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Evenbalance are the developers of Punkbuster, in this instance the violation raised on your GUID is a PB violation. 


PBBans is a third party anti cheat support site enforcing PB violations as well as banning for screenshots and their own MD5 detections.  The violation was raised whilst the GUID was being used on a GGC streamed server, hence why the ban is on their banlist, and appeals need to be done through them and Evenbalance.


3rd party anti cheat sites are an opt in option for server owners.


thank for clearing that up for me! So in that case i got banned by whatever methods ggc is using not pb since I can still play on pb protected servers, but not on ggc protected servers, something like a screenshot right ?


thank for clearing that up for me! So in that case i got banned by whatever methods ggc is using not pb since I can still play on pb protected servers, but not on ggc protected servers, something like a screenshot right ?



No the violation was a PB violation which was raised on a GGC streaming server.  This particular violation is not a global ban from PB hence why you can still go on some servers.  If you raised the violation on an PBBans streaming server you'd also not be able to join them.


so not every PB ban is a global ban? (that's kinda stupid) Is there anyway to know what  (GAMEHACK) #81518 is ??



ps thanks a lot for all the answers!! I know that it's Your job to babysit me but this topic is on top of google search, and the only one where someone is actually giving some answers not just screaming cheater !!

thanks again 


Hi again, since the appeal on ppban got denied here too I'd like to have more information. So the ban is not global ? Is it permanent or time bound ? Is the account banned or the ip (to know if buying a new game is useful or not)  ?



Even if I'm not the one banned I'm kind of pissed off. I know for a fact that my brother wouldn't cheat on BF, I thought him not to and always took care of teaching him to account for his responsibility. He cheated once 6 or 7 years ago on my cs source account which got banned, I made him buy me a new license with his own money. Since then that's how he gets games, he buys them with his own money so that if he messes with them he's the one who loose. And trust me it's not like money grows on threes in our house, so when he bought BF4 + premium it was quite the investment for him. You don't mess with money when you can't afford to loose it and he knows it. This is not limited to games.


the ban is not on the ip its on the GUID that is assciated to your brothers origin account. he would have to get a new origin account, buy a new game and i would also suggest a computer reformet and install to clear out everything that didnt come with the computer and watch what is being installed.



being a repair shop owner you wouldn't believe the things installed on computers and then the owner says well it had an ok button so i clicked it.


be careful of whats installed especially on a gaming machine

Posted (edited)

being a repair shop owner you wouldn't believe the things installed on computers and then the owner says well it had an ok button so i clicked it.




Oh that I know, my mother's computer was a real hell hole. I had to explain her what to do and never do when using a computer and going on internet. ^^



The thing that I don't get is how to prove your innocence when there's no evidence of hacking. Sure PB says gamehack, but what does it mean exactly?

Edited by Mayjay

Evenbalance rarely divulge what their codes actually relate too so we're in the dark as much as you are.


Any 3rd-party ban site, such as PBBans (this one) , GGC or AC I has to take the violations that PB comes up with at face value and even though they aren't privy to the reason behind the ban, they just enforce it and add it to the Master Ban Index (MBi) which streams to all streaming servers.


I feel for you, especially if there's a wrong doing as there can be nothing worse than being accused when innocent, but we're just protecting our servers by going by what the employed anti-cheat (PB) says.

  • Upvote 1
Posted (edited)

I understand but it feels pointless, EB says for us it's valid but the third-party ban list can choose to lift the ban, PBB says nope. And that's with no more evidence than PB detected something. So what's the point of having an appeal function ?


I can't even play with my brother on my team server since we use pbbans.

