I dont see any logic in what you say..its been stated before that pbbans streaming does not interfere with the standard way of streaming in any way.
The team/clan/group/server provider useing over services do trust us and our violations and have made the choise to
stream to us and now you tell them they can not do that cause your admins have never streamed a server to pbbans,
so you set a rule that pbbans can not be used even when you have not tried it your self? No one from codleague have never even asked or been interested in how pbbans streaming works. For all we know mabye pbbans streaming is a benefit to your league how can you know if you have not tried it? :) Its not like we are the bad guys here we try our best to make a difference in the ac world and we do this for you all so you should have a more secure server to play on..Isnt that what your after to?