EA goes VAC as well. If for nothing else, to sit back and watch the dogbowl caos - that would surly follow.) (*back on topic) With that in mind, and for those clans playing VAC games, there are limited options in play here. Ignore the demo tool as "useless" as you stated. Or be wary of some ingame situations that doubt could be a factor. But - dont ignore the obvious. If the goal is anti-cheat, then that is what we should focus on, reguardless of what anti-cheat system is being used. There may be a day in the near future that PB (and in turn PBbans, GGC, ect...) are no longer relivant, in a VAC dominated gaming enviroment. When that day comes, will all of you be prepared to go in a new direction? The limitations w/ VAC are present for all to comment apon. But I would not be quick to dismiss the idea of an organized group of people, serious in an anti cheat effort at a semi-local level. I am not advocating the thread posted by the OP, but given the oppertunity to review a demo and decide for myself, I'd take that oppertunity. Butt
Black Ops is using VAC, not PB. Your current problem will not be at issue w/ BO Butt
I did not anticipate you would. Was just trying to figure out how many dogs you had in the fight. I did not know if you were running a clan and trying to keep a group moving forward with a new game. Or simply one of 8,000,000 other people that have purchaced the game. With the available alternatives exhausted, I guess your "straight out of luck". Just no two ways around it...But, in reality, you've posted several times (here and @ FPS) about hanging up your hat, and finding a new hobby/persuit. Butt
I can completly relate to your frustration. It sucked paying $60 retail for BC2... It sucked paying server fees for 3-4 months till things got "fixed". Me complain about CoD-BO after two weeks? naaa. Not me. BC2 was a running beta for months on end. How many patches is that game up to now? We are 2 weeks into CoD-BO... Good thing you are not paying server fees for CoD-BO - We'd never hear the end of it :P Does not sound good then... If ping is an issue w/ CoD4, you could always host a server. I am sure you could promote enough traffic to keep a server busy, Butt
Many people are having a fun time, and enjoying the game. You've made it perfectly clear your not happy. Many of us are. Any forum would be better served without unnesessary moderator intervention (changing thread titles/sub-titles) just because a moderator is having a problem - that clearly many others are not. Your having issues - that many ppl have tried (and continue to) to assist you with. I am sorry you seem to have ongoing problems with the game, but for whatever the root cause, a little more patients would do everyone wonders. But, if that is not in the cards, one option would be to focus the negitive energy on getting your refund, and moving on to something you are able to enjoy. Think you mentioned you enjoy cod4. BF3 will be here in 2012... Now thats patients, lol :) Butt
So now were changing thread titles because you are having a bad experience? Butt
http://store.steampowered.com/app/35450/ About the Game Heroes of Stalingrad will take the award winning Red Orchestra franchise into the next generation of gaming. Cutting edge graphics and audio built on Unreal Engine 3, inventive features and streamlined realism will deliver an unrivalled WWII experience. Focusing on the Battle of Stalingrad and the surrounding operations, both German and Russian, from July 1942 to February 1943 the game allows the player to experience one of the most brutal battles in all of human history. For the first time ever in a first person shooter gamers will be able to experience WWII from the Axis side in a German single player campaign. Single-playerMulti-playerCo-opSteam AchievementsSteam LeaderboardsSteam CloudStatsValve Anti-Cheat enabled
Good luck on getting your money back. Agreed. My only complaint is I suck! Kinda hard to blame the developer for that :lol: I do laugh at the ppl that complain about every release. Its starting to fall on deaf ears. But hey, HOS is due out 2Q 2011. Guess we will only have to read the boo-hoo posts for only 6 more months! Then they will have another title to pick apart. Or - maybe the threats of quitting will be acted apon, and new hobbies will be pursued. But, I'am beginning to doubt it... Butt
Geebus Christ guys, take a deep breath or two, lol B) The game has not been out for 24 hours yet. Lemme quote 'ol Johnny Cocheran , and remind everyone "lets not rush to judgement". Got to play some TDM with the guys tonight, and had alot of fun. Learning new maps is a bit of a pain. But most all of the ones I played are really cool! I bet for those running a top flight rig, they are even better than as I experienced. Not all the eye candy of other recent games, but a better overall "feel", if that makes any sence...The lean feature isn't something I've had in a long time, and will be glad to get to use that again. Had a very good time, all the way around. No lag, no problems staying connected from TX to NY. The Rcon didn't save my server messages, and had to re-do them. Wish there was a bit more control on server options, but give it time. I bet even that will get sorted. Did have the chop/lag in SP, but no biggie. Butt
Been playing the SP, and must say its been pretty fun. Not played a CoD title since the first playstation version, so its taking some getting used to. Have had some stuttering in SP. Not sure if its my rig, or something else at play. I'd suspect the few issues that have been spoken on here and elsewhere, will get ironed out sooner rather than later. The one good thing about that is the comming holiday season. I would doubt the developer whats anything negitive hanging over its head going into Christmas. They may not fix the problems for us, but I bet they fix them before the holiday shopping blitz gets into full swing ;) Think I'll give it more than half a day before I declair something is "failed" Butt
Yepper, expected as much. I didn't expect the the hack makers were going to deprive us of their fine work. :D Every game has them. Do kinda wish they would come up with something a bit more fresh. Kinda boring seeing the same hacks all the time. Nothing new for us. Main thing for the pubber to keep in mind, is to find servers that they know will be activly moderated. Even though the game is VAC, it may not be a terrible idea to get a list going in CoD area w/ a list of servers run by PBbans active clans. In doing so, at least gives a list of servers that PBbans members would know that anti-cheat was taken seriously on the server being visited. Thoughts? Butt PS. Really liked the vented rib O/U in the first SS ;) Looks like its duck huntin time!