Edited by Mayjay
Posted (edited)

prove them wrong, go through and search the directory agains yours and look for any file size difference, and files that shouldn't be in there. look deep into the computer it could be that he may have cheat engine on fort a game on FB, or a single players cheat that was picked up.


all this can and will trigger a PB violation.


you might find that he may have lied to you. you say he hasn't then have him prove it by digging into his computer and looking at things. i find in the even viewer there is a section (if it wasn't deleted) that will tell you everything that has been DL, installed or even moved. look there for anything into the origin folders.


im sorry but for now until EB states otherwise your brother is banned

Edited by pipes1

I wonder if something is being done about that, I've been banned too, same violation number 81518.


Took some time before I've realized what happened, game is being closed in 10-20 seconds after I join any server, and BattleLog status bar (at page bottom) just says "Leaving level". I've set Battlefield to run in window mode and finally saw red message that disappeared in like 0.5 sec (no wonder, it's EA). Had to capture Chrome window with dxtory just to read that message.


Wait.. ban? What for? Googling and reading BL forum thread was useless, one thing noted was having Cheat Engine (CE) installed, Yes, I have it installed and yes, I'm using it occasionally to add more health or money in some arcade games. I'm sure that CE can not be used to cheat in any MP game out there since it's the way MP games work today (well, at least those with dedicated servers), so never had any concerns using it (CE). Seems (to me, of course, these days nobody trusts anybody) it is the only thing that could trigger violation.


I was looking at other players' profiles and I just can't believe and can't accept all these guys are cheaters. One guy has 4 kills with accuracy like 8%, l33t h3x0r, honestly.


Since we, regular players, are parsecs away from EvenBalance would be nice if PBBans staff pass this information to them. If CE isn't allowed it should be stated somewhere and instead of banning players, PB should kick them with restriction (as it was done to violations #79551, #89246, #89296, http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=support-bf3.php).


Meanwhile, I'm able to play on official servers (with "madmins" yelling "Burn in hell hacking b*tch", literally) and those not streaming to PBBans/GGC. Always thought that once you're banned by PB you can't join any ranked (i.e. PB-enabled) server. It's not a biggest problem to get new key, but possibility to be occasionally banned again holds me from doing that right now and in the future unless I get an acceptable answer (yes I know that EB won't give any exact information) on ban cause and.. and it's just plain wrong to be banned for running an app that in no way used to cheat in Battlefield.



P.S. As a side note, I feel myself being pretty experienced PC user, my first PC was 386SX with MS-DOS 3.11, I do still remember what a pita was to install win95 beta (chicago) from twenty 1.44mb floppies and I'm the person who builds/upgrades my gaming rig and maintains home gadgets/networking/servers. I'm aware of viruses, malware, monster browsers add-ons, password strength importance and keeping that "Remember me" checkbox unchecked.

Posted (edited)

I told them there was cheat engine for a game on facebook and I know that just the fact of having that program triggers PB, but how to prove it wasn't used on BF ?



you might find that he may have lied to you. you say he hasn't then have him prove it by digging into his computer and looking at things. i find in the even viewer there is a section (if it wasn't deleted) that will tell you everything that has been DL, installed or even moved. look there for anything into the origin folders.



I'll do that.


Well how do you find that part in the event viewer ? I can't even find that on my computer. If you could explain me how to do it (here or on pm) that would be nice.

Edited by Mayjay

CE can be used in MP games and has been seen, its not pbbans/GGC/ACI or even PB to tell you you shouldn't use any software that changes things in a game.


@Mayjay, i found it by mistake one time but i do remeber it, i have since i said that tried to find it my self and can't. i know its there but cant remeber where i did find it.


it looks like this violation is "just in case", we don't actually know if U cheated in bf but U could have...

anyway why not every pb ban is a global ban?




@Mayjay, i found it by mistake one time but i do remeber it, i have since i said that tried to find it my self and can't. i know its there but cant remeber where i did find it.


If you remember it let me know. Or any other way to prove innocence ?


it looks like this violation is "just in case", we don't actually know if U cheated in bf but U could have...

anyway why not every pb ban is a global ban?


So you might have cheated we don't know, but thanks for your 100 euros it was nice of you. Thank God our justice system doesn't work that way.

