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Everything posted by =GoMg=THE__DRIFTER

  1. Will dump a donation on Friday... Thanks for the effort!
  2. Dan I know there were some serious issues over there. We dropped our dedicated some time back but had a member waiting over 2 weeks without response after he ordered another server. Not really sure what is really happening.
  3. If we are going to post a link for screenshots lets make them viewable without registering.... Just my opinion of course.
  4. Garbage, absolute garbage. I sure hope the non beta is better.
  5. Siskin I can't read this post at the moment as I have no streaming servers. After CBL went down we had to move our dedi and in the process have no servers to stream. If this is of major importance then bear with us until the new machine comes online...
  6. What confuses me here is whether he is referring to PBBANS or Evenbalance PB. Either way, I love seeing these people come in to our servers and cheat, exploit, cuss, argue rules, and act like all the world is at fault for THEIR actions. We ban people every day on our servers and not because they are so "good" or whatever excuse works at the moment. We use two AC banlists, and our personal list grows day by day. I won't waste time posting the screenshots.... (All kicks and bans in our servers require screenshots of the offender showing their actions). Most are not hacks but those with a blatant disregard for the clean and decent players in the servers. I am sure there is some background on this one but I could care less. I would rather play with 10 clean and respectful players than with 20 of the type we see more and more of these days.
  7. I am running everything inside the pbsvuser.cfg I don't use an extra file and it stays cleaner that way as well...
  8. Maybe it is not something that an anticheat can or will ban for we check for it on our servers and will warn, kick, and ban as needed. It is about a level field of play in our book and server attendance backs that up. Sad that code is not in place but it is that way for now. Sure we wont be the top site to play but I would rather have 50 that play for the greater good than 100 that only care about their stats.
  9. Thanks a bunch all. Trying to provide a bit of something different for our users to take a break from CoD4. This was fun when we played it some time ago and it's still free... :rolleyes:
  10. Should I set up etpub or pro in some fashion?
  11. Yes; version 2.60b . I am very new to this side of ET. Even a good resource would be helpful as I am very lost.
  12. Guys we have several servers from AA, through CoD and beyond. We are having a terrible time with admin control. We need a way to kick and ban as will as some decent guide to the setup. I have played several times and just don't seem to be able to get the server set up correctly. Runs well but needs configuration tweaks. Any experienced admin / players are welcome to help out... :rolleyes:
  13. Topic Title: Hub Game: AAO Clantag: {G-Men}
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