vanpeup Posted November 7, 2008 Posted November 7, 2008 is someone know why when i take PB screenshots of players with modernrcon, some are blacks?
UrGonnaDie Posted November 7, 2008 Posted November 7, 2008 That happens alot when takeing SS's.... windows Vista users return black ones alota the time.
AcE Posted November 7, 2008 Posted November 7, 2008 Evenbalance's Statement on black pbss Quote Black screenshots will happen if the videocard drivers are old, when the game is not the active application, or on some Operating System/videocard/driver combinations. Also, screenshot detour hacks could cause these black screenshots. In summary, black screenshots might not be caused by cheats or hacks but checking all the videocard drivers and/or possibly directx drivers is advisable.
vanpeup Posted November 7, 2008 Author Posted November 7, 2008 i got black screenshots with me , i use vista but my video drivers are update and i don't use cheat :rolleyes: , i think vista is a possible way for that. txs for answering.
SkunkKWolf Posted November 26, 2008 Posted November 26, 2008 Amazing how this situation has been with us since the release of the game and as the next instalment is with us and the problem is still here... it aint getting fixed.
R3dRuMXII Posted January 29, 2009 Posted January 29, 2009 Does anyone know if there is a connection between black screen shots and Windows XP Firewall?
Sandrock Posted January 29, 2009 Posted January 29, 2009 Not sure about that but I'm behind a router and I've opened up my ports that communicate with PB.
=BLACKWOLF= Posted January 29, 2009 Posted January 29, 2009 R3dRuMXII said: Does anyone know if there is a connection between black screen shots and Windows XP Firewall? I don't believe so. Not ruling it out, however.
S.Lange Posted March 18, 2009 Posted March 18, 2009 AcE said: Evenbalance's Statement on black pbss a sign of resignation! its not of "old" videodrivers. it of old punkbuster developers who need a refreshment of their knowledge. black screens are in most cases caused by vista64 users. its not a matter of the os-configuration or the videodrivers. its a punkbuster issue which is still not solved yet. afaik from experience only xp32 and vista32 ppl have no issue - except they really use real old drivers. since black screens are pretty often false detections, black screenshots are no evidence anymore. maybe the community should make pressure on evenbalance so they finally begin to fix that "OLD" bug they still have for years meanwhile! maybe pbbans may start it?! keepin in mind that false detection may compromise the validation of the database. of course not speaking for all detections but for those who took black screens as evidence. my 2 cents. Simon
fozzer Posted March 18, 2009 Posted March 18, 2009 S.Lange said: a sign of resignation!its not of "old" videodrivers. it of old punkbuster developers who need a refreshment of their knowledge. black screens are in most cases caused by vista64 users. its not a matter of the os-configuration or the videodrivers. its a punkbuster issue which is still not solved yet. afaik from experience only xp32 and vista32 ppl have no issue - except they really use real old drivers. since black screens are pretty often false detections, black screenshots are no evidence anymore. maybe the community should make pressure on evenbalance so they finally begin to fix that "OLD" bug they still have for years meanwhile! maybe pbbans may start it?! keepin in mind that false detection may compromise the validation of the database. of course not speaking for all detections but for those who took black screens as evidence. my 2 cents. Simon Black pbss are not accepted as proof of cheating here or anywhere else that I know about.
Squealer Posted March 18, 2009 Posted March 18, 2009 ... someone could also be looking at a black texture (cod4 off map), so meh.
hugin Posted March 18, 2009 Posted March 18, 2009 S.Lange said: afaik from experience only xp32 and vista32 ppl have no issue - except they really use real old drivers.I run XP32 with black screenshots.Same goes for Vista32. S.Lange said: since black screens are pretty often false detections, black screenshots are no evidence anymore.Never been either, Server Admins banning locally with little knowledge about black SS, yes, but not here. S.Lange said: maybe the community should make pressure on evenbalance so they finally begin to fix that "OLD" bug they still have for years meanwhile! maybe pbbans may start it?! keepin in mind that false detection may compromise the validation of the database. of course not speaking for all detections but for those who took black screens as evidence.Well we all sit here and do nothing, that's for sure ;)Again, we do not, or have not 'handled' black SS as evidence at all.
holback Posted March 18, 2009 Posted March 18, 2009 I run xp32 and can't remember the last time I returned a black screenshot. A lot of factors go into returned black screenshots. First: Do you return black SS's all the time? If so we would need to know everything about your computer.. motherboard, cpu, video card or on-board make and model and about the drivers for all ( version numbers ). Then what software like O/S, firewall(s), anti-virus etc. and what configurations for each. This info needs to be fed into a database just to start looking for trends that could be causing them. This would take quite sometime to gather this information and a lot of people with black SS's reporting (which should not be a problem). Then after all this we may be able to help solve 80% - 90% of the problems if we are lucky. This would be a huge project that would require some programming skills for the GUI and the back end, not to mention several trusted volunteers and someone with the knowledge to oversee the project. It would also require a lot of time to work on it. I have thought about doing this before. Maybe just starting with an excel spreadsheet to keep the data in before it is transferred to a real database.
hugin Posted March 18, 2009 Posted March 18, 2009 Thing is, PB software needs to work for every possible game installed, regardless of witch system they run. As now, they don't, blame PB (EB) or Game Devs, Game Devs could actually do a better effort with EB, they don't in most cases, anyone mentioned CoD:WW and Crysis for starters?
RoadWarrior Posted March 18, 2009 Posted March 18, 2009 Furthermore, the black-ss issue can be contributed to the vastly different computer-build configurations out there. Everything from motherboard/chipset to video cards, and various other pieces of hardware and related drivers that may all combine to cause the issue, not just the operating system being used. I don't believe any anti-cheat organization would have the resources to be able to test the entire pool of potential hardware/os/driver combinations out there in the world to be able to narrow things down to such a fine point that it works for everyone. As computers become more complex, and games do as well, there are bound to be issues with some things. PBSS are an additional feature provided by EB, but they do not ban for them, themselves. That is a feature offered by private anti-cheat groups such as PBBans and various others. Black screenshots will always be considered inconclusive, at best. Benefit of the doubt goes to the player.
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