Posted (edited)



Sir, excurse moi, but ain't you're trying to be more saint than Pope himself? Although I do agree that Cheat Engine usage might be looking 'fishy', especially here, at pbbans.com, since this software has "Cheat" in its name (why haven't they named it Download Accelerator?), I do also insist that it's none of EB/PB business what, why and how I'm using unless it directly relates to PB-protected game in terms of illegal benefits of any kind one gets over other players. Either it is wallhack, aimbot, any kind of proven mouse/keyboard macro, ban should be inevitable and permanent.


Next, you state that "CE can be used in MP games and has been seen". I'd really appreciate if you kindly explain how your statement does relate to Battlefield 4, and if you present some kind of proof-of-concept, I'll pay your server fees for, say, a year. Your words vs my money, I guess it's pretty fair. Link to my server follows below, don't forget to check its message.




What I'm trying to say here is that punkbuster is just a software that works like, I guess, any antivirus, and false positive detections are just a matter of time. Too bad for EB that these two false banwaves (89265 and 81518) have occured in just a month since game was released and confirming second will definitely strike EB reputation, those "pay-to-own-n00bz" sites will be happy. Converting 81518 bans to restriction kicks is the only solution I see here, since most players I've spoken to are thinking that the game itself crashes to desktop and have no clue what's happening until I sent them link to pbbans.com page with their violation details.


I've already contacted with 40—45 players, and I'm currently collecting more information about system specs, OS and software installed etc. It will take some time to analyze it, prepare and post _new_ topic at BattleLog forum with all the details. If EB fails to admit its mistakes, let's ask the community who's right. I think it's a bad idea but let the storm begin, it's the only way to gain EA's attention to problem.


@PBBans staff


I do really appreciate your hard work to keep BF4 (3, 2, any other MP game) clean, I bet it eats a lot of time and money and please don't treat my words as a call to "just turn PB off I can't play omg". I've even rented a server a while ago to play with my friends the way we want to play: http://bit.ly/IlsWxS and was studying docs on streaming, server plugins etc, will be really sad to shut it down.




Hey, it's just a game, nice, beautiful, best MP FPS out there, but it's just a game. If this ban is a problem for you, let me say that you're happier than other 95% of Earth population -- you have credit card, internet access, decent rig and you don't have to worry about your meal. No matter how this problem will (or won't) be solved, just accept the outcome. Shit happens, it's just how this world lives.

Edited by NaiduR
Posted (edited)



I have the same problem as you guy's. I'm unable to play on PBBan protected server's because I'm on the ban list because of "GAME HACK #81518". It took now 2 days with the EA support to find out why I'm get kicked instantly from many servers. I just wrote a ticket to evenbalance. Before I found this thread I even was not knowing what "GAME HACK #81518" could be.


I'm a game developer and have many debug tools on my computer. I can only explain it to me that one of them caused this.

I'm looking forward to get answer from evenbalance soon. 



@PBBans staff


I do really appreciate your hard work to keep BF4 (3, 2, any other MP game) clean, I bet it eats a lot of time and money and please don't treat my words as a call to "just turn PB off I can't play omg".

I totally agree.

Edited by Takatu

For all of you that raised the violation for Game Hack #81518, what processes were running at the time of the kick?


Processes include, but not limited to, Antivirus software, Steam, graphics drivers, mouse drivers, teamspeak, ventrilo, mumble, etc.


If you already have an EB trouble ticket open, post the processes on the ticket so they (Even Balance) can investigate the issue further.

  • Upvote 1
Posted (edited)



Thank you for giving us a small bit of hope to resolve this problem, I kindly ask you to keep the following how-to in this thread. I've made it to speed things up and keep 81518-related information in one place. If you allow this to stay here, I will contact other players with the same violation # and will give them the link to this post so EB will receive more information to analyze.


----------- How-to start -----------


-- Reboot your PC.


-- While it reboots, try to remember what applications could be running in background while you were playing BF4.