lol. Had a feeling you'd cave :P hehehehe, You'll fall to peer presure before the end of the week. :lol: Butt
"Live and Learn" is one of my favorites. Then again, I am usually screwing something up, and have no choice but to learn from my mistakes, lol :P Stick to your guns this time. Maybe someone up the foodchain @ EA will take notice. Maybe... Butt
I can't say as I mind the wager deal. Not something I am looking for in this game. First thing I think of when I see this is, K&P servers in BF. Those that are going to enjoy that kind of thing were going to do it anyway. K/P servers are everywhere. One gets shut down in BF, and another two pop up to replace it. What I find intresting is the 6 slot limit. I dont know if that was all the people they had to play the mode, or if thats the limit? If so, gameservers.com has a fixed ranked pre-order at 18 slots. No more, no less. With 6 active players per 18 slot server, guess those 24/7 wager match servers may cost a bit more per slot - than originally expected? If so, at least those running that type of server, will pay extra for it. Butt
Howdy stranger. Had been wondering where you'd gotten off to. Nice to see ya. B) Butt
Good stuff taz. Thanks for posting that. :) Go figure. People ask specific questions, people get specific answers. Got to appreciate that... Sure beats the hell out of the "half answers" we get elsewhere. Butt
I'll be keeping an eye on you B) Maydax will be a day 1 supreme commander. :P Butt
Personal preference I suppose. If others prefer balls out caos, I can appreciate that. Looking at the maplist, out of the 14 maps, it looks like 8 are described as medium sized. 3 are described as small. This might have something to do with the initial player count cap - if the majority of the maps do not have the acreage to let ppl roam a little, could be why they chose 18 to start with. Dont know, just a guess. I would bet they tested it with different player counts, but setteled on 18 for a reason. Perhaps Treyarch took note of the BC2 release when there were what, 10,000 - 32 slot servers worldwide - mostly sitting empty? I forget the actual numbers ( but more servers available - than ppl playing ever needed). Don't know. All just wild speculation on my part. :rolleyes: Guess we will find out here in a few weeks. Butt
Well... We've gone from - no, to maybe. I think next time it will be "ok, I'll give it a go." ;) Yeah, its not a very high player count, but lets give them the benifit of the doubt for now. We can flame them later if they drop a "BC2 like" turd. Granted, its purely speculation on my part, but perhaps things are being kept low on release for either legitmate reasons, or as a precaution. See 24 slot in unranked. Hopefully player counts will be bumped up a bit after the initial bugs are ironed out. Personally, I like the server that isn't jammed to the gills. The caos of "shoot, kill, run, die, re-spawn- rinse & repeat" found on maxed player count servers is frustrating and lacks in real teamwork. As long as its a fun game our groups can enjoy with our friends, thats the main thing for me. Butt
14 maps out of the box. Different game modes to keep everyone happy. Theater reviews. Some level of server control (not matchmaking bs) As a former EA/DICE loyalist/snob, it will be a bit of an adjustment to a new series, but its still a FPS afterall. Wont be that big of a departure. Looking forward to it, to be quite honest. Would be lying if I said I wasn't a bit apprehensive about the VAC side of all this. But theres got to be a reason EB did not get the contract. I do like the concept of a cheater caught in VAC, they get banned from more than the game caught on (or at least thats how I understand it) Once the initial bugs get ironed out, and everyone has a decent feel for the new maps, I'd welcome other PBbans SGA's to PM me about possible "friendly" clan v clan scrim possibilities. Contact me either here, or at our website. Sunday evening has generally been our best night on getting enough ppl together. But that was back when we were doing 12 v 12. Butt
Give the search feature in the upper right hand corner a whirl. There are literally 100's of previous threads on this very topic. Search "black screenshots" or "failed screenshots" and see what comes up. B) Butt
Goes through for me.
Read the last sentence here: http://www.medalofhonor.com/blog/2010/09/medal-honor-pc-servers "however there is no 1st/3rd person spectate option as well as no demo recording feature." Hope this helps. Butt
Check first post of this thread... should clear it up.