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Everything posted by =GoMg=THE__DRIFTER

  1. I don't often respond to posts like this. Having been in the gaming community for nearly a decade and seeing what you have posted here and on your site only upholds what PBBANS and the community expects from clans, groups, and players. I see that you state that PBBANS has mistreated you. I also see where you claim PB itself has "wronged" you to... Well I am sure the world is not against you. Time to man up, deal with your issues and quit blaming everyone else. What "respect" are you offering us? Insults and accusations on your website? Impressive. :rolleyes:
  2. From the beta's to the RC I found that at least in general testing this OS seems to be decent. While I am no supporter of Windows it seems as though they have listened and it runs well. No one knows how it will be bloated on release but so far I am willing to spend the money when I build my new system this fall. I hope it isn't a disappointment but heck after wasting my money on CoD 5 I am willing to give it a fair shot. :rolleyes:
  3. So far the patch for me has been ok and has allowed me to play coop which is a surprise. Trearch sucks but since it seems IW will be handling the code from here on I do continue to be hopeful. 5 was a disaster. Hopefully 6 will be better and more secure....
  4. Taz... There is no prestige in this game what so ever.....
  5. Near as I can tell, not more than a few. I have no issue with that at this point. Major issue is getting the servers going first. I am able to get into more now and it plays horrible. At least I can get in since the latest update. Once the rest comes into line then I think PB and Admins can concentrate on the bs that comes into the servers... ;)
  6. Right Taz but how many actually have people in them? Furthermore, how many can you actually join?
  7. Maydax, My understanding is that currently PB is being defaulted to off. Should we still update these now or wait?
  8. I finally got through the Marksmanship training but now it freezes on the next training.... :rolleyes:
  9. I knew that AA was going this direction.; Since I cannot get past the second training mission I cannot confirm anything. Hope I can play but it doesn't look good...
  10. I have keys for both downloaded and "hard copy" games; I am a bit confused here. I have not noticed my guid changing so maybe my current version of the "downloader" is out of date.... :rolleyes:
  11. I don't play it either as I have no interests in zombies... I do understand the effort though although like all companies Valve is out for money. I joined and am active but doubt little will come from this small-fries posts.... ;)
  12. Ok Maydax, thanks. I have no issue with VAC but I am familiar with PB and even with its bugs works to a large degree. Of course I have not seen any server code so maybe I am thinking too much. I guess we will know in a week or so... B)
  13. Original shot seems to me to be a bombing run coming in but I have been wrong before...
  14. The only answer I cannot seem to get; is this going to be a VAC secured game or PB? One would assume that since it is available on Steam and is based on the UT3 engine that PB is no longer relevant. Strictly an opinion and concern at this point.
  15. Sweet... I have been spending much more time with this. I liked the last version and have really had little issue with it but I will put the new version on to test it. I am still very much a noob with this but still enjoy myself. :)
  16. I will attempt to mess with it again. I need a new drive anyway so I can use that to rule out the drive issue just in case. From what I have read on technet and various other forums it seems that for some certain things work and for others nothing. I am going to do a format and fresh install to see if anything changes after each patch. I don't want to spend money on a new Os for now until I decide what the best option will be. About time for a new system anyway, especially with the new AA coming some day. Too much money to solve a dvd issue though... :rolleyes: Say hello to the format command...
  17. I have a very odd issue. I created a boot disk from the windows 7 .iso and nothing shows when I view it on my desk top computer running XP professional SP3. What is strange is that the files are in fact there because when I put it in my laptop running Vista it loads fine and also will boot from the dvd fine. I have heard that SP3 may have caused this but not sure. I have been searching and researching but cannot get this fixed. It seems strange that the desktop will burn the disk but yet it cannot "see" them. It will not boot from it either. I am hoping someone has an idea. :blink:
  18. Tim I checked to see if it is streaming and it gives a not found.
  19. Well, I can't shoot... :rolleyes:
  20. They may still be offering up some additional chances. I don't know but hopefully. I would like to get involved as a beta as well.... ;)
  21. Great to see when the system works as intended. Nothing gives me that warm fuzzy feeling more than the smell of a fresh ban in the morning... Thanks PB ! :D
  22. This is why we used to run the combined scripts on our servers. It isn't bad enough that the pistol is a sniper weapon but to then bring it to near full auto speed by attaching it to a mouse wheel just speaks for the type of players we were glad to see leave. Granted its in the game; just like jumping into a "power up, level up, etc" server in CoD5. I find it amusing that people using these servers brag about the "prestige" after ranking to that magic point to get those levels. Where is the "prestige"? Drop in on of these servers stay for 2 hours and you have reached 65. Players like myself that play on servers as intended are at a disadvantage. I do not think any weapon intended for single, burst, semi-auto fire should ever be attached to anything that can alter its fire rate. If you have a fast finger thats great. If you are using some form of "tool" ... to get around it then you deserved to be kicked at a minimum. Sure I know its in the games; just like the rest of the holes in the code, but in my opinion one that should not be used.
  23. I have done both... Looks like this is really going to have the potential of stirring up some interest in AA again. Having my start in online gaming in AA I hope this encourages some older players to dust off their weapons and come back to the game. I would love to Beta test this game. ;)
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