   As stated above by SuperTaz, including, but not limited to:

    - antivirus/firewall software, mouse/keyboard drivers and applications (i.e. Razer software etc);

    - instant messengers (Skype / Trillian / ICQ / ...);

    - any kind of screen capture utilities (DXtory / ShadowPlay / FRAPs / ...);

    - any trainers/cheat utilities for other games (i.e. CheatEngine / Assassin's Creed IV 1.01 +30 TRAINER xD / ...);

    - productivity and creative software (Word, Excel, Photoshop, / ...);

    - network applications (Proxy / VPN, WiFi / Bluetooth utils / ...);

    - development IDEs and tools (Visual Studio / any Java-based IDEs like JetBrain's phpStorm / 

      debuggers / process monitors and explorers / ...);

    - any server software including Apache, mySQL, version control servers (VisualSVN/tortoisesvn / ...),

      media streaming servers;

    - other applications (iTunes / Media players / Origin client replacement like Outcome / whatever).


-- Download and place this file on your desktop:

    - https://mega.co.nz/#!yB0WgQYb!GTYgWWK_xDBN4Uwggb5CKDN2ORdKgnUQZr7ide0FnwU

    - or (if you afraid to run files from strangers) make your own proclist-81518.cmd file with the following

      contents: http://pastebin.com/V4j2ZRdB


-- Launch every and single application you believe might be running while you were playing BF4.


-- Now run the proclist-81518.cmd you've downloaded. NB: right click on it and choose "Run as administrator"


-- It will take some time for the script to collect information about running processes and your PC (including, but

   not limited to, OS version and architecture, CPU information, system manufacturer, OS install date,

   registered owner name, network interfaces and settings).


-- Script output will be placed on your desktop (proclist-81518.txt), and opened in notepad (or your own

   default text editor).


-- Carefully select all (Ctrl-A), copy (Ctrl-C) then paste (Ctrl-V) in the new note to your EvenBalance ticket.

    - If you don't have EB ticket opened yet, consider to open one:

    - Find you ban details page (usually googling Your_nick_here pbbans works, first link will be the one you're looking for)

    - Click "Appeal this ban" button, then carefully follow given instructions.

    - NB#1: use existing email address, double check it when submitting your appeal,

      since the link to your ticket will be sent to that email.

    - NB#2: be sure to check your Junk/Spam folder, I was told that EB response is being marked as spam sometimes.


-- ADD#1: Be sure to not change your software configuration, delete files, uninstall something,

   since (my speculation here!) EB might ask you to upload any file they're interested in.


-- If you have something to ask or to report, feel free to email me: [email protected]


----------- How-to end -----------


I do really hope this "quick and dirty" how-to will help EB to find out what is the cause of 81518 violation and make a final decision on whenever it was triggered by error or not. I'd like to repeat myself that, in my humble opinion, converting this violation to restriction kicks would be acceptable for both EB and the gaming community, since that will show us, gamers, that we can be punished for _any_ kind of cheating software installed / being running while you play any PB-protected game, and, at the same time, that EB works hardly to make PB better and iron out possible imperfections.


With all the above have been said, I'd like to hear from PBBans staff if it's okay to leave this how-to here and redirect other players who raised 81518 violation to this thread.


Thanks, over and out.


// edit reason: formatting, ADD#1

Edited by NaiduR


Yes, I'm aware of EA's restriction on pb kick command usage on servers set to "Official" mode. What I don't understand and will be happy if you enlighten me, why I am able to play on Ranked non-streaming servers? Ain't PB should kick me even if my GUID is banned?

Posted (edited)



Can someone explain me what is going on with PunkBuster, EvenBalance and 81518 banwave? I keep contacting players, neither has a clue he had been banned! No error messages, nothing. I've checked their recent game reports -- every player can join and play on either official (due to EA's policy) or Ranked (i.e. non-official but PB-enabled) servers.


