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will there be a MPI to check the guids of some fishy player?


will there be a MPI to check the guids of some fishy player?

The MPi is fed by data from streaming servers.

No streaming -> no data -> no MPi.


will there be a MPI to check the guids of some fishy player?


No, there will be no guids due to lack of streaming. You can use IP's but that's as far as it goes.


No, there will be no guids due to lack of streaming. You can use IP's but that's as far as it goes.



Wow Anyone can change their IP at will, thats lame.


Wow Anyone can change their IP at will, thats lame.


I better set you straight before this becomes nasty.


The no guids reference is to our Master Player Index only and not the game itself. I have to say that cause someone is bound to read that the wrong way :P


Although a disapointment and questionable judgment on their part, it "is what it is" at this point. With a few months remaining untill its 'hopeful' release date, I dont expect any changes in the near future.


Unless the Beta is an absolute abortion, we will be adding at least one BadCo2 server reguardless. I understood and supported the complaints w/ MW2, and we passed on it. That said, I wont cheat my clan the chance for a new game and interaction w/ new ppl based on lack of PBbans support alone. I think the graphics look great, and a distructable enviroment that adds an element to online gaming I've yet to experience. We all stream to PBbans, yet still have cheats that make it past the safegaurds. Nothing is perfect unfortunatly.


We will continue our monthly donation to PBbans while running 2142 servers, but being forced into a new direction for BC2 wont be the end of the world for anyone. If anything, how will it be different than we have now? Black pb_ss for obvious cheaters? (that no one cares to fix the root causes of). Cheats/Padders that change keys and/or GUIDs, just as fast as local bans are applied? People w/ mulitple Pbbans still finding their way onto our servers? PB alone very well may not be the answer for BC2. That said, from my experience ALL anticheat systems have their inherent deficiencies.


In the end, when the tools provided to catch cheats are ineffective and/or flawed, its the server admin that must decide between fair and foul. Such will be the case w/ BC2, just as it has been more often then not in 2142.

  • Upvote 2



There will be probably a log saved, but it's not save for pbbans to use it as anyone can fake it.

About the streaming, if pbbans need access to streaming, at least tell then your real needs, not just what you were used to.

Tell then to provide something for pbbans. Ask evenbalance too, they would help. The punkbuster at server would do some help without the need to check the server locally.


Just ask then for an method or API or whatever enough to pbbans stream the needed information.


Harder than what you used to, but enough for community.


I am sure some GSP who already stream to pbbans on other games would help with the testing.


Like i said, it's harder, but better than no streaming.


I am not here to criticize anyone, just to make a point they would be open to listen the community as they already said.


GSP's can't release the server files to us for private testing. That would be in breach of their contracts with DICE/EA and as such, they would lose their right to host servers for the game, and the revenue it would create for them. That simply WILL NOT HAPPEN.


The punkbuster side of things we already have full access too. It's the server files to run a local test server and actually be able to see what's going on up close and personal, for debugging purposes that are needed.


MaydaX asked. No response. That was over a month ago. Very unlikely that a response will be given beyond what's already on twitter.


I too, wish they would respond in a manner positive towards the anti-cheat communities out there. But it is not likely, given they're more concerned with protecting the ranking system than actually slowing the cheating community down from ruining the game before it has a chance to be a success.




i find it hard to believe that the rank system will not be compromised, no matter what they do.


{insert ostrichHeadinSand.jpg}


i find it hard to believe that the rank system will not be compromised, no matter what they do.


That was their own fault from the beginning. They never checked the stats coming into the master stats server. All they had to do was send the numbers of the events such as kills, deaths, ect and have the master stats server apply the point values. Add to that all the point values was located in a plain text file in every unranked server.


I remember BF2 at the beginning had the unlock URL the game used that never even checked if you actually had an unlock available. Lots of people unlocked all the weapons. It was patched ofc.


All they will doing is pissing of customers. IWNet was supposed to stop cheating and piracy yet it is becoming the most hacked cod game ever and is played by almost 7000 pirates.


Instead of restricting files they should have found ways to secure them from being tampered. They could have md5 summed the files and sent that to the stats server with the data, if it didn't match a known version the stats get disregarded. Lots of way it could have been done.


Not the news I was hoping to hear. I will be keeping an eye on this as the game rolls closer to release.

Our clan is already in the works of moving to BFBC2 from 2142. I already have everything in motion and players are ready to play a new BF game.


What happened to "caring" about the PC community.

Guess that went out the door as a New Year resolution.


BC2 is turning into a console port more and more. The PC features that define the cod series (minus mw2) are not being added to BC2 (console, mod tools, no public dedi server files) and we are under two months away from launch.


Nothing like using the dev console for a quick "exit" or connect to a server by ip. Also to use rcon commands.


When I played MW2 I really missed the console. I won't be buying BC2 at launch. I will be waiting for gamer reviews first.


First, it's IW that screws up MW2. Now, it's DICE that screws up BFBC2. What's next?? :unsure:


Medal of Honor? :P


MP is developed by DICE too


If DICE cared about PC gamers, like they supposedly did when AV/IW screwed up in the first place(and they sure sucked onto the coat-tails of it to begin with) they'd release public server files. Since they do NOT CARE, and are only concerned with the ranking issues of the game, I say who cares?


Really, if this is what it comes down to, with PC-gaming, and what we do for the dev of it. See any modder who has access to mod/dev files for any given game that has them(see MW2 for supreme rip-off's they never accredited the dev comummuity for!?) and so on, and the NF guys think what? They can do this all by themselves?


See the issues that cropped up in the last several versions of any BF series game, even more locked down in more recent versions. This is a plan? A plan for destruction, as far as keeping the game secure, for sure. A plan for making sure that no real dev ever happens to it, to be sure, as well. Best dev comes from the gaming community, not the dev's, themselves. Lock it down, keep it up, and see an end to it. Yes, some might play the game, because it's new, but in the end, you'll suffer your own fate, with all the hacks you allowed in. BF2 is a poster-child of that. You've learned NOTHING, DICE, when it comes to how that end of things works.


Perhaps it's time DICE started re-thinking what is precious, and what is not, but that's just my take. I could care less for a ranking system anyways, it is and always was, the demise of PC-gaming. That won't change. It's an acceptable plat-form to accept the console-based "retards are us" concept into a gaming world where having skill mattered, rather than a level, or points. Anyone that refutes that should go play consoles. No one who is a REAL PC GAMER would give a crap to begin with. Ranking systems killed PC-Gaming back in it's earliest conception, and made it a lot worse as things progressed. It's now in it's final stages.


Death to ranking, or death to PC-Gaming. You have no other choices. Let the ranking be for the console-nubs, they need all the help they can get. Us PC-guys can manage just fine without it. Create something for us that doesn't have the issue, and has more fun involved, with publically available server files, and a reason to contribute to the gaming community, once again.



  • Upvote 1

Looks like the hackers will make their own "dev console".


Looks like the hackers will make their own "dev console".


Most likely PB will be used to kick it.

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