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  FSK405SPIDER said:
Welcome back and thanks for all the support.
  foxdie said:
Welcome Back! May the power of modelka be with you :HistericalSmiley:



Got your number. ;) When ya comin back to show us what modelka can really do? An no, no one click his links...... as an FYI, here or IRC. ;) :P


....Thankfully I heard enough about others getting g-lined so that when he tried it with me, it got ignored.




Well, the heavy clouds are gone, the sun is rising!

It's very nice to see you back again!


Thank you guys for your extremely good job!


@all: Remember, only together we can combat the dirty storm of this lousy "H@Xx0r"-Kiddies and keep our Servers clean!

Make a donation to PBBans today so they can keep on fighting!

Posted (edited)

That was scary.....


Welcome Back to the frontline, comrade!

Edited by !AR!BlackHawk

First, I want to thank everyone who posted their thoughts of appreciation here. We have been through some tough times the past 2 weeks and the number of posts and kind words show the Staff that our efforts are not in vain.


The DDoS attack not only showed a weakness from our old host not being able to protect us but it trailed us as we moved to 3 temporary sites. The DDoS has even plagued us at our new host. Thankfully, our new host has a tremendous support staff and MaydaX worked into the wee hours to keep PBBans running. We realize this will not be the last attempt to bring us down.


On a side note, I question the great differences in the words about PBBans.....between our site and other sites.


Case in point, these comments:


They quit with some bad excuses, although the DDos part is ofcourse true.

I wouldn't be surprised that this is just "again" a nice PR show.....


Next to that there is nothing to say or cry for, The last 3 years we at "we" have always had great intressed in getting there system ported over to our developers, they never wanted to. So I myself didnt have such a good relationship with the head staff. It's a shame for the community, but it's the price they have to pay.


And thats the exact reason why I hate the way these guys work. In my opinion there just working on there cashflow by crying that they quit and 24 hours later pull back there whole story and say "here we are again".


I honestly call in to question your true support of PBBans.....on our site, you post nicely....and on others you choose to bash us without reasons.


Which is it? Let's be fair here and speak your true mind. PR stunt.....how do you figure? Donation drive.....so tell me ole wise one.....how else could we afford the costs to close down at our previous host, ship the servers, pay for a new contract with a setup fee, all of the additional costs in hosting our site at temporary locations, and on and on and on.....


I am truly shocked, stunned, and outright saddened by the insults that we have read on other websites.....only to have folks come back here and praise us.......


Welcome back guys and thanks for all of your dedication. That being said Bob I sent you a PM and was sincere in my offer. Please when you have a moment respond and advise of our (=BFS=) next step.


I can tell you guys from all of )BIA( welcome back!!!!! We are all thankfull you guys are up and running.


welcome back, thx to all Admins!!!


I missed the MPI search function... they will all get busted!!!

Posted (edited)
  .:EvL:.RedKilla said:
Thank God!!! I was lost!!!






Welcome back.

Edited by undertaker
  RodeoBob said:
On a side note, I question the great differences in the words about PBBans.....between our site and other sites.


Case in point, these comments:


I honestly call in to question your true support of PBBans.....on our site, you post nicely....and on others you choose to bash us without reasons.


Which is it? Let's be fair here and speak your true mind. PR stunt.....how do you figure? Donation drive.....so tell me ole wise one.....how else could we afford the costs to close down at our previous host, ship the servers, pay for a new contract with a setup fee, all of the additional costs in hosting our site at temporary locations, and on and on and on.....


I am truly shocked, stunned, and outright saddened by the insults that we have read on other websites.....only to have folks come back here and praise us.......


Short and Simple explanation, Bob - They are two-faced, idiot assholes!


Don't let their crap bother you for a minute! The overwhelming majority is VERY appreciative of your work, and the work of the entire PBBans staff. Don't let a few bad apples, or the scumbag hackers get you down!


Great job, PBBans! Keep up the good fight!

We all love you! :D


Thank y'all for what you do! Thank you for all your hard work! I'm really glad your back!

  RodeoBob said:
I honestly call in to question your true support of PBBans.....on our site, you post nicely....and on others you choose to bash us without reasons.


I am truly shocked, stunned, and outright saddened by the insults that we have read on other websites.....only to have folks come back here and praise us.......


I wouldn't worry about it RB, you'll find the majority that do support you, do so for a reason and that's to keep the servers clean, I'm not an SGA anymore (server too quiet) but when I was it was nice to know that you guys/gals would give up some of your free time to help keep our servers clean, updates, new information, new cheat detection tools, it is appreciated even though the majority of us might not say so that often and you only have to take a look at this thread to see some of the support you have :D


Nice to see you back , where would we go without you :D

  ETL-zOMBie said:
:jam: No more MPI withdrawals


Thanks for stickin with it fellas :)


Yes I'm the same, very glad you are back and don't worry about the two faced tards, they are just trying to cause disharmony.


one Q. not sure if it's been answered elsewhere in the forums, but at night time Australian, the Pbbans site seems not be there, is this just temp while work is going on to improve things better.

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