I've asked one player to send me pbcl.log file. Here's it with some screened info:

[-screened- T+0        ] Violation (GAMEHACK) #81518
[-screened- T+10 min] Violation (GAMEHACK) #81518
[-screened- T+19 hrs ] PBBans.com enforced a MBi Ban for the GUID [-screened-]. [Admin Decision]
[-screened- T+21 hrs ] Prior Kick/Ban
[-screened- T+25 hrs] Cheater banned by GGC-Stream.NET. Ban on GUID [-screened-] Contact GGC-Stream.NET for details. [Admin Decision]
[-screened- T+36 hrs] Prior Kick/Ban


Then I've asked him to join my server (Ranked, non-Official, PB on, FF on) and checked server pb log:

PunkBuster Server: Player List: [slot #] [GUID] [Address] [status] [Power] [Auth Rate] [Recent SS] [O/S] [Name]
PunkBuster Server: End of Player List (0 Players)
PunkBuster Server: New Connection (slot #1) xx.xx.xx.xx:3659 [?] "-screened-" (seq -screened-)
PunkBuster Server: Player GUID Computed [-screened-](-) (slot #1) xx.xx.xx.xx:3659 -screened-
PunkBuster Server: Player List: [slot #] [GUID] [Address] [status] [Power] [Auth Rate] [Recent SS] [O/S] [Name]
PunkBuster Server: 1  -screened-(-) xx.xx.xx.xx:3659 OK   1 3.3 0 (V) "-screened-"
PunkBuster Server: End of Player List (1 Player)


So, I assume, master PB server says my server's PB 'daemon' "Hey, this GUID ain't banned, don't kick him"? But as far as I know (no, I wasn't banned by PB ever in any game so had to go through those BL forum topics), once you've got banned, you can't join any ranked server, no matter if it's streaming or not.


Just trying to figure things out for myself, if you feel some information shouldn't be posted here, send me a PM.

Edited by NaiduR
Posted (edited)

I have been banned for 81518 and have come to realize that Evenbalance knows 81518 is faulty and are going to wait a while before admitting this, being that they had already admitted to a false positive not to long ago. Since Evenbalnce obviously isn't, I hope PB Bans will take initiative and disable this auto ban, while it may make Evenbalance a bit mad at you guys the players like me will definently appreciate it. I contacted Evenbalance with a trouble ticket and despite all support for me from my clan of cheater haters (TNT), would not provide information as to why I was banned or even seem to care. When I lost my nerve I stated what I said above, they locked the thread. i guess they had no more BS lies to give me and were done with me. I will post a link to my trouble ticket. I'm not here to argue and hope the players and PB Bans staff can use my information to make some progress with this issue. 



Here's where I lose my patience and Evenbalance locks the thread.



Home | Info | Announcements | Support | Name Registry | Staff | Links |

    This ticket is currently locked. This means that you cannot add notes to this ticket. If you are still in need of support, please fill out another trouble ticket.
Please bookmark this page so you can check on the status of your trouble ticket. If you do not bookmark this page, you will have no other way to check the status of your trouble ticket. If you provided an e-mail address, we will let you know when a new note has been added to your trouble ticket. You may provide additional information or respond to support staff requests at the bottom of this page at any time. 
      Trouble Ticket History:           11/30/2013 16:12:15 - "B1aze14"     Note #23: -With Hugs and Kisses 
B1aze14     11/30/2013 16:10:13 - "B1aze14"     Note #22: Oh and you won't tell us what 81518 is for because if we had a look at it we'd see its faulty and then you bet, we blast it on every forum regarding this issue. Prove me wrong :D     11/30/2013 16:08:28 - "B1aze14"     Note #21: Don't you point the finger at PB! You create the bans, not PB they merely put them in place. PB can do nothing for me, neither can DICE, or EA, only you! But your priority is to safeguard your reputation as a reliable anti cheat service to keep people buying your service. So your going to space out the admissions of these bans being false positives, as to keep consequences for your more frequent than acceptable mistakes, to a minimum. But what, do you think we're too stupid too see this? You have only created more damage than would have been initially done by admitting the false positive of 81518. So now I have to wait for Evenbalance to get its pea sized brain and management to decide when it will finally be a good time to admit the 81518 being a mistake in hopes of no one noticing there doing a terrible job. I sincerely hope your company is recognized for what it really is and you either fix this or are removed from PB and your service is never bought and used again.     11/28/2013 19:05:46 - "B1aze14"     Note #20: I believe with all of the support B1aze14 is receiving from the gaming community, it would be outrageous for evenbalance not to look further into this. I have known B1aze14 and his father Lowndex for a substantial amount of time, and as others have stated Lowndex and B1aze14 are very firm believers in a fair, cheat free game. I give them my FULL support. 

