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I've been banned :(

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I wasn't sure where to put this but i've been banned for a known hack.. let me introduce myself my gaming name is =MLK=0verdose I have been playing EnemyTerritory for over a year now and have become pretty damn good all my skills ingame are all natural I have played in TWL and scrim with many other clans on a regular basis... I went on vacation from May 25th to June 8th and I come back to find out i was banned from one of the regular Servers I play -=WarTorn=- Baserace Only So I posted in they're forums to find out the reason because when i tried to connect it said just I was banned by server admin, this is what they found for me..


Posted Image


I can assure you I have never used a hack and never will they are for lamers, this is what i think what happened, My 18year old brotherinlaw was watching my house and cat while i was on vacation and he must have downloaded the hack and deleted all traces of it cause i cant find anything out of the ordinary, anyways so i uninstalled ET and deleted any folders and registry entries for it and reinstalled just to be on the safe side. I'd be willing to install any software or do anything to prove my worth, even to the point of allowing someone to do remote assistance so they could manually check my system, plz help me with this because ET is one of the few things that help me release some stress at the end of a long work day and dealing with my 2 kids. I can assure you Erik my brotherinlaw will never touch this PC again 1 strike he's out, don't mess with my ET...


I have busted many a hackers too about 30 i'm sure thats nothing compared to you guys but thats quite a bit for the short time i've been playing ET


here's the post in the wartorn forums




Any help with this would be much appreciated and thanks for your time.




I just wanna get this sorted out, its turning me off of playing :(


I just wanna get this sorted out, its turning me off of playing :(

The one question you need to ask EvenBlance when you open a trouble ticket is this:


Is this a valid PB violation ?


If they say yes then the ban will remain on the Master Ban Index (MBI)

If they say its not a valid violation then the ban will be removed from our systems.

Its that simple.


Keep us posted on the progress, as it stands now your account will be set with the appropriate flags in a week or 2.

If it wasn't for dynamic IP's you would not have had a normal member forum account here to begin with.


Am I not supposed to have an account here??? sometimes i kinda wish i had a static ip i usedto run a teamspeak server but got tired of updating everyone with the new ip so i shut it down, i get different ones sometimes twice a week, ill have a sweet ping on some of the regular servers i play on(22ms) one day and the next it will be 500ms and a new ip, it changes if i leave my computer off for more than 10hrs wich does'nt happen too often lol


Am I not supposed to have an account here??

cheaters get nothing from us .. including a full forum account.

As it stands atm you have incurred a PBHACK violation and been added to the MBI, but we are not completely heartless so will leave you "as is" for a week or 2.

Make no mistake though, if we hear nothing from you the move to an approprite forum section will be forthcoming.


I aimed Overdose here, and to evenbalance.com as well, from my own forums. I was the one who searched his ban in the MBI, and he knows that I will also not remove his personal ban from our WT servers when it comes to an issue like this. Much as I like having skilled players on our servers, any violation that gets a player entered into the MBI has to go through the appropriate channels.


Oddly enough, it's a brother-clan of ours who's server his GUID was banned on, and they also stream here. I know the PF crew pretty well, and they're also major advocates of streaming and anti-cheat.


I wish you luck, Overdose, but follow the suggestions listed above, and see what the response is. That's all any of us can do for you at this point.


I aimed Overdose here, and to evenbalance.com as well, from my own forums. I was the one who searched his ban in the MBI, and he knows that I will also not remove his personal ban from our WT servers when it comes to an issue like this. Much as I like having skilled players on our servers, any violation that gets a player entered into the MBI has to go through the appropriate channels.


Oddly enough, it's a brother-clan of ours who's server his GUID was banned on, and they also stream here. I know the PF crew pretty well, and they're also major advocates of streaming and anti-cheat.


I wish you luck, Overdose, but follow the suggestions listed above, and see what the response is. That's all any of us can do for you at this point.

Zero tolerance is often a hard road to follow, but its the only policy that has absolutely no loopholes to exploit, re ban appeals etc.

If someone incurs a bannable violation, sure as night follows day an MBI addition will be made.

When the violation is directly triggered by PB software the player concerned must open a troubleticket and ask the one question that will determine wether the ban gets lifted or remains on the MBI.

If a player incurs any of these violations:


#50000s - Aimbot

#60000s - Wallhack

#70000s - Multihack

#80000s - Gamehack

#90000s - 'Cheat' Video Drivers

#100000s - Speedhack

#110000s - Autofire

#120000s - Game Hook

#130000s - Attempted PunkBuster Hack


and thinks a mistake has been made.

The question to ask:

Is this a valid ban violation ?

The answer received will ultimately determine wether the ban remains on the MBI or gets removed.

I believe that this is the fairest way of dealing with bannable violations that are directly triggered by PB software and everyone knows exactly were they stand right from the off. :)


cheaters get nothing from us ..

I can assure you i am not a cheater that is why i'm in these forums and on evenbalance trying to get this sorted out, not so i can get back on 1 or 2 servers i could do that without going through all this, but to have my name cleared i'm banned for something i did not do, however i understand that it may have happened from my pc my !ban is in the (#130000s - Attempted PunkBuster Hack) catagory and i'm not even sure what this would do. I dont know much about cvars or anything the only thing that i can remember ever be kicked by punkbuster is (com_maxfps 33) and some servers have a range from 40-200, my video card is is pretty old its a ati radeon 9250 old pci interface and i get horrible fps on most maps so i usedto cap it at 33 however that got me kicked from alot of servers. my buddy sent me an autoexec.cfg is there anything bad in it???




» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «[/url]

// View (Toggle 90/115)

bind n vstr fov

set fov vstr fov0

set fov0 "cg_fov 115; sensitivity 1.8; echo ^0Zoom [^1115^0]; set fov vstr fov1;play sound/menu/select;"

set fov1 "cg_fov 90; sensitivity 1.8; echo ^0Zoom [^190^0]; set fov vstr fov0;play sound/menu/select;"

vstr fov



seta cg_complaintPopUp "0"

seta cg_bloodFlash "0"

seta cg_showblood "0"

seta cg_drawRoundTimer "1"

seta cg_shadows "0"

seta r_dynamiclight "0"

seta r_drawSun "0"

seta r_detailtextures "0"

seta cg_drawGun "1"

seta m_filter "0"

seta m_side "0.25"

seta m_forward "0.25"

seta m_yaw "0.022"

seta m_pitch "0.022"

seta cl_mouseAccel "0"

seta cg_sensitivity "1.8"

seta cl_pitchspeed "140"

seta cl_yawspeed "140"

seta pmove_fixed "1"

seta com_maxfps "43"

seta scr_conspeed "999999"

seta cg_bobroll 0

seta cg_bobpitch 0

seta cg_bobup 0

seta cg_runpitch 0

seta cg_runroll 0

seta cg_weaponcycledelay 0

seta cg_atmosphericeffects 0

seta cg_gibs 0

sseta cg_drawBuddies 1

seta cg_useScreenshotJPEG


bind , vstr turn


// Script

set com_maxfps 43

set turn "cl_yawspeed 1575; +right; wait 10; -right; cl_yawspeed 140"

echo 180 degree turn script ^0@ ^743 fps loaded^0!




EDIT*** No answer from evenbalance yet


we all know how itll end, EvenBalance are heartless, if you got pb violation, a pb violation for a hack... youre pretty much doomed.


theres always a super ultra mega small chance they'll lift it, but i doubt it.


I wouldn't go so far as to say they are heartless LOL, but as to your assessment as to how it will end, I'd bet money on that.


18year old brotherinlaw was watching my house and cat

Sure it wasn't the cat :P

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