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Everything posted by AcE

  1. You should submit a support ticket to the Even Balance (PB Developers) http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/new_ticket.php Include all running processes etc that are running at the time you're kicked.
  2. Cant be done at the moment as far as i know, messages that is.
  3. Provide some more information please.
  4. Just refresh the forum and then do it again.
  5. Dunno then m8 it works fine here.
  6. got num lock on ? EDIT - Try the other Del key.
  7. If the demos show clear evidence then send them to clownbase, but since clownbase is supported by GV and they don't ban demos all you'll get is a CB ban. That is useless as well since the cheaters will just change GUID's and rejoin. @Kolor - Those boxes in the SS are a toggle (light grid) in Cbopat's demo player clickme
  8. In the words of shaking Stevens.. Merry Christmas....... Everyone
  9. AcE


    If the server it was recorded on was streaming here at the time then send it to the server owner for them to submit here. If no stream then there's nothing you can do with it. you can check the server to see if streams on the main page - http://www.pbbans.com/ (under donation button on the left side)
  10. Stop bumping dead threads.
  11. Never buy PunkBuster supported games off of Ebay or similar sites, as Surfy said.. buy your game from a reputable dealer.
  12. The ban will NOT be lifted, end of story.
  13. Key words.. 'Your GUID is Banned by AirDaleOps' Take it up with them - http://tools.airdaleops.com/BanSearch.aspx
  14. AcE

    help my clan

    BBB97BB124AE570483C9C2C1CB3FB70E = MD5# (digital fingerprint) this MD5# is a 100% match to the hack we have in our database. Kick him from your clan.
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