<TNT> GSAdmin     11/28/2013 11:27:00 - "Alex J"pblogo_small.gif     Note #19: We do not find this violation to be triggered in error, and it will not be removed. The ban is being held by third-party ban sites, such as PBBans.com. We are not affiliated with any third-party ban sites.     11/26/2013 19:11:08 - "B1aze14"     Note #18: EvenBalance, 

You have yet to supply any information the server owner or the many admins in this thread. Not one piece of data to substantiate the claim B1aze14 is a cheater. Why? I will contact EA and ask for their assistance. 

Lowndex     11/25/2013 17:37:01 - "Alex J"pblogo_small.gif     Note #17: I'm sorry, but the prior explanation answered your question and we have nothing further to say on the subject.     11/25/2013 14:26:54 - "B1aze14"     Note #16: As a long time admin of several games starting around America's Army 1.7 and continuing into the Battlefield series, also as a long time acquaintance of B1aze14 and his father Lowndex, a man of family tradition and a man to uphold honor, i find this global ban to be undefined and unjust. 

i respectfully request that this ban be looked into by a top official. 81518 is being triggered by the masses. ive also gone through and searched relentlessly for the 81518 banwave, you have banned some 200+ people in 5 days? really? the last time this happened it turned to a false positive linked to a new driver that was in-fact a WHQL Certified driver. 

<TNT>CapStar362     11/25/2013 08:50:58 - "B1aze14"     Note #15: Remote access is being offered to check B1aze14's computer for hacks. I would highly encourage your top Even Balance people to inspect the computer. B1aze14's Dad "Lowendex" is our strictest Admin with a huge disdain for cheaters. There is NO WAY hacking of any kind would be tolerated under his watch. 

Best Regards, 

<TNT> admin DaRRkO     11/24/2013 22:33:44 - "B1aze14"     Note #14: There is NO way this kid is hacking. His father is so anti-hack he is known as the BanHammer. I am 46 years old and have been gamming with him for several years and he is one of if not the most upstanding kids of his age I have had the pleasure of knowing. Please provide more info on this 81518 so that we may investigate this further in hopes of finding the exculpatory evidence you need to exonerate him. 

Thank you in advance, 
<TNT>admin 256juggalo     11/24/2013 19:31:19 - "B1aze14"     Note #13: Blaze14 would not hack. His father hunts down hackers for us Like no other I have seen. Blaze is a good kid and would not ruin all the work his father has done for all of us. Please explain the 81518 so we can try to prove to you this was a false positive and clear his name. 

Titanwolf     11/24/2013 19:00:41 - "B1aze14"     Note #12: Please remove the ban for B1aze14. I am a retired US Army Special Forces Master Sergeant and can personally vouch for B1aze14's character and integrity. He is not, nor will ever be, a hacker. 

