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Everything posted by =GoMg=THE__DRIFTER

  1. Does look sweet... Stuck with gameservers though... Man.
  2. Yea, recoded for consoles... :P
  3. Ah but what it COULD have been.... ;)
  4. Doesn't really matter; people will still buy and play this garbage and that is part of the problem. I won't be wasting my money on it but I am sure many will. Oh well; my opinion.
  5. Renegade, FFOW was one hell of a game. There were some issues in the forums due to the drop in support for the game. The planes and choppers flew like crap but had the continued to work on the game it would far exceed any game I have seen for a long time. I loaded it back on my system and for the few of us that have the game I am going to put up a small server on our dedicated to play for fun. Out of about 800 world wide players, most of them are in the EU region so I get bad ping but have a great time regardless. Lets hope with this version they don't drop the support ball and support it. They have a huge potential here; if done in the correct way... ;)
  6. Sure you don't mean "Dead" servers Taz? :P Hosting on Lame servers really is the main reason I won't get the game. I like the looks of it and agree with the others on the low slot count but might be able to tolerate that. I will take the wait and see seat for now, Guess they could surprise me but NO PRE-ORDERS! for me any more anyway...
  7. Well you are not banned here... But you do show a ban here http://www.ggc-stream.com/search/server/guid 5/22/10 8:11 PM [b.H]Mentozz MD5TOOL #9002 GGC-Stream I suggest you appeal at their site.
  8. Well, if Google Translated anywhere near close... Doubt that it is PBBANS related from that but probably wrong...
  9. Wonder if the maps in that would have that blue monochrome look as well as the new releases. I didn't have much love for the beta and tonight while I was bored I reinstalled Frontlines Fuel of War; Still love that game and the graphics are amazing. Sad how the EA titles have changed so much. Not for the better as I see it. IMO, they have got to quit worrying so much about the console like stats and concentrate on quality. The last 2 releases look terrible compared to cod4 and 5. The next cod looks to have some killer graphics. Guess I will stick with my old EA BF games. The new ones don't compare at all.
  10. From the yahoo post...
  11. Well, not sure how to rectify that. You could try to notify all the regulars ingame and on your website. They would eventually find you but its tough. We went through that some years back and it took a lot of effort to bring things back. The only other option is to hang on and hope things improve.
  12. These guys are going to handle our dedicated; they can hook you up or there are others around here as well.
  13. If you are the marrr from another site... :rolleyes: Then yes I think you do as well...
  14. Just an update from our end. We decided to leave after our servers expired to move on to another host. The other host did not provide what was agreed to so I decided to give LPGS a chance to see what they could do for us with a dedicated server. Since some tickets from before and my complaints here; things from their end seem to have improved. Trevor and William have been very helpful and timely in their responses and we have reached a deal. Not happy that Andy had to move on but understand why he did. We will see how things work with new management but are pleased at this point with the resolution. I felt it only fair to post what efforts they have made to make things right and provide quality service. Hopefully it continues and so far they have turned around my original opinions. ;)
  15. Shows as not streaming. What game as that port seems unusual. I assume you added the server in server management?
  16. Your starting to sound as sarcastic as me... :P
  17. I do appreciate all the effort from both of you and hope for the best in the future. When things calm down we will see how it goes; Thank you all.
  18. Live, I appreciate the effort, I really do. Seems they took offense to my concerns since none of the servers work now except TF2. Removed all payment info from there and purchased a dedicated with a different provider. Just as I expected it to be as I told you in our parting chats.... Its a damn shame.
  19. I would have to agree with you there. It just does not impress me at all since I have games like that already... :lol: I find I spend a lot of my time in older games these days as there really isn't anything I want to play as far as the new releases.
  20. That may be but ours is American and is down still after a very long wait. Added to the ticket again and did not restart the server. I have to offer my opinion as you know I would; I am a patient man to a point but when equipment and services do not work I lose that patience very fast. There is very little support now, never anyone in live chat, and very lengthy times waiting on a ticket response. Currently for me there is nothing setting LPGS apart from anyone else. Server payment on all servers will be due within 4 days; the amount is very close to a dedicated server from another provider that will meet the statistics of our best server at this point. Things are still not right with our TF2 server crashing often; every plugin was removed and a complete reinstall done on more than 1 occasion. We procured a second server from an outside source to determine if it was game / Steam related. It is the server. The second server has 100% uptime over 3 weeks with more slots. I have to say that I expected that this would happen after the sale. I am also man enough to give LPGS a chance to set things right. If not then they will be replaced by someone who can get the job done in a timely manner AND correctly. Sorry Trevor as it isn't personal but pushing 70 - 80 hours a week at work myself I need to rely on those that can resolve the issues in a timely manner.
  21. My fears exactly. I see this as a test phase and if they get huge numbers it will most certainly be the new thing from Valve / Steam. Magnet I get pi**ed off in under 10 minutes playing that game. Don't get me wrong, we have 2 servers but I let a clan member run them as I really don't have the patience for the game. I did try to like it as well; I really did.
  22. You would be correct. Steam also makes money from each distro, regardless of game creator. They aren't in it for the fun... ;)
  23. Well, that isn't entirely true actually. The L4D2 Server thing does suck but as long as you keep a copy it is mostly just an inconvenience. I purchased Railworks, a single player game. I love the game, it is quiet, peaceful, and has great scenery. A nice game to play but if you were to download all the content you would have over $1000.00 involved. Yes the figure is correct and yes it is a lifetime of content but still money. Now to offset that there is a fair amount of user created content that is free to install and use. It has a vast community following it. You can create your own. Or, you can wait for a given item to drop in price and snap it up then. There are several games that Steam does offer DLC for free and that is great; You would not have that if the developer would not allow for it. The Passing comes to mind as well as the next item coming for L4D2. I like the Tripwire idea and know that is going to be a great game in the short term. It just depends on how long the user base sticks with it. If community support is strong the game obviously will also be. Just my 2 cents as it were... :)
  24. Thanks Magnet!

    1. HSMagnet


      lol i just noticed this. you're welcome!

  25. Andy, You know how much I hate this fact... Still, as we have always said and done in our own community, family always comes first. Personal life always comes first. We wish you the best and hope that we will see you around when you have the time and maybe even find you in game now and again. Good Luck! :(
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