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Everything posted by DHGreeny

  1. Yes, merry christmas and a happy new year to you all 2019
  2. Oh yeah lol!
  3. https://www.pbbans.com/globalban.php
  4. We do not issue or have any control over global punkbuster bans.. https://www.pbbans.com/globalban.php What we do know is, they will not disclose the reason or info about the bans they issue to anyone outside Evenbalance.
  5. Global bans are issued by evenbalance, we are not evenbalance and you are not banned by us, so no you won't be able to find yourself on the banlist. Evenbalance don't have a public banlist. They will answer you but if you bombard them it will take longer for them to answer. Best advice is to wait, bottom line. My post sounds stern, it's not meant to sound that way, just some friendly advice and answer to your questions.
  6. I'm afraid to tell you that evenbalance have administered a global ban on your account, we here at pbbans will not know the reason why. You will need to open a troubleticket with them in order to appeal it. Some relevent info below.. Source.. https://www.pbbans.com/globalban.php Full link to evenbalance troubleticket below.. http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/new_ticket.php
  7. I ran your GUID through the global punkbuster ban checker and I'm afraid to say you have a global punkbuster ban. I have taken out the irrelevent parts of the information so it should all be relevent to you within the quote below.. Source.. https://www.pbbans.com/globalban.php Full link to evenbalance troubleticket below.. http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/new_ticket.php
  8. Well I think that people don't realise that gold fish need a lot of space and if they don't have that space to grow then they won't live as long. I suspect they could live a full and fruitful life if looked after properly and in the right environment. Fish are small from the funfair or from the fish store and people don't realise how big they can actually grow.
  9. DHGreeny

    bf 4

    No problem, try to be patient. I've seen responses take over a week before. Typically they can take 48 hours but if you keep opening tickets or replying it goes to the back of the queue.
  10. DHGreeny

    bf 4

    That question you will need to field to evenbalance as it is an evenbalance violation. If you are certain you haven't cheated and you think non cheat software triggered the ban then pass the information on to them.
  11. My final comment.. We cannot see what evidence evenbalance has that triggered the ban nor do we know what you had your end that triggered the violation. All we know is that they have banned you due to what they believe is logged evidence of a cheat that ran on your GUID regardless whether you believe it or not. Unless of course your appeal is successful. A fresh install of your computer will start you off clean deleting any infracting software. That is all we can say on the subject.
  12. Only evenbalance can remove the ban, we do not have any influence whatsoever as we are not them and it is not a ban from us. I already explained it earlier in this thread including sending files and programs you think may have caused a false positive on your account. I also stated that it can take 48 hours or more for evenbalance to answer tickets with adaquete review. In my view, noone has made public their tickets to show they haven't had a response or what the content may have been that could have possibly warranted the ticket to be locked or left without a response. The one thing I didn't think to mention is if you add a new note the ticket will go to the back of the queue so its best to be patient and wait. In regards to reporting players, there is no formal way to report players to evenbalance. You can submit cheat files to them or to our section and you can report players to EA via their profile in battlelog. Click on the /!\ symbol.
  13. Do you mean how to unban a player who has been caught cheating?
  14. We do not know what evidence evenbalance has that triggered the global ban. It can take them 48 hours or more for them to answer your ticket. Submit to them what programs you think could have triggered a false positive on your account. I doubt mouse drivers would have triggered the violation.
  15. If you are receiving a kick with the kick message you took a screenshot in battlelog then the ban is a true one unless evenbalance find that the violation was triggered in error. Please read the info in the below link.. https://www.pbbans.com/global-punkbuster-ban.html It has everything you need to know about them including how and where you need to appeal.
  16. We don't know, only evenbalance knows why a global ban was triggered on your GUID ending d6d78ce3. All we know is that evenbalance have detected a cheat on this specific account. You will need to appeal to them via a support ticket which is below.. https://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/new_ticket.php More about global GUID bans below.. https://www.pbbans.com/globalban.php
  17. DHGreeny


    *Steaming unavailable to this member due to a linked account being on the MBi*
  18. Hi kolja12, Your team will need reactivating as it hasn't streamed for some time.
  19. We don't know, as it is a global punkbuster ban you will need to appeal directly to evenbalance as we are not affiliated with them.. https://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/new_ticket.php Some more info on global bans below.. https://www.pbbans.com/global-punkbuster-ban.html
  20. As said previously by our community members, we are not affiliated with evenbalance. Looks like you've opened a ticket and had your answer, any disputes that you have need to be taken up with them. More info below.. https://www.pbbans.com/global-punkbuster-ban.html
  21. Evenbalance have answered your ticket, nothing we can do here for you. If you are unhappy with the answer you were given you will need to reply to the open evenbalance ticket you submitted.
  22. You will need to field your appeal to evenbalance as the ban is with them, we are not affiliated with evenbalance and you are not banned on our MBi (Master Ban index) hence why you cannot find a ban here. Global bans are the most serious of bans and they are enforced through all pb enabled servers whereas our bans are enforced on servers that stream to us and that a ban is added to our MBi only if a violation is triggered on a server that streams to us. Evenbalance only distribute global pb bans and there are no public lists. If it happened that you got a global ban on a streaming server then the ban would have been added to our MBi. Your only avenue is through an evenbalance ticket below.. http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/new_ticket.php
  23. All you need to know about global bans are here.. https://www.pbbans.com/global-punkbuster-ban.html including..
  24. As long as we can pool together and achieve our donations targets each month for the year then we can. Happy new year all.
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