FFEE1987     11/24/2013 18:59:10 - "B1aze14"     Note #11: Please remove the ban for B1aze14. I am a retired US Army Special Forces Master Sergeant and can personally vouch for for B1aze14's character and integrity. He is not, nor will ever be, a hacker.     11/24/2013 17:42:34 - "B1aze14"     Note #10: As a long time TNT server admin, I find this banning of one of our Admins for undefined violations with no corroborating evidence, spurious at best. 
Please review his stats and take into consideration that he has the backing of our entire clan as to his character/behavior and clean sportsmanship. I am most confident that this ban is the result of a flawed hack detection program and should be lifted immediately. 

Filthy McNastie TNT Admin at large.     11/24/2013 17:38:45 - "B1aze14"     Note #9: We've been a PB streaming server for quite a long time, and we respect and appreciate all the hard work PB has done for the gaming community. That is why I urge you to revisit the 81518 bans. With hundreds of these bans being added everyday, something is wrong. I've been looking at these bans and most, based on stats, previous accounts, and internet searches, have no evidence of hacking. I'm asking that you consider that you have a false positive situation here. Thank you. 
lilricky2515     11/24/2013 16:03:26 - "B1aze14"     Note #8: Attn: EvenBalance 

Please explain why the ban is legitimate - please provide detailed, supporting data. 

Also, what does "It is at the discretion of the third-party ban list administrator to remove any ban given as a result of this violation." mean? The entire TNT clan is asking for assistance from a senior admin at EvenBalance to please contact Grenadier (server owner) and review this matter.     11/24/2013 14:13:26 - "B1aze14"     Note #7: Have you checked people who have been banned for this like me? I don't mean to be offensive but they all look clean, with varying levels of skill and level but nothing out of the ordinary. After discovering this, I thought this auto ban was a mistake that you would surely recognize. Please look at people being banned for the 81518.     11/24/2013 13:52:51 - "Alex J"pblogo_small.gif     Note #6: We do not find this violation to be triggered in error, and it will not be removed. It is at the discretion of the third-party ban list administrator to remove any ban given as a result of this violation.     11/23/2013 11:36:56 - "B1aze14"     Note #5: Only three senior TNT admins (Grenadier, Lowndex, lilricky) have access to the cheat sites (FPS Cheats, etc.) used to monitor member listings, types of cheats, etc. The clan owner, "Grenadier", can vouch for this fact. FYI - Grenadier is a Michigan police officer. My father, Lowndex, is retired from the NSA. He would kill me if he ever caught me cheating at anything! Please help me clear my name. This is reflecting badly on my father as well. 

- Motherboard: ASUSTek Crosshair IV Extremem, Black Edition rev 1.xx, AMI BIOS 10/28/11, v3027 
- CPU: AMD3 AMD FX 6-Core Black Edition, 3.4 GHz (I think) 
- Souncard used: onboard motherboard, RealTek v6.0.1.6037 

Other programs running during BF4: 
1. Fraps, v3.5.99 
2. ASUS Republic of Gamers GPU Tweak v2.4.2.4 
3. GeForce Experience (from nVidia) - which has now been removed to increase fps. 
4. Norton 360 Antivirus 
5. iolo System Mechanic 


The global ban is as follows: 

->PBSV: VIOLATION (GAMEHACK) #81518: B1aze14 (slot #2) Violation (GAMEHACK) #81518 [84cf5f2c83c0598b63e6603507c722d2(-)] 

Ban Information 
General Information 
Date Added November 21, 2013 11:18 pm 
Game Battlefield 4 
Links ID 326610 View Ban XML 
Player Data 
GUID 84cf5f2c83c0598b63e6603507c722d2 ( MPI ) 
Alias B1aze14 ( BtLog | GT ) 
IP Address 
Location Pleasanton, United States United States 
Violation Data 
Type Even Balance Violation 
Violation VIOLATION (GAMEHACK) 81518 
Streaming Source 
Team <TNT> 
Server IP (MSi | GT | GM) 
Location Chicago, United States United States 
Server Desc <TNT> BF4 HC Conquest     11/23/2013 11:34:28 - "B1aze14"     Note #4: Only three senior TNT admins (Grenadier, Lowndex, lilricky) have access to the cheat sites (FPS Cheats, etc.)! My father is retired from the NSA. He would kill me if he ever caught me cheating at anything! Please help me clear my name. This is reflecting badly on my father as well. 

