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Everything posted by =GoMg=THE__DRIFTER

  1. Something I would expect from a 20 something era player. The days of true online play are over. Console noobs have taken over and give everything to a company that is more about money than standards or true classic gaming. People make statements, petitions, or otherwise yet continue to back something that many have decided is not the direction things should travel. I could go on over this but it would be pointless. No standards; No etiquette, no nothing. Todays world I suppose but still a disappointment to those of us here for the duration. Every day I read posts such as this it makes me sick to know this is the road we will travel. I won't and some others will. Choice I suppose.
  2. And here I thought this new version was gonna be the end all save all to fix the issues.... :lol:
  3. You still padded their pockets though didn't ya.... :blink:
  4. Wonder if they are paying attention yet; Wonder if they care too. As a shareholder I think I would want answers....
  5. Well, ya know... Bob knows. :rolleyes:
  6. I think this is the most clear and concise statement I have read in quite some time. Us old farts can't keep up with you youngsters these days... Seriously though, it is a great post and pretty much sums up our opinions as a group. ;)
  7. Doesn't really matter how many didn't notice but more about those that do. I really don't care how many copies they eventually sell. I didn't and wont spend MY money unless some serious changes are made. Each person has to determine for themselves what matters and what doesn't. It seems obvious enough that they pissed of a significant amount of people. Lets see how many actually have a back bone and not a wishbone....
  8. x2, except I will still have $60.00 in my pocket... :rolleyes:
  9. Actually we do. Console players make one purchase. Maybe a small monthly subscription should they make the net a pay per month. Look at it from a realistic stance; BF and such games, CoD, and several others run from dedicated servers. How much of that money purchasing servers goes to the game creators; be sure that they get a royalty for every game server out there. How long has the BF or CoD or any other long term game been out there with thousands of servers? Just a post from our forums.... People need to quit whining and stand up... Many have been... They are shooting themselves in the foot with this even though they can't see it yet. They will.
  10. Also signed and canceled the pre-ordered server... Hadn't pre-ordered the game anyway. 15,500 + so far....
  11. Canceled the pre-ordered server and my copies of the game. Really a sad state of affairs these days with these games. I will stick with the old tried and true games.
  12. Should although I don't think that normally stays up after using it for selection. Cant remember though so I may have to reinstall the game as it has me wondering.
  13. Have not tried sniper class yet but I have noticed my hits with the ones I've tried seem better.
  14. So far it seems to be decent. Overall pretty good gaming experience and had some fun pubbing on the new map. I don't play it enough anymore so I hope that at least the major issues are fixed.
  15. This is true. I suppose that I should be grateful if it actually fixes the issues and doesn't create any bigger ones; still maybe some "credits" to offset the cost of another game or something only seems fair. Anyhow, I guess we will find out soon enough... B)
  16. I love the fact that all the expansions that I paid for are now free. What is EA doing for those that actually paid for these expansions? Nothing I suppose. EA will never get another cent from us. I see no problem with the patch if it fixes things in BF2 but basically all of us that paid for expansions are getting screwed with this new update.
  17. Great to see you back and it IS great to be back again! B)
  18. True and that is why I will be waiting on the reviews of the community here. I really hope the next version justifies capital investment. After seeing the type of random players from 4 and 5 I am unsure at this point whether it is worth investing in at all. Still, I will withhold my opinion until the release. I had such big hopes for AA3 but that went down the toilet as well. I suppose we are in a circling position at this point.
  19. LoL Road Warrior... Duality I have not tried that game but I may have to. Sadly I still love the BF series but still waiting to see if or when the 1.5 patch ever comes out and if it actually fixes anything. I have the whole series to this point of that game. Shooting 50 cent now there is an idea. Dunno, building a new system and need a decent game to spend useless hours gaming so I hope the fall brings some decent games.
  20. Very true Magnet. Once bitten twice shy as it were. They have much to prove in the next rendition. They may have a lot of money coming in but it won't be my money this time. Look around for the disappointed owners; It isn't hard to find the general opinion. IW had a pretty good game in 4 albeit with a few bugs. Far better than Waw though which left holes in the code big enough for a bus to drive through. I hope that the future will bring us back to the game but for now it is a wait and see proposition.
  21. Why do they insist on dragging this game further down into the trash heap? I would think that after the "WaW" debacle they would seriously consider what they do with the next version. Oh well, maybe the demo, if there is one will help me decide if I will waste another chunk of change in software or just invest it in beer. :rolleyes: At least that way I can send it on its way to the toilet having had some enjoyment at least... :lol:
  22. Pretty scary road we are traveling these days Taz...
  23. Don't get me wrong Blackwolf; I love Ubuntu although I must confess I am a bit green in its usage. I would run Linux or a derivative any day if it were to support all the programs I use but since most are a bit dicey at best I cannot rely on that Os. For many regular activities I do it is fine. If I am mistaken here please tell me so and then pm me how to fix this issue. I do agree with the Os load time though. Very fast... :)
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