- Motherboard: ASUSTek Crosshair IV Extremem, Black Edition rev 1.xx, AMI BIOS 10/28/11, v3027 
- CPU: AMD3 AMD FX 6-Core Black Edition, 3.4 GHz (I think) 
- Souncard used: onboard motherboard, RealTek v6.0.1.6037 

Other programs running during BF4: 
1. Fraps, v3.5.99 
2. ASUS Republic of Gamers GPU Tweak v2.4.2.4 
3. GeForce Experience (from nVidia) - which has now been removed to increase fps. 
4. Norton 360 Antivirus 
5. iolo System Mechanic 


The global ban is as follows: 

->PBSV: VIOLATION (GAMEHACK) #81518: B1aze14 (slot #2) Violation (GAMEHACK) #81518 [84cf5f2c83c0598b63e6603507c722d2(-)] 

Ban Information 
General Information 
Date Added November 21, 2013 11:18 pm 
Game Battlefield 4 
Links ID 326610 View Ban XML 
Player Data 
GUID 84cf5f2c83c0598b63e6603507c722d2 ( MPI ) 
Alias B1aze14 ( BtLog | GT ) 
IP Address 
Location Pleasanton, United States United States 
Violation Data 
Type Even Balance Violation 
Violation VIOLATION (GAMEHACK) 81518 
Streaming Source 
Team <TNT> 
Server IP (MSi | GT | GM) 
Location Chicago, United States United States 
Server Desc <TNT> BF4 HC Conquest     11/23/2013 11:09:29 - "B1aze14"     Note #3: Only three senior TNT admins (Grenadier, Lowndex, lilricky) have access to the cheat sites (FPS Cheats, etc.)! My father is retired from the NSA. He would kill me if he ever caught me cheating at anything! Please help me clear my name. This is reflecting badly on my father as well. 


The global ban is as follows: 

->PBSV: VIOLATION (GAMEHACK) #81518: B1aze14 (slot #2) Violation (GAMEHACK) #81518 [84cf5f2c83c0598b63e6603507c722d2(-)] 

Ban Information 
General Information 
Date Added November 21, 2013 11:18 pm 
Game Battlefield 4 
Links ID 326610 View Ban XML 
Player Data 
GUID 84cf5f2c83c0598b63e6603507c722d2 ( MPI ) 
Alias B1aze14 ( BtLog | GT ) 
IP Address 
Location Pleasanton, United States United States 
Violation Data 
Type Even Balance Violation 
Violation VIOLATION (GAMEHACK) 81518 
Streaming Source 
Team <TNT> 
Server IP (MSi | GT | GM) 
Location Chicago, United States United States 
Server Desc <TNT> BF4 HC Conquest     11/23/2013 11:05:30 - "B1aze14"     Note #2: The global ban is as follows: 

->PBSV: VIOLATION (GAMEHACK) #81518: B1aze14 (slot #2) Violation (GAMEHACK) #81518 [84cf5f2c83c0598b63e6603507c722d2(-)] 

Ban Information 
General Information 
Date Added November 21, 2013 11:18 pm 
Game Battlefield 4 
Links ID 326610 View Ban XML 
Player Data 
GUID 84cf5f2c83c0598b63e6603507c722d2 ( MPI ) 
Alias B1aze14 ( BtLog | GT ) 

Violation Data 
Type Even Balance Violation 
Violation VIOLATION (GAMEHACK) 81518 
Streaming Source 
Team <TNT> 
Server IP (MSi | GT | GM) 
Location Chicago, United States United States 
Server Desc <TNT> BF4 HC Conquest     11/23/2013 11:03:30 - "B1aze14"     Note #1: Ticket submitted to support staff


Edited by HSMagnet
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